Martial Artist Lee Gwak

Chapter 33: Everyone Has Their Own Story (2)

Chapter 33: Everyone Has Their Own Story (2)

Light Novel: Volume 2 Chapter 8

Manhwa: Chapters 33-34

Episode 3. Everyone Has Their Own Story (2)

Thump, thump!

Someone knocked on the door of Squad 13s quarters.

Is anyone there?

Who is it?

As Seok Yi-cheon opened the door, a man of short stature stood before him.

With a pockmarked face and missing a front tooth, the mans appearance looked somewhat comical. Although he appeared to be only in his early thirties, the missing front tooth made him look older.

The man, carrying a small bundle on his back, looked up at Seok Yi-cheon.

Is this the quarters of Squad 13?

Yes, but who are you?

Ha! Ive come to the right place, its a pleasure to meet you. Ive been assigned to Squad 13 of the Outer Hall as of today. My name is Ki Jinhwi.

The man who identified himself as Ki Jinhwi, smiled brightly as he shook Seok Yi-cheons hand. Seok Yi-cheon, surprised, tried to pull his hand back, but Ki Jinhwi held it tightly and shook it vigorously.

Ugh! What kind of grip strength is this

Seok Yi-cheon was taken aback by the unexpectedly strong grip of Ki Jinhwi, who was at least a head shorter than himself.

Youve been assigned to Squad 13?

Yes, I have. Here is the order from the Hall Leader.

The order should be given to the squad leader, not me.

Oh, youre not the squad leader?

Im just another squad member.

Then who is the squad leader?

Ki Jinhwi looked around.

With how he looked around in all directions while carrying a bundle on his back, he looked more like a merchant than a martial artist.

It was then.

Whats going on?

Lee Gwak walked out from inside.

Seeing Lee Gwak, Ki Jinhwis face lit up with a bright smile.

Oh, you must be the squad leader.

And you are?

Ive been assigned to Squad 13. Here is the order from the Hall Leader

Ki Jinhwi handed Lee Gwak the order.

Inside the order, there was clear content assigning Ki Jinhwi to Squad 13, along with the seal of Maeng Hee-cheon, the head of the Outer Hall. It was an indisputably genuine order.

Lee Gwak looked back and forth between the order and Ki Jinhwis face. Ki Jinhwi was still smiling cheerfully.

His missing tooth made his smile appear whimsical, but Lee Gwak did not laugh.

Youve been assigned to Squad 13?

As you can see, yes.

Where were you before the Outer Hall?

I was an instructor at a place called Blue Light Martial Hall.

So how did you end up in the Jade Heaven Alliance?

It was ruined.


I dont know if youre aware, but Blue Light Martial Hall was located near the Celestial Demon Union. And right now, the Celestial Demon Union is clashing with the Jade Heaven Alliance everywhere.


The place have been destroyed overnight. All of our martial artists have scattered, and Ive been wandering around aimlessly, without a place to go. Luckily, I knew someone inside the Jade Heaven Alliance, and so I was able to get in. Please take good care of me, squad leader!

Ki Jinhwi bowed his head to Lee Gwak.

Come inside first.

Hehe! Thank you.

Is that all your luggage?

Everything I need is in here, squad leader.

Ki Jinhwi pointed at the small bundle on his back.

If you need anything else, let me know. And since there are a few empty rooms, feel free to use any of them.

Oh! I can have a room to myself?

Youll have to share once our squad gets more members, but for the time being, youll have the place to yourself.

Then I can rest easy for the time being. Thank you for your consideration, squad leader. I will never forget this kindness.

Theres no need to talk about kindness.

How can I repay this favor? Ah, I know a bit about face-reading. Shall I give it a try?


Lee Gwak declined, but Ki Jinhwi paid no mind.

Believe it or not, Im quite skilled in physiognomy, astronomy, and geography. Much better than those quack fortune tellers in the streets.

Lee Gwak! Let him read you. Let him look at you first, then me.

With Seok Yi-cheon urging him from the side, Lee Gwak couldnt decline any longer.

Alright, go and have a look.

Lets see. Your forehead is flat but has ridges, so your early years must have been rough. You have no luck with parents or superiors, so youre like a withered tree standing alone in a barren land. The land is currently dry because theres no one to support it, but should water flow by some chance, youre destined to bloom splendidly and beautifully. Oh my! Upon closer inspection, someone had already dug a canal for the water to flow through. To think such delicate hands wielded a pickaxe to create this stream. Now, what will you do about the dirt and blood on these delicate hands?

Ki Jinhwi looked at Lee Gwak with a meaningful gaze.

His sharp eyes, which seemed to see through everything, did not match his somewhat comical appearance.

Lee Gwaks eyes deepened.

For some reason, it seemed like there was a hidden meaning in Ki Jinhwis words, but Lee Gwak kept his thoughts to himself and smiled.

An interesting story. Anyway, if flowers start to bloom on the dead tree, it could come back to life in a big way.

Haha! Everything depends on a persons will, right? Our squad leader is tall and handsome, just a smile would sway many womens hearts. Shorties like me cant even dream of such things in a lifetime. Im envious. If you happen to go to a good place again, please take me with you.

A good place?

Hehehe! I look forward to working with you, squad leader.

Ki Jinhwi bowed deeply to Lee Gwak, who silently watched the back of his head.

Then Seok Yi-cheon interjected.

Please read mine too. What about me?

Lets see! Brother, you have a fate to live long and thin life.

What? Nothing else?

Kind-hearted but narrow-minded, unknowingly doing many good deeds without return. But the virtue youve accumulated should help you through life-threatening situations without you realizing.

Whats that?

Hehe! Its a good face-reading. At least you wont have to suffer from an unexpected death. You wont die from a stray arrow on the road, what could be better than that?

Nothing about getting rich or attracting women?



Seok Yi-cheon was at a loss for words at Ki Jinhwis blunt response. Ki Jinhwi walked past Seok Yi-cheon and headed towards the far end of the room.

Ill use this room.


Hahaha, Ill have it to myself for a while.

Ki Jinhwi laughed as he threw his bundle into the room.

Seok Yi-cheon, regaining his senses, rushed to Ki Jinhwi.

Really? No wealth, no women? Youre lying, right? Please tell me youre lying.


* * *

If one were to list the five busiest people in the Jade Heaven Alliance, Joo Shin-yoon would definitely be among them. As the head of the Inner Court, he had a busier schedule than anyone else. His schedule was so packed that not even a needle could fit through.

Yet, his face showed no signs of fatigue. His internal strength was that formidable.

After completing his external duties, Joo Shin-yoon returned to the Inner Court. However, before he could catch his breath, a middle-aged martial artist in a blue robe appeared behind him. His expressionless face, as if carved from ice, and his snake-like cold eyes created a chilling atmosphere.

This was Naeng Ha-yoon, Joo Shin-yoons trusted aide. Naeng Ha-yoon was the leader of the Righteous Blood Corps, a powerful organization under the Inner Court.


What is it?

A message has arrived from Kaiyang.


It was then that Joo Shin-yoon turned around.

Kaiyang was currently a region where conflicts between the Celestial Demon Union and the Jade Heaven Alliance were ongoing. After an accidental clash many years ago, a series of battles had been going on continuously.

For now, both the Celestial Demon Union and the Jade Heaven Alliance didnt want the battle to escalate, so the frontline was contained within Kaiyang, but there was no guarantee that it could be suppressed for much longer.

Joo Shin-yoon opened the message Naeng Ha-yoon handed him.

His face stiffened as he read the letter inside.


His expression clearly showed displeasure.

Naeng Ha-yoon cautiously asked for the reason.

What happened?

It says that the procession that was transporting supplies to Kaiyang was completely annihilated.


Because of that, the situation at the Kaiyang frontline is quite shaky.

If thats the case, shouldnt we reinforce it? If were pushed back, the frontline will uncontrollably expand.

Thats right.

Joo Shin-yoon nodded in agreement.

He did not want the frontline to expand further. Nor did he want it to shrink.

The current level of chaos and conflict was just perfect for running the Jade Heaven Alliance.

Over the last hundred years, as peace prevailed in Jianghu, debates about the usefullness of the Jade Heaven Alliance had begun. Many in Jianghu acknowledged the necessity of the Jade Heaven Alliance, but secretly resented the fact that it had grown so large.

If the conflict with the Celestial Demon Union hadnt arisen, this resistance would have grown stronger. Paradoxically, the Jade Heaven Alliance needed a formidable enemy like the Celestial Demon Union to exist. The same was likely true for the Celestial Demon Union.

After pondering for a moment, Joo Shin-yoon issued an order to Naeng Ha-yoon.

Convey my message to the leader of the Main Court, Nam Il-geuk. Tell him to use whats been prepared.


With that response, Naeng Ha-yoon disappeared.

Left alone, Joo Shin-yoon frowned as he looked out the window.

Knock, knock!

Just then, someone knocked on his door.

Who is it?

Haha! Its me, Yeo Jung-wol. May I enter, Master Joo?

Yeo Jung-wol?

A spark of interest flickered in Joo Shin-yoons eyes. A being who could be considered his natural enemy had come to visit.

Come in.

As soon as he granted permission, a young man burst open the door and entered.

He was a handsome man in his mid-thirties, wrapped in a literary garment. His face exuded nobility, and his eyes sparkled with intelligence. His demeanor, swaying with literary grace, seemed more like a poet or a scholar than a martial artist.

Joo Shin-yoons eyes held a faint wariness as he observed the handsome man.

The man in front of him wasnt just handsome. Behind that attractive facade hid one of the most brilliant minds in the world.

He was Yeo Jung-wol, a genius strategist and the head of the Secret Court, one of the four courts that constitute the Jade Heaven Alliance.

His existence was almost unknown to the outside world, as he rarely engaged in external activities. However, those in key positions within the Jade Heaven Alliance were well aware of how formidable Yeo Jung-wol was.

A man who could devise ten strategies with ten steps, thus nicknamed Ten Steps, Ten Plans.2

What brings Master Yeo to this humble place?

Ha ha! Is there any place I shouldnt visit? I was just passing by and decided to drop in to say hello.

Is that so? Have a seat.

Thank you.

Yeo Jung-wol sat down without hesitation in the seat offered by Joo Shin-yoon. Joo Shin-yoon slightly frowned at his easy-going demeanor.

What would you like for tea?

I heard that you received some good tea as a present not long ago.

Are you referring to Zisun tea?3 How did you know about that? Almost no one knows I acquired Zisun tea.

Haha! Im a bit of a tea connoisseur. The merchant I do business with informed me that you had purchased Zisun tea.

That merchant wont live long with such a loose tongue. Tsk!

Dont kill him, though. As you know, he provides teas that cant be found elsewhere.

Ill remember that.

Joo Shin-yoon set out a teapot and some Zisun tea on the table.

Zisun tea is a wild tea that only grows in the region of Mount Guzhu, and even if picked all night, the yield is barely a handful. The annual harvest amounts to no more than a single batch.

It was so hard to come by that it was considered one of the finest teas, usually only served within the royal court. Hence, Joo Shin-yoon could only rarely enjoy its exquisite flavor after much effort to obtain it.

Yeo Jung-wol leaned back in his chair with a relaxed smile, a demeanor so carefree it almost seemed annoying.

Joo Shin-yoon steeped the Zisun tea and offered it to Yeo Jung-wol.

Hmm! Excellent, indeed. Truly a tea among teas. Just smelling its fragrance seems to clear my mind.

Stop with the nonsense, and tell me why youre here.

What do you mean? I truly came by just to enjoy the tea.

Hmph! Even a dog wouldnt believe that.

Oh! But its true.

Yeo Jung-wol!


You know me as well as I know you. So, stop with the nonsense and get to the point.

At Joo Shin-yoons cold words, Yeo Jung-wols smile faded.

Oh! It seems Im truly hated. This is why one should behave well all the time. Visiting so rarely, I get misunderstood like this.

Are you going to keep evading the subject?

Chill dripped from Joo Shin-yoons voice. Finally, Yeo Jung-wol put down his teacup.

Since you insist, Ill speak. Please reconsider mobilizing the Hidden Blood Battalion.


Its too dangerous.

Whats dangerous about it?

The Hidden Blood Battalion is a double-edged sword. If mishandled, it could dangerously expand the frontline.

Why are you telling me this? The battalion is under the Main Courts command.

Everyone knows about the close relationship between Master Nam Il-geuk of the Main Court and you, Master Joo. I dont understand why he only listens to you. I wish he would favor me a bit as well.

Joo Shin-yoons expression stiffened at Yeo Jung-wols words. He then glared at Yeo Jung-wol with a stony face.

Yeo Jung-wol didnt seem to mind as he brought the teacup to his lips.

Oh no!

In the midst of their conversation, the Zisun tea had cooled somewhat.

With the prime time to taste the teas flavor had passed, Yeo Jung-wols face became sullen.

Joo Shin-yoon glared at Yeo Jung-wol frighteningly.

SoundlessWind21s Notes:

If there are any errors, whether it be grammatical, spelling, translation, or website-related issues, feel free to let me know. (`)

Here is also a list of changes or differences between the manhwa and the novel:

  1. Gaeyang Kaiyang. Kaiyang is a county of central Guizhou province, China.
  2. 10-Step Mastermind Ten Steps, Ten Plans.
  3. Jisun Zisun. The Zisun Tea from Mt. Guzhu derives its name from its purple buds and leaves and bamboo-shoot-like backward rolling tender leaves.

Anyway, thank you for reading!

  1. Blue Light Martial Hall. Raws: ().
    • qng blue
    • gung light / ray / bright; shiny / only; merely / used up
    • w martial / military
    • gun building / shop
  2. Ten Steps, Ten Plans. Raws: ().
    • sh ten
    • b a step / a pace / walk / march / stages in a process / situation
    • sh ten
    • j to calculate / to compute / to count / to regard as important / to plan / ruse / meter / gauge
  3. Zisun tea. Raws: (). Literally translates to Purple Bamboo Shoot Tea.
    • z purple / violet
    • sn bamboo shoot
    • ch tea / tea plant
  4. Mount Guzhu. Raws: ().
    • g to look after; to take into consideration; to attend to
    • zh islet / bank
    • shn mountain; hill

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