
Chapter 450: Let's Receive a Cape

Chapter 450: Let's Receive a Cape

By the way, Kazane.

What's up, gramps?

In the cafeteria, after Kazane finished the Quest and Yumika subsequently went to challenge it. Mefirus in juvenile griffon form was sitting on the table and addressed Kazane.

Why is Yumika so strict with His Majesty King Tatsuyoshi?


For Mefirus, who worshiped King Tatsuyoshi, that was a natural question. And Kazane groaned after those words. She seemed to be wondering how to answer.

Well, there are various reasons, but...

Hmm, what is it?

As Mefirus tilted his head, Kazane hemmed and hawed. There were some things that were very difficult to say.

Kazane recalled what was probably the original impetus.

There was an incident where Tatsuyoshi was almost arrested for being a suspicious man while Kazane and Tatsuyoshi were walking together outside. After Yumika found out about that, she was wary of Tatsuyoshi, but when Kazane and Tatsuyoshi both tried to explain to her, Tatsuyoshi's gaze was glued to Yumika's ponytail the entire time, which may have been a bad move.

However, Yumika met Tatsuyoshi-kun in real life more often than I did, and those two talked quite a bit.

Those conversations mainly consisted of Yumika criticizing Tatsuyoshi while he meekly nodded.

The two met frequently?

After Mefirus' question, Kazane nodded.

When Tatsuyoshi-kun was having trouble finding a job, Yumika helped him. With Yumika's introduction, Tatsuyoshi-kun started working at her father's office. The office and Yumika's house were connected, so later on, it seemed he often ate dinner with them.

Yeah, it seems that Yumikas father liked Tatsuyoshi-san. I think that until we came here, Tatsuyoshi-san was the only one of us who had ever eaten Yumika's home cooking.

After Kazane spoke, Naoki added more. Hearing that, Mefirus groaned.

Also, most of Tatsuyoshi-kun's clothes were chosen by Yumika, and his living space was often corrected based on what Yumika said to him.

Kazane knew that Yumika complained about how Tatsuyoshi wore the same black clothes every day and eventually ended up coordinating Tatsuyoshi's clothes. After that, Tatsuyoshi also tried to go buy clothes for himself, but since they were almost all imitations of the coordination Yumika did, it looked like he was wearing the clothes Yumika chose for him every day.

Hm. Choosing clothes, talking often, searching for a job, and eating together with family? Could it be that Yumika was King Tatsuyoshi's wife?

No, that's mistaken. If you ever say that to Yumika, she'll seriously flip out, so don't.

Kazane spoke with a little panic. Kazane knew from past experience that this was Yumika's reverse scale. It was a fact that Yumika liked handsome guys, and Kazane and Yuuko-nee understood that. Otherwise, Yuuko-nee might have done something terrible to Yumika.

As they were talking about that, they heard a clatter above.

Huh, it's over?

Seems so.

Kazane and Naoki exchanged words. Neither believed Yumika had won, though. Hearing Kazane's story, Naoki had already saidIt's impossiblewith both hands raised in a surrender pose. However, while Yumika looked wiped out when she came down, she was making a V sign.

I won.

You're kidding!?

The person most astonished by Yumika's words was Kazane herself, who had fought against Koromi Alternative. No matter how she looked at it, she thought it was completely impossible for the current Yumika, but Yumika said she won. Then, when Kazane turned her gaze to the Tatsuyoshi Copy next to Yumika, Tatsuyoshi Copy nodded with a wry smile.

Haa, I never expected that Yumika-chan had stopped being human.

Uhh, what did she do?

She transformed into a wolf and spewed a flaming katana from her mouth.

After Kazane's question, Tatsuyoshi Copy replied. Yumika was a girl who was entirely like a certain goddess.


In response to Kazane's slightly put off expression, Yumika rebutted.

No, I didn't spew anything. That katana can come out from any part of my body, so it just happened to look like that.

Many of her companions wondered (Is that counterargument really fine?), but Yumika's detachment from humanity had already reached a serious level, so no one said anything.

It's convenient, so it's fine, isn't it? Recently, the Pilot Light of the Gods started dwelling in it, so its ominous aura disappeared, making it feel much better to use. You know?

Seeing Yumika's desperate expression, Tatsuyoshi Copy smiled wryly and nodded.

Well, those aspects are also involved, but I never expected you to have actually exceeded the reflex speed of a human being.

After Tatsuyoshi Copy's follow-up, Yumika saidRight?and recovered. The others thought(that doesn't patch up what he said earlier at all), but naturally, no one said anything.

At any rate, right after it was defeated by Kazane bulldozing through, this time Yumika-chan defeated it through a different byroad. After all, unlike the game, I still have a long way to go.


After Tatsuyoshi spoke, Yumika made an expression like she had just successfully tricked him.

What do you mean?

After Kazane's question, Yumika pondered with a groan. Then she opened her mouth while looking at Tatsuyoshi Copy.

I can tell you, but wouldn't it be better for Naoki to clear it with his own strength? Well, I'm fine either way.

Hearing Yumika's words, Tatsuyoshi Copy's pleading gaze turned toward Kazane. For Tatsuyoshi Copy, a Navigator, the Transfer Quest conquest was the very reason for his existence. Kazane's unhelpful explanation of how she bulldozed through was one thing, but it seemed Yumika's approach got to the heart of the matter.

Ye, yeah. Well, it's not like we're in a desperate situation, and it should be good for Naoki's training, right?


Hearing Kazane's words, Naoki collapsed face down on the table.

Well, just think of it as something like a composed shogi problem. There's a way out of trouble.

I'd prefer he think of it like a bullet hell game, though.

After Yumika spoke, Tatsuyoshi added a few words. Naoki tilted his head, but Kazane somehow or other understood what they meant.

(Perhaps there was some kind of pattern to all the attacks?)

A specification where it can be challenged any number of times and anyone can clear it. And if Naoki might be able to figure it out by listening to Yumika's words, it might actually be an onslaught with strategy elements that can't be beaten like a boss in an action game. Kazane thought that was probably the reason why she felt like Kuromi Alternative didn't use its full power and why Tatsuyoshi Copy smiled wryly when she defeated it by bulldozing through.

(All things considered, it may be a bit regrettable)

Kazane thought back on the recent battle.

Her Skill Levels had risen sharply during the battle. Kazane thought it was the result of using them against a high level opponent, and although the thought was too late, if she had repeatedly done battle, her other Skills might have improved as well.

However, she didn't have the leeway to think about such things during the battle, and she didn't really regret defeating it. She wasn't confident she could win if she fought a second time. Being able to stop the last injection was actually almost pure luck.

In any case, if he fights over and over again, won't that truly be the ideal training for Naoki?... Kazane thought before she switched gears and changed the subject.

Err. So then, is that the item Yumika received?

Kazane identified the white hooded cape Yumika was wearing. She was wearing it on top of her Indestructible Cloak; it was white and had an elegant feel to it for some reason.

Yeah. Does it suit me?

Yumika looked a little happy as she showed it off to Kazane.

Mu. It's cute and suits you. Ku, even though mine is for Sieg's exclusive use... is this difference in girl power? Is this favoritism?

No no, Kazane's took much more effort to make, while this one is a mass-produced type made for the women I know.

Kazane looked vexed, and Tatsuyoshi Copy looked flustered as he responded.

In fact, Tatsuyoshi prepared exclusive items for the main party members whose names were written on the stone monument (as well as a negligible amount of other people), but for the rest, one mutual item for men and one for women was prepared for the transfer.

By the way, since Tatsuyoshi practically never met Yumika in Zexiaharts, he didn't know what to give her and couldn't prepare an exclusive item.

I'm a little bothered by the words mass-produced, but, well, it's cute, so its fine. Since it's Tatsuyoshi, I thought a school swimsuit or something like that may have been prepared, so I was a little scared.

Yumika said while happily looking at her fluffy white cape. She seemed to like it quite a bit.

Yeah. That's what I was originally planning to do, but Mintia stopped me. She said that even when trying to make people laugh, it's not good to overdo it... ah, Yumika-chan, don't try to poke me with a spear. The current me isn't the genuine article, but as you might expect, having something like that pointed at me is still scary.

When Yumika slowly took her spear out of her Item Box, Tatsuyoshi Copy responded like that.

So then, this isn't simply cute, right?

After Yumika sat down at the table with an irritated expression, Kazane judged it was the right time to ask that question.

That's right. It doesn't have any offensive abilities, but it has a fairly high level of protection against things like arrows, magic, and physical attacks. Putting on the hood also activates an invisibility effect.

Which means it's suited for a vanguard like me.

Yumika smiled broadly again when she heard the cape's description. She seemed to like both its looks and abilities, and looked extremely satisfied. However, two people in that place had indefinable expressions.

Grandpa, I've seen that before.

Mm. Its Tsuvaras national treasureUntainted Saintess' Cape

It was a gift from King Tatsuyoshi to Queen Mintia. Except when it came out for wedding ceremonies and the like, it was kept in a treasure house along with the recently returned Great Wing Sword Rien, but since the owner authority belonged to Mintia, it didn't actually grant any effects when worn and was just for appearance.

A cape in perfect condition was right in front of them. Though since it was obtained in a Transfer Quest, an owner restriction was applied. SoYumika's Untainted Saintess' Capecould only be used by Yumika.

Above all, it was a gift directly from King Tatsuyoshi. There was no way they would take it from her, and they naturally had no right to do so.

And feeling bewilderment vastly different from the surrounding people, the two members of Tsuvara's royal family remained unable to decide how they should think about its existence.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Dragon and Beast Ruling Tenma Monarch (Apprentice)

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator, Guardian

Equipment: Staff White Blaze, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) 2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 40

Health: 156+20

Magic Power: 378+520

Strength: 81+45

Agility: 83+39

Endurance: 45+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 53

Spell : FlyTorchFireHealFirestormHealer RayHigh HealGolden DuskDragon ExclusiveMirror ShieldRabbit SpeedFlare Mirage

Skill : Apprenticeship CancellationNil PrincipleSkill Hand ()Halo: Lv2Evolution Hand ()Kick Devil: Lv2Kick Decapitation WaveWarrior's Memory: Lv2Night VisionCrushing BlowDog's Sense of Smell: Lv2Golem Maker: Lv4Aegis ShieldFire Principle: Third ChapterHealing Principle: Fourth ChapterAir Jump: Lv2Killing Leg: Lv3Fear VoiceInvisibleTiger EyeWall WalkingIntuition: Lv3Cheat DeathNimbleChargeMaterial Shield: Lv2Information Link: Lv2Optical CamouflageHigh DashBloodsucking BladeDragonization: Lv3DragonRegenerateSoul Breaking BladeStealthy Hand PlacementThunder Chariot: Lv2Sturdier Teeth: Lv2DragonCrystallization: Lv2DragonDevil King's IntimidationStone Minotaur: Lv2Mega Beam: Lv2Space ExpansionPseudo-Silver CreationPoison ClawFireballDragonCuticleDragonArms Creation: Black FlameIngredient Connoisseur: Lv3Dragon PheromoneDragonBoostMonkey's Strong ArmTwo-sword StyleBoobies PlusLiving ArmorAlarmSix-sword StyleMental Attack Complete ProtectionSpider WebWire CutterFlexibleMagic Power AbsorptionRed Body TransformationFriendship Tag-teamBattleship Tonfa Summoning

KazaneI'm glad you got something good from Tatsuyoshi-kun.

Yumika: Yeah. But if it hadn't been for his wife's words, I think my impression would have been the complete opposite.

Kazane: Tatsuyoshi-kun is a bit shy, so if his stock rises a little, he's the type who wants to make it precipitously crash afterwards.

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