Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World


Chapter -1: Cultivation.

The information is not complete, so it'll be a little shorter...


In this novel, mortals possess the ability to embark on a path of cultivation, aspiring to transform into immortals – formidable entities in pursuit of eternal life through the Greater Dao.

The journey of cultivation is segmented into distinct realms, with each realm further subdivided into numerous stages.

- Path, the deeper study of cultivation, the more paths you turn to, the more your comprehension of your mortal existence bolsters. From nothing, to the Lesser Dao, to the all quintessential Greater Dao.

- Spirit Root, one's source of cultivation. Without it, you are left to struggle and live a mortal life of pain and futility. Without a spirit root a mortal, more clearly, a human, is incapable of cultivation.

- Cultivation Base, it's a person's progress along the path of cultivation. It is the source of everything that makes them a cultivator— their longevity, immense power and superior existence.

- Qi, vital energy that exists within all things. It can be refined into different forms.

- Dao, the deeper study. There are four levels of the Dao, each one infinite times stronger than the other, it is only one's attitude and comprehension of it that is the limit. There is the Lesser Dao, Greater Lesser Dao, Lesser Greater Dao and Greater Dao. With it, all that is possible can be made impossible and all that is impossible can be made possible.

- The Three Traditions, when a cultivator becomes a Nascent Soul Master, their sensitivity to the The Three Traditions increases. There is the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. Each one must is required at certain Paths of cultivation. It is defined as the Three Ultimate Powers of Cultivation.


1st Path Cultivation.

For mortals who aren't naturally attuned to the path of cultivation, they must first comprehend the Vital Qi Practice.

The Foundation Manual of Vital Qi serves as the fundamental guide for aspiring cultivators in their cultivation journey. It focuses on harnessing and enhancing Vital Qi. The manual is designed to impart a solid foundation, incorporating basic stances and breathing techniques essential for the initiation of cultivation.

It unlocks one's sensitivity to Essence Qi.

Vital Qi is the secondary life force that permeates the body. It is a derivative or watered-down version of Primordial Qi.

The 8 Stages of the Vital Qi Practice:

1. Qi Awareness Meditation:

- Sit in a comfortable position, spine straight, and close your eyes.

- Focus on the breath, inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

- Direct mental attention to the body, cultivating awareness of the flow of Qi within.

2. Dantian Activation:

- Locate the lower Dantian, a center of Qi energy located in the lower abdomen.

- Inhale deeply, visualizing Qi gathering in the Dantian.

- Exhale, allowing the Qi to spread and circulate throughout the body.

3. Four Pillars Stance:

- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.

- Raise arms to shoulder level, palms facing the ground.

- Focus on grounding and stability, connecting with the earth's Qi.

4. Breath Harmonization Technique:

- Inhale deeply for a count of four, allowing the abdomen to expand.

- Hold the breath for a count of four.

- Exhale slowly for a count of four, contracting the abdomen.

- Repeat, synchronizing breath with Qi circulation.

5. Vital Pulse Visualization:

- During meditation, visualize the pulse of Vital Qi circulating through meridians.

- Imagine the Qi as a warm, glowing light, nourishing every cell and organ.

6. Three Harmonies Breath:

- Inhale deeply into the lower abdomen, feeling the expansion.

- Continue inhaling to fill the middle chest.

- Complete the breath, expanding the upper chest.

- Exhale in reverse order, promoting balanced Qi flow.

7. Steadfast Mountain Posture:

- Stand with feet together, arms relaxed at sides.

- Imagine roots extending from your feet into the earth.

- Engage a gentle, steady breath, cultivating resilience and endurance.

8. Qi Channeling Mudra:

- Form a circular shape with thumb and forefinger, creating a closed circuit.

- Channel Qi by visualizing its flow through the fingers, creating a harmonious loop.


Essence Qi is the foundational energy refined from the condensing Qi. It is the purest form of Qi and is used to nurture and strengthen the physical body. Cultivators use Essence Qi to enhance their physical abilities, improve their constitution, and increase their lifespan.

I. Mortal Realm:

- Mortal Initiate

- 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels.

The starting point of cultivation, where individuals learn basic martial arts and meditation techniques to strengthen their bodies and improve their mental focus.

- Mortal Disciple:

- 4th, 5th and 6th levels.

After receiving guidance from a sect or experienced cultivator, Mortal Initiates become Mortal Disciples. They continue their training, refining their Essence Qi and honing their martial skills.

- Mortal King:

- 7th, 8th and 9th levels.

Mortal Disciples who show exceptional talent and progress are promoted to the Mortal King level. They gain access to more advanced cultivation techniques.


In 1st Path Cultivation, the three special types of meridians are introduced at the Mortal King level. This stage signifies a significant advancement in a cultivator's journey, making it an opportune time to unlock these profound connections with celestial, earthly, and mortal energies.

As a cultivator crosses into the Spirit Gathering Realm, they require an extra set of meridians which determines their cultivational foundation for the rest of their cultivation journey.

This stage also determines how far a cultivator will go in the Paths.

1. Stellar Essence Meridians:

- These meridians channel the essence of the stars, endowing cultivators with extended life and a robust foundation for advanced cultivation.

It also increases the cultivator's lifespan by 400 years.

One with these meridians has limitless potential, meaning they can advance to 2nd Path Cultivation and above.

2. Harmony Earth Veins:

- Cultivators with Harmony Earth Veins harmonize with the energies of the earth, ensuring stability in their cultivation base, longevity, and a balanced connection with the natural world.

It guarantees an extra lifespan of 250 years for any cultivator who acquired it.

While their potential won't be as bolstered as one who has acquired the Stellar Essence Meridians, they will still have enough to cross into 4th Path Cultivation, unless they meet certain requirements.

3. Solar Radiance Pathways:

- Solar Radiance Pathways focus on harnessing the energy of the mortal sun, providing a more accessible path for cultivation. While it doesn't guarantee longevity, it allows for faster progress and quicker achievements.

It is also the easiest type of meridian to acquire.

It also adds 100 years to a cultivator's lifespan.

As for a cultivator who established the foundation of his cultivation with the Solar Radiance Pathways, they will barely be able to cross into the Nascent Soul Realm. However, they can never breakthrough to 2nd Path Cultivation.

The meridians are a strict requirement because they determine the types of energies aside from the various forms of Qi that one's body can accept. A body that possesses the Stellar Essence Meridians will become a body built to contain the stars, as such, a body with Solar Radiance Pathways will never be able to accept the same level of energy it does.

The sensitivity and attunement are the two main factors.


After new meridians have been acquired, one can now fully breakthrough to the Spirit Gathering Realm.

II. Spirit Gathering Realm:

- Spirit Disciple:

- 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels.

Through consistent cultivation, Mortal Principals gather and refine spiritual energy, eventually breaking through to the Spirit Disciple level. They develop a stronger connection with the natural elements, allowing them to manipulate Qi and perform basic elemental techniques.

- Spirit Guardian:

- 4th, 5th and 6th levels.

Spirit Disciples who deepen their understanding of Qi manipulation and further refine their bodies become Spirit Guardians. They can summon elemental beasts and infuse their attacks with elemental power.

- Spirit Master:

- 7th, 8th and 9th levels.

Spirit Guardians who successfully cultivate and merge with their elemental beasts ascend to the Spirit Master level. They gain greater control over elemental forces and can perform more powerful and complex techniques.


The next realm is the Core Formation Realm, but before one can fully achieve this, the next requirement comes.

First, they partially acquire spirit Qi and then their need for specialized body cells comes in.

Spirit Qi is refined from Essence Qi in the Core Formation Realm. It is a more refined and potent form of Qi that is used to cultivate the spirit and consciousness. Spirit Qi is used to enhance spiritual abilities, such as increasing mental acuity, perception, and spiritual insight. It allows cultivators to communicate with spiritual beings, fluidly manipulate spiritual energies, and perform advanced techniques.

Spirit Qi and Spiritual Qi or energy, are two different things.


III. Core Formation Realm:

- Qi Condenser:

- 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels.

After prolonged and intensive cultivation, Spirit Masters begin to condense their Qi, forming a Core within their bodies. They become true Qi Condensers and possess a more stable and abundant source of energy.

- Core Embryonic:

- 4th, 5th and 6th levels.

Qi Condensers who successfully solidify their Cores and nourish them with refined Qi advance to the Core Embryonic stage. They gain access to profound cultivation techniques and can project their Qi externally as powerful attacks.

- Core Manifestation:

- 7th, 8th, and 9th levels.

Core Embryonic cultivators continue to strengthen and expand their Cores until they reach the Core Manifestation level. They unlock greater control over Qi, enabling them to form defensive barriers and execute devastating combat techniques.


Now, the cells...

As earlier stated, advanced cultivation, starting from the Core Formation Realm, necessitates specialized body cells.

At this stage, cultivators reach Core Manifestation, gaining greater control over essence Qi and unlocking spirit Qi, enabling them to execute powerful combat techniques.

The formation and expansion of the Core during Core Embryonic and Core Manifestation stages signify a profound transformation within the cultivator's body. To achieve heightened levels of Qi manipulation and defensive/offensive capabilities, the body requires cells that efficiently store, channel, and refine Qi.

These cells act as conduits, enhancing the cultivator's abilities and enabling the manifestation of defensive barriers and potent combat techniques. The necessity for specialized body cells aligns with the complexity of cultivation techniques and the increased demand for a stable and abundant source of energy at the Core Formation Realm.

Therefore, a crucial transformation involving spiritual, mental, and physical aspects is required, making specialized cells important to support and enhance these processes.

The cells are as follows:

1. Golden Star Cells:

- These cells resonate with the essence of celestial bodies, channeling the power of golden stars into cultivators. Possession of Golden Star Cells grants extended life, bestowing a remarkable foundation for advanced cultivation.

- Cultivators with Golden Star Cells witness a lifespan increase of 400 years, showcasing limitless potential. This foundation allows them to progress seamlessly into the Core Formation Realm and beyond.

2. Earthly Star Cells:

- Harmonizing with the energies of the earth, Earthly Star Cells provide stability in the cultivation base, longevity, and a balanced connection with the natural world.

- Cultivators possessing Earthly Star Cells gain an extra 250 years of life, ensuring a solid foundation. While their potential may not match those with Golden Star Cells, they guarantee 4th Path Cultivation, unless specific requirements hinder their progress.

3. Mortal Sun Cells:

- Mortal Sun Cells focus on harnessing the energy of the mortal sun, offering a more accessible path for cultivation. While lacking the assurance of longevity, these cells enable faster progress and quicker achievements. However, they are disadvantageous in the long-run.

- Acquiring Mortal Sun Cells adds 100 years to a cultivator's lifespan. However, those with this foundation will find it challenging to cross into the advanced realms beyond Core Formation, with their progression capped at that level due to unique energy sensitivity and attunement constraints.

Just as meridians were strict prerequisites in the past, these special body cells determine the types of energies a cultivator's body can handle, shaping their destiny in the cultivation world.

A cultivator with Golden Star Cells embodies the celestial.

Earthly Star Cells connect deeply with the earth.

Mortal Sun Cells tap into the mortal realm's essence.


Then, there's the special interactions between the meridians and cells.

1. Golden Star Cells and Stellar Essence Meridians Interaction:

- When a cultivator possesses both Golden Star Cells and Stellar Essence Meridians, their essence resonates harmoniously, creating a celestial synergy. This results in an unparalleled cultivation foundation, granting the cultivator extended life of 800 years and unlocking limitless potential. Such individuals seamlessly progress through the Paths, reaching the highest realms with unmatched prowess.

Also, they acquire celestial Qi which is strictly only acquired at the Nascent Soul Realm.

2. Earthly Star Cells and Harmony Earth Veins Interaction:

- Cultivators blessed with Earthly Star Cells and Harmony Earth Veins achieve a balanced connection with both celestial and earthly energies. This synergy ensures stability, longevity, and a profound understanding of the natural world. The cultivator gains an extra 450 years of life, allowing them to progress up to the 4th Path Cultivation and maybe by serendipity they may comprehend 5th Path Cultivation.

They have potential to unlock celestial Qi when they hit Nascent Soul Realm.

3. Mortal Sun Cells and Solar Radiance Pathways Interaction:

- The fusion of Mortal Sun Cells and Solar Radiance Pathways creates a unique dynamic where mortal and solar energies converge. While this combination offers faster progress and achievements, it imposes limitations. The cultivator gains 200 additional years of life, but their progression is restricted to the Nascent Soul Realm, unable to break through to 2nd Path Cultivation due to inherent compatibility constraints.

They can never achieve celestial Qi and rarely make it past the early stages of Nascent Soul Realm.

This also means their chances of coming back to life through transference of their Nascent Soul is dulled.

4. Interactions Across Different Combinations:

- Attempting to merge Solar Radiance Pathways with Golden Star Cells results in disharmony and energy conflicts. Such incompatible combinations hinder cultivation progress and may lead to adverse effects on the cultivator's health and spiritual essence.

In the long run, the cultivator's existence will ultimately be destroyed.

- Combining Earthly Star Cells with any meridian type is generally harmonious, enhancing the cultivator's adaptability to diverse environments and energy sources. Earthly Star Cells and Solar Radiance Pathways can allow the cultivator to possibly enter the peak stage of Nascent Soul Realm by serendipity; there is also hope for celestial Qi acquisition.


The fourth realm is the Nascent Soul Realm.

Here, celestial Qi is acquired, provided necessary requirements have been met.

Celestial Qi is a higher level of Qi obtained in the Nascent Soul Realm and beyond. It is a powerful and purer form of Qi that is connected to the heavens and the natural world. Celestial Qi allows cultivators to tap into the vast energy of the universe, enabling them to perform extraordinary feats, control natural elements, and manipulate cosmic energies.

In the Nascent Soul Realm or Soul Foundation Establishment, cultivators undergo a profound metamorphosis, fusing spirit refined cells and meridians to cultivate a unique organ known as the Soul Heart.

This intricate process occurs through 20 cycles of refinement.

1. Celestial Soul Heart:

- By spirit refining Golden Star Cells and Stellar Essence Meridians, cultivators forge the Celestial Soul Heart. This organ resonates with celestial energies, amplifying spiritual power and unlocking the true potential of the Nascent Soul Realm.

They also gain access to the Ethereal Never-ending Sacred Lands; this marks their start as celestial beings.

- Possession of the Celestial Soul Heart adds an extra lifespan of 1,200 years. It also grants cultivators potential to acquire unparalleled mastery over celestial forces.

2. Elemental Harmony Core:

- Cultivators attune Earthly Star Cells with Harmony Earth Veins, crafting the Elemental Harmony Core. This organ establishes a balance between elemental forces, providing stability and spiritual equilibrium within the Nascent Soul Realm.

- Those with the Elemental Harmony Core gain an extra 1,000 years of life.

They also showcase mastery over elemental energies.

- This foundation ensures progression through the Elemental 5-Deva Domains, solidifying the start of their connection with the fundamental forces of the universe.

3. Ancient Mortal God's Synthesis Heart:

- By spirit refining Mortal Sun Cells and Solar Radiance Pathways, cultivators shape the Ancient Mortal God's Synthesis Heart.

- The probability of failure is incomprehensibly high, and each failure eats away the cultivator's spirit root.

- Acquiring this Soul Heart adds 300 years to a cultivator's lifespan. However, those with this foundation stop here, there is zero hope for advancement.

The Soul Heart, born from the fusion of spirit refined cells and meridians, becomes the epicenter of a cultivator's spiritual essence in the Nascent Soul Realm.


IV. Nascent Soul Realm:

- Nascent Soul Initiate:

- 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels.

Cultivators who manage to create their Soul Hearts and awaken their Nascent Soul within their Cores become Nascent Soul Initiates. They unlock extraordinary spiritual power and can communicate with heavenly entities and several unreachable domains.

- Nascent Soul Adept:

- 4th, 5th and 6th levels.

Nascent Soul Initiates who further nurture and cultivate their Nascent Souls become Nascent Soul Adepts. They gain the ability to project their spiritual power externally, creating powerful spiritual attacks and defenses.

- Nascent Soul Master:

- 7th, 8th and 9th levels.

Nascent Soul Adepts who successfully merge their Nascent Soul with their physical body ascend to the Nascent Soul Master level. They attain incredible strength, speed, and endurance, as well as the ability to manipulate spiritual energy at a profound level.


After one has reached the peak of Nascent Soul Realm, they cross over to the 2nd Path of Cultivation.

This truly represents the Theravada, one of the Three Great Traditions.

Here, some who can further comprehend it, acquire the Nivarnic Essence Mastery.

The emphasis on personal enlightenment and the progression through different realms aligns with the Theravada tradition's focus on individual liberation. The cultivation stages, especially in the Nascent Soul and Spirit Ascension Realms, resonates with the Theravada concept of personal enlightenment and the path to Nirvana.

Here, only those with the required meridian, cell and soul heart can walk this path.

For 2nd Path Cultivation, there's three grades...

V. Spirit Ascension Realm.

It represents the culmination of profound spiritual attunement, bridging the mortal and cosmic realms in perfect harmony.

A cultivator's strength in the Spirit Ascension Realm originates from aligning their spirit with the cosmic energies, channeling the essence of both the material and spiritual worlds.

Upon reaching the Spirit Ascension Realm, one gains the ability to project a ancient spiritual avatars called Divine Spirit Phantoms (Shénlíng Huànyǐng). It mirrors their spiritual essence, resonating with the energies of the higher planes.

Spirit Ascension cultivators wield extraordinary power and prestige. In the upper-class sects, they are enough to be respected as Grandmasters of their respective sect.

They and Nascent Soul cultivators are usually the power foundations of upper-class sects.

There are three forms of 2nd Path Cultivation.

- Earth Path, relying on the Deva Core of Spiritual Harmonics to ascend to the Spirit Ascension Realm. They contend with Paragon Path-Spirit Ascension cultivators at the same level.

- Paragon Path, attaining the Spirit Core Unity to break into the Spirit Ascension Realm. Possesses the capability to confront Earth Path-Spirit Ascension cultivators one stage higher.

- Heaven Path or True Celestial Path, mastering the True Celestial Harmony Core and spirit refining it 50 times to ascend to the Spirit Ascension Realm. They can face off against Earth Path-Spirit Ascension cultivators two stages higher and Paragon Path-Spirit Ascension cultivators one stage higher.

The Spirit Ascension Realm is broken down into four levels.

- Entry-stage, attained by cultivating the Nascent Soul to its peak form, marking the beginning of the Spirit Ascension Realm.

- Mid-stage, reached by undergoing a process of enlightenment and spiritual self-discovery during the Spirit Ascendant stage. There are several scrolls designed for what sort of enlightenment.

- Peak-stage, attained by breaking through the boundaries of mortal existence and achieving a state of transcendent unity with the Lesser Dao during the Spirit Enlightened stage.

- Supreme-stage, marked by starting the comprehension of a Greater Lesser Dao.

The other ranking system used in some other Major Worlds and Tao Dimensions.

- Spirit Ascendant (1st, 2nd, 3rd levels), Spirit Enlightened (4th, 5th, 6th levels), Spirit Transcendent (7th, 8th, 9th levels).


Above the Spirit Ascension Realm is the Immortal Realm.

This is 3rd Path Cultivation.

The breakthrough into the shallow waters of the Mahayana.

The Mahayana tradition places a strong emphasis on compassion and the bodhisattva path, seeking enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. The Immortal Realm and Divine Realm stages, where cultivators connect with cosmic forces and attain godlike power, could symbolize a broader perspective of enlightenment for the well-being of all beings.

VI. Immortal Realm.

Here, one can be considered a Demigod.

They have transcended mortal existence and achieved a state of immortality. They have near-infinite lifespan and can cultivate even further to ascend to higher levels within the Immortal Realm.

Most of them can control the natural forces of the world and perform cosmic-level techniques.

Forging stars, galaxies and even whole multi-dimensional spaces. They have comprehended even life and death and have edged closer to that which is Samsara. Destruction and Creation has become part of the constitution of their spirit root. This transforms their spirit root into a Heaven-crossing Spirit Root, far different from the normal spirit root used by cultivators of lower cultivation realms. It is only with this special type of spirit root that one can truly prepare to start crossing into the higher heavens.

It is only in this realm where one could play Tao Dimension Xiangqi. A game that involved using minor worlds in a cosmic board game which determines their fate— survival or destruction. Upon destruction, most of the minor worlds are usually refined into pills. Expectedly, since there are countless minor worlds in every Tao Dimension of every Dao Layer, it was of no consequence.

At this level, they also start to completely comprehend the Greater Lesser Dao.

The stages are as follows.

- Immortal Junior, 1st to 3rd level.

- Immortal Senior, 4th to 5th level.

- Immortal Ascendant, 6th to 7th level.

- Immortal Sovereign/Emperor, 8th to 10th level.

- Pseudo-Divinity, 11th and beyond (until breakthrough)


Next, 4th Path Cultivation.

Here, one has completely dived into the Mahayana seas.

Cultivators of this caliber can acquire the Celestial Sutra Ascendancy.

Aside this, they also acquire Divine Qi.

Divine Qi is one of the highest form of Qi obtained in the Divine Realm. It is a transcendent and godly energy that surpasses all other types of Qi excluding just a few. Cultivators who possess Divine Qi have achieved a level of power and mastery that is beyond comprehension. They can alter the fabric of reality, create and destroy worlds, and possess the ability to grant or take away life.

VII. Divine Realm.

They can now touch the Nine Divine Heavens and use its power. The cultivators of this caliber are called Divinities. They are comparable to True Celestials, an ancient race of three-eyed humanoid creatures who are some what described as gods in most cases. Cultivators who have acquired Golden Star Cells and Stellar Essence Meridians to spirit refine a Celestial Soul Heart and Cultivators in the Divine Realm earn the respect of the True Celestials. This is because they can either walk the True Celestial Path of the Spirit Ascension Realm or have become a Divinity.

There are Three Divine Trials one must pass before they can become a Divinity.

The First Divine Trial: In order to breach the boundary from Immortal to Divine Realm, cultivators must navigate the Maze of Celestial Chains. Resourcefulness is vital, as each wrong turn weakens the spiritual foundation.

The Second Divine Trial: Testing the cultivator's mastery over celestial energies, the Astral Convergence demands a fusion of divine techniques. Only those wielding unparalleled cosmic arts can navigate this trial.

The Third Divine Trial: It delves into the essence of existence – a trial of cosmic resonance. To attain divinity, one must harmonize with the Starlight Oracle. Only few will emerge as Divinities, blessed by the celestial approval of the Starlight Oracle. It may ask you to do anything to gain its approval; tell it a joke, cook for it or if your unlucky enough, fight it.

There are no worlds in the Azure Tree that possesses the requirements for Divine Realm cultivation. As such, one must either ascend to another Tao Dimension, or possibly another Dao Layer.

The stages are as follows.

- Divine Disciple, cultivators who have transcended the mortal and semi-immortal realms and entered the Divine Realm. It is the 1st to 4th level.

- Divine Guardian, study of Lesser Greater Daos begin. They gain the right to establish or rule over a province inside their desired Dao Layer. It is the 5th to 8th level.

- Divine Sovereign, the 9th to 10th level.

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