Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 36: Dual Cultivation: A More Than Professional Business Transaction

Chapter 36: Dual Cultivation: A More Than Professional Business Transaction

Behind closed doors.

Yang Wei and Mu Lin kicked it in Yang Wei's study hall.

The table was decked out with Mu Lin's homemade feast – Glutinous Rice Dumplings with Sweet Fillings, to be precise.

These were soft, chewy dumplings packed with red bean paste, lotus seed paste, and sweetened ground peanuts.

Yang Wei went to town on the dumplings, stuffing his face with every bite.

"Nom, nom, nom! Mmmm... This tastes amazing!"

While Yang Wei was on his dumpling adventure, Mu Lin, with her big brown eyes, gave the scrolls on the table a once-over.

She pointed to them, saying, "Oh? It looks like you've been studying quite diligently, Junior Brother— There's a lot of scrolls here... Soul Harmony Attunement Arts, Dragon Vein Cultivation and even..." She took a moment; sort of a pause for dramatic effect and then grinned like a mischievous cat before glancing sideways, and smoothly uttering, "Dual Cultivation~~"

Yang Wei, mid-bite, choked on his dumplings, causing a full-blown coughing fit.

"Brother Yang!"

Mu Lin dashed over, grabbing a ceramic water pot and filling a cup.

Thrusting it at him, she said, "Drink up, Junior Brother."

Yang Wei took the cup and sipped it slowly, cooling down his throat.

When he finished, he sighed in relief, clearly caught off guard by Mu Lin dropping the Dual Cultivation bomb.

Yang Wei rubbed his chest gently, taking deep breaths to regain composure.

Meanwhile, Mu Lin leaned on his desk, resting her face on her palms with elbows on the table.

In her current posture, her breasts were artfully displayed— one which allowed one to see them in a more provocative light; the thickness and fleshiness of her cleavage.

While not the largest, the well-rounded form that her breasts possessed, exuded a arousing attraction that truly highlighted their firmness and plumpness.

Her arched back accentuated the curvature of her buttocks, elevating them like torpedoes, while they gracefully peaked just behind her head, resembling two meaty hilltops.

Surprisingly, the most alluring aspect of this pose was its inherent innocence.

She didn't anticipate this position being more seductive than her usual demeanor—it was a naturally erotic stance.

Yang Wei's eyes were drawn to these pearl-like breasts of hers as they sensually pressed together, gracefully hanging heavily on her chest.

It wasn't something he had control over.

"Don't you have anything better to do than watch me eat and choke?" he asked.

Mu Lin grinned, responding playfully, "Are you sure that's all bothering you?" She blinked flirtatiously at him, adding, "Hm? Junior Brother~~"

Yang Wei stood up, closing his eyes and clearing his throat. "Nevermind," he muttered, peeking at her shapely buttocks. Nodding analytically, he opened one eye, saying, "Well played."

Seriously, Wei, you fell for such a cheap trick? You're supposed to be a talented mage slash cultivator, not a love-struck teenager. Come on, you've cultivated your Qi to new heights, honed your magic beyond excellence. You've faced fierce opponents, and now you're just a puddle because of a smile? Get a grip!

Yang Wei tried to maintain his composure, but Mu Lin's antics were proving to be an unexpected challenge

This is ridiculous. I am not a man who gives in to temptation. I've braved treacherous realms, faced mythical beasts, and now I'm succumbing to... this? Preposterous!

Clearing his throat, Yang Wei questioned Mu Lin.

"So, was bringing me this food the only reason you came here today?"

Mu Lin, maintaining her subtly provocative stance, leaned over Yang Wei's table and gracefully extended her arms. As her previously elevated buttocks gently descended, she casually picked up a dumpling and took a delicate nibble. Flashing a smile, she then gazed flirtatiously at Yang Wei with a sidelong glance.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me. Besides, you haven't even finished your food yet..."

She paused in her dumpling nibbling, lifted it slightly, and playfully waved it at Yang Wei.

Yang Wei sighed, tiredly scratching the back of his head.

"Honestly, I do want to get rid of you."

He went straight for the bullseye.

Mu Lin's cheeky smile turned into confusion.

Her narrowed seductive eyes widened in shock.

"Wait, what? Y... You want to get rid of me?" she asked.

Yang Wei gave her a thumbs up. "That's correct," he stated plainly.

Gritting her teeth, Mu Lin looked at him incredulously.

This ingrate...! I bring him food, make an effort to change my approach—okay, maybe not entirely, but cut me some slack. And he still treats me like this?! I didn't even try to seduce this time. I can't help it if my body is basically the pinnacle of men's desires.

Then, she shook her head vigorously.

It was almost as though she was trying to stay in character— she was.

"B... But why? Did I do something wrong?" She asked. "Remember, you already agreed to be my dual cultivation partner, right? You can't take that back now."

Yang Wei, hand on his chin, thought deeply. "Well," he began, looking at Mu Lin, "we can still be dual cultivation partners, scandalous as it may be, but I don't want it to go beyond that."

Rolling her eyes, Mu Lin rose off the table, walking over to Yang Wei.

"Why say that? What's the matter~~?" she asked with a voice as sweet as honey.

Yang Wei remained calm and silent.

Mu Lin then proudly placed a hand on her chest and asked, "Are you afraid you'll completely fall in love with me?"

Yang Wei playfully flicked Mu Lin's forehead with his fingers, taking advantage of his height.

Mu Lin, reacting like a scolded child, took a step back, holding her forehead and grumbling.

Covering the spot he flicked, she frowned at him, warning, "Don't try that again."

Yang Wei, unimpressed, yawned, responding with a casual "Whatever."

Mu Lin cleared her throat professionally, a touch of embarrassment in her demeanor.

"I'll only let such disrespect slide this time because we're dual cultivation partners."

Looking away and placing her hands behind her back, she marched towards another corner of the room.

She was like a general who was strategizing in a war room.

"I predicted something of this manner would happen, so, I made a back up plan, just in case."

"A contingency plan?" Yang Wei questioned, curious as he observed her.

Mu Lin pulled out her storage pouch.

"This whole dual cultivation thing is just a transaction, alright? No falling in love, as if that could even happen. Nevertheless, I'm willing to throw in some cultivation resources as a reward for each successful session – in order to keep our arrangement more... Professional~~"

Yang Wei, slouching a bit and folding his arms, hummed thoughtfully. Rubbing his chin, he suggested, "So, this is some sort of reverse prostitution then."

Mu Lin gritted her teeth, vehemently denying it.

"NO! It's a mutually consenting business transaction from one cultivator to another!"

Yang Wei, nonchalant, shrugged. "I was kidding," he dryly said.

Mu Lin sighed, urging him, "Enough of that."

Mu Lin set her storage pouch on the table.

She emptied it.

The storage pouch revealed small sacks of spirit stones, bottles of medicines, martial arts manuals, breathing technique scrolls, and various artifacts for accelerated cultivation.

"These... are what I have to offer."

Mu Lin had a mischievous grin on her face as she presented Yang Wei with the resources that would accelerate his cultivation to a higher level. "With these, you could reach Mortal Disciple status in just a month," she assured him.

Yang Wei stroked his chin, deep in thought. "Hmm, I see," he mused, carefully examining what she offered.

Mu Lin watched him intently, her smile growing more confident.

"This could be the push you need," she chimed in.

Certainly, this wasn't some gift or a stand-in for cash in exchange for his dual cultivation services.

Rather, it was more of an incentive—a little push to get him thinking about dual cultivation as a practical method to enhance his cultivation, all while maintaining a professional approach.

Yang Wei sighed and then looked at her. "You know, what you're offering is too good to refuse. I'd be a fool to say no," he finally admitted.

Mu Lin's smile widened and she moved closer to him.

When I last dropped by, I sensed his heightened awareness of the Mortal Realm, suggesting he'd reached Mortal Initiate status. So, I brought these resources tailored for a Mortal Initiate's cultivation base. I mean, who in their right mind would refuse these? Even a three-year old can tell its worth.

"So, is that a yes?" Mu Lin asked.

Her brown eyes flashed with expectation.

Yang Wei nodded. "Yeah, of course," he replied.

Mu Lin took his hands and interlocked her fingers with his. "Good," she said with a commanding stare. "Now, are you ready to dual cultivate with me? I'm at the 6th level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, and you're going to help me break through."

After her proposition, she licked her lips sensually, gazing at Yang Wei with heavy desire.


Chapter 37 Preview: "Come, let's dual cultivate, Junior Brother~"

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