Martial Peak

Chapter 5943: The Situation Is Getting Out of Control

Chapter 5943: The Situation Is Getting Out of Control

In the vast Dawn City, there were 16 city gates. Although there were rumours that the Holy Son would enter the city tomorrow, nobody knew which gate he would come through.

Before dawn, countless disciples gathered outside the 16 city gates, eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Holy Son.

The Fire and Mountain Orders dispatched their top Masters and laid out an inescapable net within a radius of 50 kilometres centred on Dawn City, so any slight disturbance would be detected immediately.

Inside a teahouse, Ma Cheng Ze and Li Fei Yu sat across from each other, sipping fragrant tea.

Ma Cheng Ze was a plump man with a rotund belly, always smiling and appearing amiable. Even strangers found it difficult to harbour any ill feelings towards him, but those who knew him well were aware that his friendly exterior was just a front.

Among the Eight Orders of the Light Spirit Religion, the Mountain Order was responsible for leading the charge in battle, always at the forefront when attacking the Black Ink Cult’s strongholds. It could be said that the Mountain Order was made up of a group of fearless warriors, willing to give their lives for the cause.

So how would it be possible that their Order Lord was a simple and amiable person?

Ma Cheng Ze held a teacup in his hand, squinting his eyes as he watched the pretty women strolling down the street. Sometimes, he even whistled at them, drawing angry glares from the women.

Li Fei Yu sat calmly across from him, her icy expression resembling a statue and her eyes closed in meditation.

“Junior Sister Yu,” Ma Cheng Ze suddenly said, “Where do you think this fake Holy Son will enter the city from?”

Li Fei Yu kept her eyes closed as she replied calmly, “It doesn’t matter which direction he enters from. As long as he shows himself, he won’t be able to leave.”

Ma Cheng Ze questioned, “With such thorough arrangements, he certainly won’t be able to do so, but why would a fake Holy Son dare to act so boldly? Who has he offended to attract an assassination attempt from an Order Lord?”

Suddenly, Li Fei Yu snapped her eyes open, sharply staring at him.

Ma Cheng Ze shrugged, “Did I say something wrong?”

“Where did you get this information?” Li Fei Yu asked coldly.

She had never mentioned anything about an Order Lord making a move in the Grand Hall.

Ma Cheng Ze replied with a chuckle, “I can’t tell you that. Haha, I have my own ways.”

Upon hearing that, Li Fei Yu coldly snorted, “Damn fatty, all you need to do is charge ahead. How dare you plant your people in my Fire Order?”

The information about the mansion outside the city was obtained by the Fire Order, all of which had been blocked off. Everyone now only knew what Li Fei Yu said in the Grand Hall, but Ma Cheng Ze knew some of the hidden details. Obviously, these were leaked to him by someone else.

Ma Cheng Ze immediately clarified, “I didn’t do that. Don’t make unfounded claims. I, Old Ma, always recruit people openly from various Orders, I never act in the shadows.”

Li Fei Yu only stared at him for a while before saying, “I hope so.”

Ma Cheng Ze continued to ask, “There are only eight Order Lords. Who do you think it could be?”

Li Fei Yu turned her head and looked out the window, casually changing the subject, “I think he will enter the city from one of the three gates in the east.”

“Oh?” Ma Cheng Ze raised an eyebrow, “Just because the mansion is in the east? If that fake Holy Son chose to spread the news throughout the city to avoid potential risks, it means that he is wary of the high-ranking members of the Religion. How is it possible for such a cautious person like him to enter the city from the gates in the east? He must have already moved in another direction.”

Li Fei Yu couldn’t be bothered to explain her thinking.

Ma Cheng Ze talked to himself for a while, then continued to whistle at the pretty girls passing by outside the window.

Li Fei Yu’s expression abruptly changed and she took out a communication bead.

At the same time, Ma Cheng Ze also took out his own communication bead.

The two of them checked the message that was transmitted, followed by Ma Cheng Ze’s expression darkening, “He really came from the east! How bold is this person?”

Li Fei Yu stood up and said calmly, “If he wasn’t bold, he wouldn’t have chosen to enter the city at all.”

Ma Cheng Ze was slightly startled, but nodded after he gave it some thought, “You’re right.”

“Let’s go.”

The two of them flew out of the teahouse, heading towards the east of the city.

The Holy Son had already appeared in the direction of the second gate in the east, escorted by Immortal Ascension Realm Masters from the Mountain and Fire Orders. 

He was about to enter the city!

This news quickly spread. The disciples gathered at the east gate were extremely excited, and after receiving the news, those gathered at the other gates began rushing over as fast as they could, wanting to catch a glimpse of the Holy Son’s glory. For a while, all of Dawn City was like a giant beast awakening from its slumber, causing great commotion.

The number of disciples gathering at the eastern gates continued to grow, and even with the help of the two Orders, it was difficult to control the situation.

It wasn’t until the arrival of the two Order Lords, Ma Cheng Ze and Li Fei Yu, that the commotion barely calmed down.

Fatty Ma wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Li Fei Yu, “Junior Sister Yu, this situation is getting out of control.”

He had led his people into battle countless times without so much as a frown, even when faced with mountains of swords and seas of fire. Killing or being killed was all there was to it.

However, they were not facing an enemy now, but the disciples of their own Spirit Religion, which made things much trickier.

The prophecy left by the first-generation Saintess had been passed down for countless years and was deeply ingrained in the hearts of every disciple; everyone knew that the day the Holy Son was born would signal the end of all suffering.

The lower disciples and common folk all wanted to catch a glimpse of this saviour, and now with the current situation, everyone was rushing over. The eastern gate was already overcrowded and was only becoming more congested.

The Spirit Religion could certainly take some tough measures to disperse the crowds, but with so many onlookers, doing so might just cause more chaos.

This would not be good for the foundation of the Spirit Religion.

Ma Cheng Ze had a headache and felt that he had been given a difficult task. He said through clenched teeth, “If only we could spread the news that the real Holy Son had already emerged and let the people know this one is a fake.”

Li Fei Yu also looked serious as she murmured, “No one thought the situation would develop like this.”

There were two reasons why the news of the true Holy Son’s appearance was not revealed. Firstly, by entering the city, the fake Holy Son had effectively handed over the initiative to the Spirit Religion. Once he was in the city, they could decide whether to kill him or keep him with a single thought, so there was no need to leak such important information in advance.

Secondly, keeping the true Holy Son a secret for so many years made it difficult to persuade the disciples at this critical moment. 

In addition, the authorities were also deeply concerned about the events that had befallen the imposter. 

Who would show murderous intent towards a fake and secretly take action against him?

They had originally intended to let nature take its course, but they never expected the disciples to be this enthusiastic about it.

“Do you think he planned this all along?” Ma Cheng Ze suddenly asked.

Li Fei Yu seemed to not hear him as she remained silent for a long time before finally saying, “We can only find a way to resolve the situation now; otherwise, if all of the disciples gathered here and someone took advantage of them, there will surely be chaos!”

“Just look at these people. Each and every one of them is devout to the extreme. If you drive them away now, not allowing them to see the Holy Son’s appearance, they will probably fight you to the death!”

“Who said we won’t let them see him?” Li Fei Yu scoffed, “Since they want to see him so badly, let them. He’s just a fake anyway. Letting the disciples gather to observe him won’t damage the reputation of our Spirit Religion.”

“Do you have a plan?” Ma Cheng Ze’s eyes lit up.

Li Fei Yu didn’t respond but instead waved to a cultivator from the Lake Order who came over immediately. She gave him some instructions, and he nodded repeatedly before leaving quickly. 

Ma Cheng Ze listened to the instructions and gave Li Fei Yu a big thumbs up, “What a great plan! I admire you, Junior Sister Li. The ones in charge of gathering information sure are quick-witted.” 

30 kilometres outside the Eastern Second Gate, Yang Kai and Zuo Wu You flew straight towards Dawn City’s direction. Surrounding them were numerous elites from the Light Spirit Religion that were ‘protecting’ them from all sides, not leaving their side at all.

These people were part of the search team sent out to look for these two, so after finding them, they stuck with them all the way.

More and more people joined the group as they went.

When he saw this, Zuo Wu You became completely relieved and had nothing but admiration for Yang Kai.

With the protection of so many Spirit Religion elites, the person behind the scenes could no longer act recklessly, and all it took was the release of some information, which could almost be said to have been effortless.

They quickly arrived at the city. From afar, Zuo Wu You and Yang Kai could see the crowded people outside the city.

“Why are there so many people?” Yang Kai couldn’t help but be surprised.

Zuo Wu You pondered for a moment before sighing, “The people of the world have suffered for a long time under the threat of Black Ink Strength. With the emergence of the Holy Son, hope has arrived. They probably all came to witness the glory of the Holy Son.”

Yang Kai nodded lightly.

After a moment, under the gaze of many eyes, Yang Kai and Zuo Wu You landed outside the city gate.

A cold-looking woman and a friendly-faced fatty walked towards them. Zuo Wu You’s expression changed slightly when he saw them and quickly transmitted their identities to Yang Kai.

Yang Kai nodded imperceptibly in response.

As they approached, the fatty smiled and said, “Little Friend, you’ve been through a lot on the way.”

Yang Kai smiled and responded, “Thanks to Brother Zuo’s care, it has been a smooth journey.”

Ma Cheng Ze raised an eyebrow slightly and praised, “Zuo Wu You is indeed remarkable.”

Meanwhile, Zuo Wu You stepped forward to pay his respects, “Greetings, Order Lord Ma, Order Lord Li!”

Ma Cheng Ze patted him on the shoulder, “You’ve done a great job this time. The appearance of the Holy Son is a great joy for my Spirit Religion. After the matter is settled, it will ultimately be your credit.”

Zuo Wu You bowed his head low, “It is my duty, and I dare not take credit.”

“Good,” Ma Cheng Ze nodded, “Go with Order Lord Li, she has something to ask you.”

Zuo Wu You looked up at Yang Kai and replied after seeing him nod, “Yes!”

Then, Li Fei Yu led Zuo Wu You to one side.

Ma Cheng Ze waved his hand and immediately someone brought two spirited horses forward. He gestured, “Little Friend, please. There is still a journey to the Holy Temple.”

Although Yang Kai was a little puzzled, he went along with it and mounted the horse.

Ma Cheng Ze rode on the other horse, leading him towards the city. On the way, the bustling crowd automatically parted to make way for them.

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