Martial Artist Lee Gwak

Chapter 47: True Worth Revealed in the Face of Crisis (1)

Chapter 47: True Worth Revealed in the Face of Crisis (1)

Light Novel: Volume 2 Chapter 22

Manhwa: Chapters 48-49

Ma Duwon stared blankly at Lee Gwak.


We must somehow control the situation, right? What should we do?

That, that is

You are the one who knows the most about this place, Master Ma. Please, stay calm.


How can I assist you? Just tell me what to do.

At Lee Gwaks cold words, Ma Duwon felt his mind suddenly becoming alert as if he had been doused with cold water.


Even at that moment, the sound of the mechanism operating could be heard. The sound made Ma Duwons heart pound.

Quickly gathering his thoughts, Ma Duwon spoke urgently,

The mechanism that can control this place is located in the underground of the northern wall. However, since the mechanism here has been activated, the traps along the path to that place would have also been triggered.

Hop on my back.

Lee Gwak offered his back to Ma Duwon.


Theres no time to explain. Please, get on.

Oh, okay.

Overwhelmed by Lee Gwaks commanding presence, Ma Duwon climbed onto his back.

Hold on tight.


With Ma Duwon on his back, Lee Gwak began to run at a terrifying speed.


Taken aback by the speed, Ma Duwon held and clutched onto Lee Gwaks neck tightly.

Without lighting a single torch, Lee Gwak sped through the dark corridor like a whirlwind.

When they reached the middle of the passage, Ma Duwon exclaimed,

Be careful, this area has a hidden trap

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

As expected, traps were triggered, sending hidden arrows flying towards them.

Hearing the sound of arrows, Ma Duwon involuntarily shut his eyes tight. He thought he was done for.


At that moment, a strong wind rose up and swept through Ma Duwons entire body. The chilling sensation made him instinctively shrink his head.

He thought he had died. But no matter how long he waited, he didnt feel any pain.

Ma Duwon slowly opened his eyes.

He was still being carried on Lee Gwaks back. And Lee Gwaks terrifying dash continued.

What exactly happened?

Ma Duwons face was filled with confusion and doubt.

Just then, the passage abruptly turned at a right angle. Instead of slowing down, Lee Gwak stepped on the wall to change direction.

This is the flame corridor. We need to stop for a moment

Before Ma Duwon could finish his sentence, massive flames erupted from the walls on both sides.

At that moment, Lee Gwaks left arm moved.


A meteor hammer, like a black viper, sprung out and whirled around Lee Gwak and Ma Duwon at a terrifying speed.

The fiery red flames were deflected right in front of Lee Gwak and Ma Duwon by the meteor hammer. It was as if a black dragon was coiling around and protecting their entire bodies.

What in the world?

Ma Duwon, shocked, opened his mouth wide at the unbelievable sight.


Three giant saw blades burst out from the walls, flying towards them at a fearsome speed.

With the saw blades coming towards them from above, middle, and below, there was no place to escape.

Ma Duwon thought they were undoubtedly going to die this time.

At that moment, Lee Gwaks right hand moved, leaving a trail of faint shadows.


The saw blade that had been spinning and flying at them so terrifyingly snapped in two and fell to the ground. The clattering sound of metal rattled Ma Duwons ears.

No trap or formation could stop Lee Gwak.

In a moment of dazzling flash from Lee Gwaks hand, the mechanism disintegrated, and the trap formation was unraveled.

It was a feat only possible for Lee Gwak.

Lee Gwak had a deep understanding of the mechanisms and trap formations in this place from the perspective of a warrior. Therefore, he knew exactly where to strike to neutralize them in the shortest time possible.

Lee Gwak put his knowledge to good use.


Intense qi waves swirled around Lee Gwak and Ma Duwon.

Ma Duwon had never experienced anything like this before. He was so astonished by Lee Gwaks martial prowess that he momentarily forgot they were in a crisis situation.

The Lee Gwak he knew was just an ordinary warrior. Although he was said to be a squad leader of the Outer Hall, Ma Duwon had thought that he only became so due to very special circumstances, not because of his skills. But at this moment, Ma Duwon forgot all about that and was completely mesmerized by Lee Gwaks prowess.


As he extended his left arm, the long, black object, like a venomous snake, shot out and neutralized the mechanism. When his right arm moved, any object blocking their path was swiftly cut down.

Ma Duwon, being a scholar rather than a warrior, couldnt precisely discern what weapons Lee Gwak was using. However, he could tell that Lee Gwaks martial prowess was extraordinary.


A heavy iron door could be seen lowering in the distance. It was the control center for the mechanism.

The door, made of four-zhang-thick cold iron, was an object that couldnt be destroyed unless by immense strength. Once sealed, it was impenetrable.


Ma Duwon cried out in despair at that moment. In response, Lee Gwak hurled his sword.


The sword, flying like lightning, embedded itself vertically into the ground. The colossal iron came crashing down on top of it.

Under the immense weight of the door, the sword bent like a bow. For a moment, it seemed to hold, but then it burst apart with a loud pop.


Then, with a dull sound, the door completely shut.


Lee Gwak let out a ragged breath.

His back was to the jet-black iron gate.

Thanks to the sword buying them some time, they had successfully entered the room. His entire body was drenched in sweat from exerting all his strength in those brief moments.

Ma Duwon, still carried on Lee Gwaks back, had a completely stunned expression. Lee Gwak brought him back to his senses.

Hurry up and stop the mechanism.

Right, okay!

Ma Duwon shook his head to clear it and hurried to the central control of the mechanism.

Fortunately, the mechanism had not been fully activated yet. Ma Duwon quickly stopped its operation.

The ominous vibration sound, like the groan of a wounded beast, gradually subsided.

Haah! Haah!

Finally, Ma Duwon slumped down to the ground, gasping for breath. His entire body was soaked in sweat.


Lee Gwak, too, let out a sigh of relief by his side.

His whole body was trembling. Lee Gwak had pushed himself to the limit in a brief moment, and now he lacked even the strength to stand.

He leaned against the wall, sitting down to catch his breath. It wasnt until his heart which seemed ready to leap out of his mouth, calmed down a bit, Ma Duwon spoke.

You, what are you really?


What are you? Werent you just an Outer Hall martial artist? Since when does an ordinary Outer Hall martial artist possess such unbelievable skill?

Ma Duwons eyes were shaking uncontrollably as he looked at Lee Gwak. This was because Lee Gwak had thoroughly shattered his common sense.

I trained hard.


I trained myself desperately. I didnt waste a single moment of my time on Mount Shaohua.

Ma Duwons eyes fluttered at Lee Gwaks resolute answer. Lee Gwak didnt elaborate further.

Instead, his sincerity was fully conveyed.

You trained desperately?

Yes! Not a day, not an hour, not a single moment was wasted.

This guy Unbelievable.

Ma Duwon muttered in disbelief.

He had heard tales of martial artists in Jianghu who hid their true skills, but he never dreamed that he would encounter such a case himself.

Ma Duwon couldnt help but wonder if Lee Gwak was an infiltrator sent by the Celestial Demon Union, but he soon dismissed the thought.

During their time together at Mount Shaohua, Lee Gwak had never exhibited any behavior that warranted suspicion. If he were a spy sent by the Celestial Demon Union, it would have been more convincing for him to activate the trap mechanism.

There was no need for him to reveal his martial prowess like this to avert a crisis for the Jade Heaven Alliance.

With the level of your skills, you would have been able to enter the Inner Court, not just the Outer Hall.

Im more comfortable staying as I am.

You dont like being in the spotlight?



Ma Duwon let out a soft sigh.

He could feel the sincerity in Lee Gwaks words. The Lee Gwak he knew was not one to mince words, nor was he one to make excuses.

Ma Duwon decided to trust his own judgment.

You said you dont like being the center of attention, right?


Alright. I wont tell anyone about your high level of martial arts.

Thank you.

I should be thanking you. Youve averted a disaster. Whew!

If the Nine-Tiered, Nine-Heavenly Defense Structure had fully activated, the ground on the inner city wall side would have sunk, activating numerous trap mechanisms including mazes, and ultimately, the explosive devices would have detonated.

If that had happened, there would have been a tremendous number of casualties.

All of it was Ma Duwons responsibility. If Lee Gwak hadnt demonstrated his martial prowess in time, a terrible incident would have occurred in the Jade Heaven Alliance by now.

Thank you, really.

Its nothing.

Lee Gwak!


From now on, if you need anything, just tell me. Ill help you with anything I can.

I didnt do this expecting a reward.

I know. But I wouldnt feel at ease if I didnt offer to help in some way.

Alright I understand.

How are we going to clean up this mess, anyway?

Many of the traps had been destroyed by Lee Gwak on their way here. All of them would have to be repaired again.

He couldnt ask Lim Ji-moon and Gung Han-seol for help. If they saw the destroyed traps, they would realize that Lee Gwak possessed great martial skills.

Lee Gwak sighed.

Whew! Yes, indeed.

Well, itll work out somehow.

Ma Duwon looked up at the sky with a resigned attitude.


Suddenly, he burst into laughter. Lee Gwak joined him, laughing beside him.

* * *

Master Ma, Brother, are you okay?

As soon as they emerged outside, Lim Ji-moon rushed over.

Even after being dragged out by Gung Han-seol, Lim Ji-moon had not left the spot, waiting for Lee Gwak and the others.

Were fine.

What about the mechanism?

Fortunately, Master Ma stopped it.

Really? Whew! Thats a relief.

Lim Ji-moon sighed in relief as he swept his hand across his front chest. However, his face was filled with self-reproach.

He felt guilty for having left the two behind while he escaped. Although he was forcibly taken away by Gung Han-seol, the thought that he wasnt there with them during a crisis nearly brought him to tears.

Ma Duwon approached Lim Ji-moon.

I apologize for causing you so much trouble and worry.

No, Im just so glad that youre safe, Master Ma.

You must have been very scared, so please go inside and rest.

What about you, Master Ma?

Im going to stay and work with Lee Gwak to repair what malfunctioned.

Then let me help you

Ill let you know if we need your help, so until then, please rest.

Unable to insist further against Ma Duwons polite request, Lim Ji-moon relented. Gung Han-seol also joined them.

Please do so, Young Master. Im sure those above would not want you to be exposed to any more danger.

Whew! Alright. But if you need my help, please let me know. Ill do my best to assist.

Lim Ji-moon wore a look of regret until the end.

At that moment, Gung Han-seol glared at Ma Duwon.

Todays incident clearly occurred due to your mistake, Master Ma, right?

Thats right.

Although its fortunate you managed to resolve it, the alliance was nearly faced with a great disaster. I will report this incident. You should be prepared for punishment.

A troubled expression appeared on Lim Ji-moons face.

Sister, theres no need to go that far

In cases like this, discipline must be strictly applied, Young Master.

Gung Han-seol said, her words cutting like a knife.

Her gaze lingered on Lee Gwak, who stood behind Ma Duwon.

She still remembered how, in the moment of crisis, when she couldnt think of anything else, she vividly remembered being swept away by Lee Gwaks valor and fleeing with Lim Ji-moon.

Lee Gwak!


Gung Han-seol ground her teeth in frustration.

SoundlessWind21s Notes:

If there are any errors, whether it be grammatical, spelling, translation, or website-related issues, feel free to let me know. (`) Anyway, thank you for reading!

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