Martial Artist Lee Gwak

Chapter 2: Martial Artist Lee Gwak (2)

Chapter 2: Martial Artist Lee Gwak (2)

Light Novel: Volume 1 Chapter 2

Manhwa: Chapter 1-2

Episode 1: Martial Artist Lee Gwak (2)

He slept as if he had passed out.

When Lee Gwak woke up, the sun was slipping into the west from the middle sky. He had slept for more than half a day.

Still lying on the bed, Lee Gwak stared at the ceiling. It was a view he had seen for the past few years. Everything from the cracks here and there, and the sagging spiderwebs looked the same.

It felt as if time had stood still in this place.

Damn it!

Lee Gwak shook his head and pushed himself out of bed.

Despite working hard and saving money for so many years, he felt pathetic that he still couldnt leave this lodging.

Push yourself a little harder, Lee Gwak!

He encouraged himself.

Although the reality was harsh, he still clung to the hope that if he persevered and saved enough money, he would soon be able to buy a small house on the outskirts of the Jade Heavens Alliance.

He washed his face quickly at the well on one side of the lodgings.



From the training ground attached to the front of the lodgings, about a dozen or so Outer Hall warriors could be seen practicing martial arts. They were all practicing a basic skill that everyone had to learn upon entering the Outer Hall.

Seeing their unfamiliar faces sweating profusely in training, they seemed to be recent newcomers. Lee Gwak remembered back to the days when he too was once like that.

Lee Gwak watched the new recruits training for a while, before walking outside.

You are on the evening shift tonight as well, right?

Are you going to meet with that person again? Hehe!

A few familiar faces teased him. Lee Gwak gave them a curt reply as he continued walking away.

Having lived in the dormitory for five years already, they all knew too much about each other. Privacy was out of the question in this place.

Lee Gwak left the dormitory and walked down the street.

The scenery changed as soon as he left the dormitory. There were numerous shops along the street, with many people walking in and out of them. It was safe to say that it looked like any other ordinary street.

It had been a long time since the Jade Heaven Alliance had surpassed the limits of Jianghu. The very fact that they had opened the Outer Court to the public like this spoke volumes about their strength and confidence.

Even though the world was divided into ten different factions, none of them could compare to the Jade Heaven Alliance. It was not without reason that they were called the Supreme Overlord, the number one sect.

Lee Gwak walked in silence through the now familiar streets.

After being in the Jade Heaven Alliance for five years, he knew quite a few faces on the street. There were families of martial artists who were part of the Jade Heaven Alliance, and there were those who had set up shops for the sole purpose of making money. All of them were focused on their livelihoods.

Suddenly, a look of envy flashed across Lee Gwaks face.

They were all part of someones family, and they all had someone to share dinner with later in the evening. They live an ordinary and normal life, and he envied them.

It was then that Lee Gwak sighed softly.

Dont cry, you fool! If youre angry about getting beaten up, you should grit your teeth and fight back! Why are you running away and crying?

Suddenly, a young girls sharp voice pierced Lee Gwaks ears. Lee Gwak unknowingly turned his head, then he saw a boy who looked barely over ten years old, sobbing, and a girl of the same age scolding him, with her hands on her hips.

The boys face was swollen and bruised, as if he had been beaten by someone. The girl was looking into the boys face, raising her voice.

The girl had exceptionally white skin and delicate features that made her look like a doll, but the most striking thing about her was her pitch-black eyes that almost looked like stars sparkling in the skies. The glint in her eyes was not simply a sign of intelligence.

Suddenly, the girl grabbed the boys hand and pulled him along.

Lets go.


What do you mean, but? Stop talking and follow me.

The girl grabbed the hesitant boys hand and led the way.

Coincidentally, the direction the girl was heading in overlapped with Lee Gwaks path. Lee Gwak unintentionally ended up following the girl, and thus he could hear their conversation even more clearly.

Do you want to keep getting hit like this? How can a man live with such a weak sense of pride?

I did my best too. But what can I do when theres a bunch of them coming at me?

How many of them were there?


How many of them jumped on you?

F, Four!

Four of them? How dare they touch Lim Sobos younger brother? Theyre dead meat!

Lim Sobo rolled up her sleeves and her eyes flashed. She walked forward with quick strides, leaving the boy behind. The boy, left behind, could only stare after her retreating figure, helpless.

T, This is bad

The boy muttered, dazed.

Lim Sobos figure quickly disappeared into the alley.

Lee Gwak watched the alley where Lim Sobo had disappeared with intrigued eyes.


Sa, save me!

You witch!

At that moment, childrens screams erupted from inside the alley. Their voices were filled with terror.

Out of curiosity, Lee Gwak sneaked a peek into the alleyway. As if on cue, four boys came running out, their faces were covered in tears and snot. They were clearly terrified.

One of them bumped into Lee Gwaks stomach and fell to the ground.

Are you okay?

Ugh! Damn it all!

The boy did not answer Lee Gwaks question but instead glared at the alley and then ran away.

Chet, small fries.

At that moment, Lim Sobo emerged from the alley, dusting her hands off. Lee Gwak looked at her with an expression of wonder.

He couldnt figure out how a young girl like Lim Sobo managed to frighten four boys of her own age. There were also no signs of her using martial arts on the boys, so she must have used some other method, but Lee Gwak couldnt figure out what it was.

Suddenly, Lim Sobo glared at Lee Gwak with a sharp look.

Who are you?

Just a passerby.

Why arent you passing by then?

Lee Gwak shrugged at Lim Sobos provocative words.

I was just curious

You know that curiosity killed the cat, right?

Just kidding, hehe!

Suddenly, Lim Sobo smiled brightly.

Lee Gwak shook his head at her sudden cheerful expression.

You sure do love scaring and surprising other people, huh?

I hear that a lot, but old man, you must be a warrior from the Outer Hall, right?

How did you know?

Who else would wear such rustic robes besides the martial artists from the Outer Hall?

Lee Gwak grimaced at Lim Sobos words.

As she said, the robe symbolized the Outer Hall. Anyone affiliated with the Outer Hall had to wear it without exception.

You seem to know a lot about the Jade Heaven Alliance.

I just know a little.


Whats your name, old man?

Im not an old man, you know.

Lee Gwak was only in his early twenties. He was still clearly in his prime, so hearing a young girl call him an old man didnt make him feel very good.

Should I call you big brother then?


So, big brother, whats your name?

Lee Gwak.

Its a weird name, so its easy to remember.

Lim Sobo smiled slyly.

The more he looked at her, the stranger he felt. It was as if he was looking at a snake that had been alive for decades, not a ten-year-old girl.

Lee Gwak frowned as he looked at Lim Sobo. Just then, Lim Sobos younger brother approached and bowed his head.

Im sorry, big brother. My sister is very rude, isnt she?

No, its okay.

My name is Lim Ji-moon. I apologize on behalf of my sister.

Shut up, you stupid younger brother! How could you look down on me after I have beaten up those bastards for you?

Why are you acting like this, sister? I can handle it. Why are you making this a big deal?

Its because youre so indecisive, thats why youre getting beaten up by those things.

Ah, really

Stop talking and follow me, you idiot.

Im not an idiot.

Then you must be stupid.


Just follow me.


Lim Ji-moon eventually had to bow his head, unable to win over Lim Sobos stubbornness.

Then, brother Lee Gwak. See you again next time.

Lim Sobo quickly disappeared with Lim Ji-moon.

Lee Gwak shook his head, bewildered.

It felt as if he had just had a wild dream. The memory that Lim Sobo and her brother had left him was that intense.

All sorts of things happen.

Lee Gwak muttered in a low voice and started walking again. As soon as he passed the alley where Lim Sobo had beaten up the boys for beating up her brother, his destination appeared.

A faint smile appeared on Lee Gwaks face.

There was a sign hanging on the main gate of a large mansion that read Grand Abyss Music Hall.1 As the name suggested, it was a place that nurtured and taught musicians.

As the Jade Heaven Alliance became the number one sect in the world, banquets were held everywhere, and musicians were needed to perform. The Grand Abyss Music Hall was established to meet this demand. It was a place that specialized in training musicians.

Lee Gwak walked boldly into the building. His destination was a quiet room deep within the center of the building. It was where musicians studying instruments at the Grand Abyss Music Hall mainly resided.

As he arrived at the dwelling, a refreshing voice greeted him.


A mysterious woman approached Lee Gwak at a brisk pace.

The woman, dressed in a red silk dress with splendid patterns, was incredibly beautiful. Her large eyes were watery, and her small lips, positioned beneath her high nose, were very red.

Her appearance as she walked towards him, with a zither in her hand, was as beautiful as a fairys.

Lee Gwak looked at the woman with a mesmerized expression.


The womans name was Geum Yul-seon. She was Lee Gwaks lover who had promised to spend the rest of her life with him.

He met her three years ago when he was in deep despair.

Like him, she was an orphan wandering the world and had not yet found a place in the Jade Heaven Alliance.

The two fell in love with each other at first sight and began to rely on each other. Although she was of humble appearance, her musical sense was exceptional.

Her talent was soon recognized and she was accepted into the Grand Abyss Music Hall, where she and him continued to meet.

Geum Yul-seon was Lee Gwaks hope and light.

Why do you look so pale?

I didnt sleep well because of some work.


How about you? Has work been tiring for you?

Tired? Not at all, I love what I do.

Geum Yul-seon gently smiled, unconsciously stroking her red silk dress. The touch felt enchantingly smooth, like a snake, without a single snag.

Is that a new dress? Ive never seen it before.

Yes! I got it a little while ago.

Isnt it a bit much? It looks expensive.

I did overdo it a little, but I had no choice. If I look poor and shabby, no one will come to me.


Dont worry too much, Im cutting back in other areas.


At Geum Yul-seons smile, Lee Gwaks expression softened

Geum Yul-seon was the most beautiful person among the people Lee Gwak knew. He had never seen a woman more beautiful than her, and the fact that someone as beautiful as her loves him felt like a dream.

Lee Gwak opened his arms and embraced Geum Yul-seon. Geum Yul-seon closed her eyes and nestled in Lee Gwaks broad chest.

A pleasant scent emanated from Geum Yul-seons body. Just by smelling her skin, Lee Gwak felt as if all his worries and concerns in the world were melting away.

I love you.

I love you too.

The two whispered words of love as they breathed in each others scent.

Just be patient. Sooner or later, Ill be able to get a little place of my own. Once I do, we can live together then.

Dont rush, my dear. Im already happy enough.

Its because Im insecure. Youre so beautiful. Im worried that someone else will take you away.

Brother, dont you trust me?

I do!

Then its fine, you just have to trust me.


Now go, you have to go out for your evening shift.

Geum Yul-seon smiled as she pulled away from Lee Gwaks arms. Lee Gwak looked at her with longing eyes, her face was tinged with the glow of the setting sun.

Im leaving!

Take care.

With a wistful look, Lee Gwak grasped her small, soft hand once more and released it, then turned and walked away.

Before leaving the Grand Abyss Music Hall, Lee Gwak looked back one last time, but Geum Yul-seon was nowhere to be seen. Although he thought she must have left for some important matter, he couldnt help but feel a little disappointed.

Lee Gwak shook his head to clear his unnecessary thoughts. Lately, he had been filled with these needless distractions.

Before he knew it, the sun was dimly setting beyond the walls. As Geum Yul-seon had said, it was time for his evening shift.

The place where he had to stand guard today was right at the front gate of the Jade Heaven Alliance, the very place where he had been busy greeting guests in the morning.

SoundlessWind21s Notes:

Im reading the manhwa and theres a difference. In the manhwa, Geum Yul-seon got her red silk robe from a rich customer, but here in the novel, it seems like she bought it on her own. Plus, she and Lee Gwak seem more affectionate?

Anyway, thank you for reading!

  1. Grand Abyss Music Hall. Raws: (). In the manhwa, this is translated as Musical Performance Hall.
    • d big; large; great
    • yun deep pool / deep / profound
    • yu music
    • gun building / shop / term for certain service establishments

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