Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

Chapter 9: Selected.

Chapter 9: Selected.

The multi-dimensional space was filled with the utterances of confusion as all three matriarchs, including Mu Lingxi, repeated the word in unison, "Farmer?"

Yang Wei hovered in his meditative position in the empty space and scratched his head while saying, "I've forgotten what you guys call yourselves again," then he pointed from the three matriarchs to Mu Lingxi.

Second Matriarch Míng Huīrán, slammed the table and burst into laughter before exclaiming, "Oh, he must mean Cultivators! That's the first time I've heard someone call us farmers!"

Third Matriarch Yuèhuī Ménglóng, simply folded her arms, scoffed, and retorted, "As expected from a man, hmph!"

Mu Lingxi, on the other hand, held her face in her hand and sighed heavily.

He even finds ways to embarrass me outside fights... she thought, much to her embarrassment.

Head Matriarch Liáng Xīnyuè then gave a short, thoughtful hum and looked at Yang Wei before telling him, "You're certainly a peculiar one, without a doubt."

Yang Wei smiled and asked, "How so?"

"What exactly is your reason for wanting to become a cultivator...? After all, you effortlessly defeated Elite Disciple Lingxi in battle. So, in terms of general power, you're likely several realms above that of 2nd Path Cultivation. Many cultivators would kill for such an opportunity, and I don't mean that as an exaggeration."

Yang Wei asked her, "So, you want to know my reason?"

Míng Huīrán playfully waved her hand and exclaimed, "Ooooh, me too!"

With a serious expression, Yang Wei explained his reason to them.

"In my world, I was born somewhere around nine hundred years ago. And that day came to be known as the Great Shift— because an unprecedented genius had been given birth to. My power was above even the best of my peers, I was famous even without needing to put so much as a single effort. My clan was the strongest in existence, but I pushed their status beyond what existence could comprehend. And naturally, this made me a force that had to be disgraced somehow. The entire world wanted to see my downfall, but of course, I loved that... Because they failed every single time. Even if they fought me a thousand times, I would win each and every single round without breaking a sweat. I've attained the pinnacle of power with my magic, and now, this Cultivation you speak of, might just be my only hope..."

The only chance he would have to experience a challenge again.

After he finished, Head Matriarch Liáng Xīnyuè turned to 3rd Matriarch Yuèhuī Ménglóng, "So, what do you think?" she asked her.

Yuèhuī Ménglóng's expression remained calm as she responded, "In all honesty, he has a valid reason for wanting to become a Cultivator. However, it's not for us to decide which occupational path he chooses to follow."

Head Matriarch Liáng Xīnyuè then awkwardly suggested, "Uh, I'm guessing the reason he asked was because he's seeking support from our sect..."

Yuèhuī Ménglóng uttered, "Huh?"

"As expected, you missed the point," the Head Matriarch laughed a bit.

It was a habit of the Blossom Dragon Moon to do such a thing. She unintentionally switched off her brain to most of the things supposedly lesser lifeforms told her.

The 2nd Matriarch sighed and then turned to Míng Huīrán. "What do you think?" she asked her.

Míng Huīrán was already tearing up like a child as she said, "It's so sad. The poor guy just wanted a challenge but was just too powerful for his world's people..."

The other two matriarchs sighed as they watched Matriarch Míng acting childish again.

Matriarch Míng Huīrán leaned over and whispered into Matriarch Liáng Xīnyuè's ear, "You should definitely make Yangy an Elite Disciple... No, a Missionary Elder, or even better, a Patriarch~~!"

Matriarch Liáng sighed and replied, "You know none of that is possible, right?"

Matriarch Yuèhuī Ménglóng added, "Especially when he calls cultivators 'farmers'..."

Yang Wei and Matriarch Míng exchanged a glance before both sighing in unison and admitting, "It was just one mistake!"

The other two matriarchs looked at them, and Matriarch Yuèhuī remarked, "Wow, you two are in sync."

She's calling him Yangy now? Somehow I wish the matriarch weren't so outgoing with him... That was all Mu Lingxi could think about as she observed the proceedings.

Suddenly, Matriarch Míng vanished and reappeared behind Yang Wei.

She gently placed her hands on his shoulders and softly rubbed them as she declared, "You might already be my favorite cultivator."

Yang Wei shifted his gaze toward her and retorted, "But I'm not a cultivator yet."

Matriarch Míng patted his head gently and reassured him, "In time, you will become one. Maybe then, we could cultivate together."

Matriarch Yuèhuī's cheeks reddened as she stood up and firmly told Matriarch Míng, "NO! That's an absolutely vulgar and inappropriate thing to tell a non-cultivator, it shouldn't even be accepted as a form of play!"

She knew what Matriarch Míng meant when she said she wanted to cultivate together with Yang Wei. And that was enough to make her lose her usually locked in composure.

Matriarch Míng placed her hands on her waist, shot her large, heavy breasts forward and grinned, "It doesn't matter. I, Míng Huīrán, have more seniority than you, Ménglóng."

Matriarch Yuèhuī turned to Matriarch Liáng and voiced her disagreement, "You absolutely can't allow this, right?!"

Matriarch Liáng sighed and said, "Of course it isn't allowed..."

"Good." Matriarch Yuèhuī was relieved.

However, Matriarch Liáng wasn't done yet.

"Still, I wouldn't mind cultivating with an available, decent male cultivator from this world who's on our realm of cultivation. As it is, I barely get an action from men unless I travel to other major worlds, and in all honesty... It's a tedious affair."

Matriarch Míng clapped her hands in excitement and announced, "Yippee, Yangy's going to cultivate with us!"

"Yangy?" Yang Wei turned to Matriarch Míng and objected, "Who said you could call me that?"

"Even if for a slim chance we were to allow you cultivate with us, before you could even hope to reach such a level, it would take several countless centuries of frustration..." Matriarch Liáng pointed out.

Yang Wei picked his ear with his pinky finger as he nonchalantly replied, "Eh, a few countless centuries doesn't sound so bad," he smiled.

Following this statement, Matriarch Míng flexed her biceps and then said, "Aye! Nothing's too much for my Yangy!"

Matriarch Liáng smiled at Yang Wei, she loved his temperament.

However, Matriarch Yuèhuī remained unimpressed and serious as he first stepped in here.

Honestly, the matriarchs aren't what I expected... Mu Lingxi watched in shock.

Matriarch Liáng fixed her gaze on Mu Lingxi and directed at her, "What do you think, Elite Disciple?"

In reply, Mu Lingxi perked up, shooting back, "What about me?"

Confusion swirled in her eyes as she sought clarification.

Matriarch Liáng brought her inquiry into sharper focus and asked, "What are your thoughts on Yang Wei joining the Dragon Blossom Sect as a cultivator?"

Glancing at Yang Wei and then at the three matriarchs, Mu Lingxi took her time to ponder.

I don't think I should have any say in whether or not he becomes a cultivator in this sect. From what I've seen, he's more than suited to become... He embodies it. He's strong, motivated, without a doubt sure of what he wants and finally, he's diligent... Eh, well when it counts at least. And more than anything, I know I can learn a lot from him if he sticks around. I'm not so proud that I would my own shortcomings and deprive myself from growing.

Finally, she responded, "Yang Wei is an ideal candidate for this sect. Placing him elsewhere would waste his talents, and he might become entangled with weaker women who cannot handle his abilities. The undesirable outcome likely being he'll disappear."

She relayed her thoughts in a decisive tone.

Matriarch Liáng mulled over Mu Lingxi's response, mumbling a thoughtful "hmm." She then nodded, "Thank you, for your honest answer."

The latter humbly bowed her head and said, "I am honored."

Shifting her attention to Yang Wei, Matriarch Liáng spoke.

"In terms of strength, you are far above the standards of the Inner Sect. However, your cultivation level falls short for the Outer Sect. Moreover, you'd still require a master even in the Inner Sect, and that's usually chosen from the Peaks or Missionary Elders."

Yang Wei acknowledged with a simple "I see."

Matriarch Míng suggested, "We need a way to place him in the Inner Sect at minimum... There, he can work a hundred times harder than all those lazy 1st Path Cultivators and leave them in the dust."

Matriarch Yuèhuī chimed in, "Bear in mind, he has already caused a commotion among some sect members and would struggle in the learning environment. It's unfair to the others, given his lack of knowledge. If he truly seeks a challenge, he should start by participating in the Peaks' Outer Sect competition to earn his place."

"Sounds fun," Yang Wei snapped his fingers in agreement.

Mu Lingxi found the courage to voice yet another suggestion, "Excuse me. I have another proposition."

Matriarch Yuèhuī inquired, "What is it?"

She explained,

"My father, Chief Mu, is one of the Peak Elders, and I myself am a Missionary Elder. I could always act as though he's a newly recruited disciple planning to partake in the Outer Sect competition— it won't only clear any doubts or unnecessary questions, but it'll also give me a chance to teach him more about cultivation in the Spirit Harmony Peak until we host our Outer Sect competition."

Matriarch Liáng rubbed her chin. "I personally would've preferred Grandmaster Lin Feng, but Chief Mu's territory might just be the best choice for him."

"That means..." Yang Wei paused. "I've been accepted right?"

Matriarch Liáng nodded. "Indeed!"

"Splendid!" Matriarch Míng did a fist pump.

However, Matriarch Yuèhuī simply shrugged. "Whatever, at least I won't have to see you again."

And during this, all Mu Lingxi did was smile.

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