Martial Research Master

Chapter 329

329 NETHERWORLD RIVER-“What is this river?”

“How many times do I have to say it? It is called the Netherworld river which flows throughout the Netherworld into the unknown. The energy in it is said to be so corrosive that even an immortal wouldn’t be able to escape should he falls into the depths.”

“How was I able to escape then?”

“The river you fell is not the real deal. If I have to guess, it is just a manifestation of the original river’s tributaries in this plane. It must have managed to appear in this world through a tear between the two planes, but the laws of this world prevent it from manifesting completely.”

“So there is a dimensional tear present within the depths of Misty-Ridge?”

“I guess so. You need to be careful. The only reason you managed to negate the effect so easily is because of the presence of two superior types of energy within your body. One is Crimson world Qi while the other is Hell-Heaven Qi. You can understand the power of the original river just from this example.”

“It was able to corrode your body even after you possess two incredibly powerful types of energy, and it’s just a manifestation of the real deal. If you want to safely navigate just the manifestation, you would need to have the power of a Qi Monarch. In terms of body cultivation, you would require to completely achieve the channel tempering realm.”

“isn’t it easier to reach the level of power by body cultivation?”

“It isn’t actually as you have a higher chance to make it to Qi Monarch level before you even achieve the Channel Tempering realm. There is an even easier way than normal QI cultivation though.”


“What is it?”

“Practice the Hell-Forging sutra at the emperor level. It should induce enough Hell_heaven energy within your body to enable a smooth journey.”

“I wanted to ask a question for a very long time. I cultivate Dimrson World Qi as well as Hell-heaven Aura. Why aren’t there any laws related to these energies?”

“It is because you will need to visit these plains to connect with the laws in there. You can’t connect with their laws in any other way. Forget about that for now. If you can connect to a Chaos law at the end of the day, you will understand just how big the world is.”

The Keeper said.

“Something even more important has arrived in front of us. If there is a Netherworld river in the Misty Ridge, we might be able to find the legendary tree which only grows in the middle of this river. It is one of the most valuable resources in hell and would be an item of great importance to you. If you could obtain it, you might be able to set foot in Hell and connect with its laws during your next breakthrough.”

Li Meng was excited after hearing this news. He wanted to continuously surpass his limits, and His Hell heaven aura was one of the best energies he possessed. He didn’t have any laws related to them, but The Keeper just said that he might be able to step into Hell, with a resource that is generally found in the middle of the Netherworld river. He had to check it out.

“What is the three’s name?”

“It is called the Great Yin tree. If you manage to find it and connect it to your body, your body will fundamentally transform to accommodate the laws of Hell too. Think of it as a transformation to the very core of your being. Once you can do that, use the art mentioned in Hell Forger to open a door to hell.”

“Previously you had been unsuccessful in your attempts at going to hell. My initial estimate was that you would need to break through the Dominator realm and practice your Hell haven Qi to that level to be able to bear the pressure of Hell’s laws. But the river changes the situation completely.”

“Forget the treasure which is marked on the map, this river by itself is a great treasure, but it is one which we couldn’t use as of now. The Great-Yon tree is something we need to get our hands-on. If you can open a pathway and successfully step into hell, the artifact could start to absorb the purest energy from hell itself.”You need to understand that Hell is a higher plane than the current one you exist in. Its laws and energies are fundamentally many times stronger than the ones here.”

“The artifact is sure to recover much faster in Hell.” Li Meng finally understood the importance of the Yin-tree. He had to get his hands on that treasure.

“Begin to ingest the honey you obtained from the hive. You will be consuming a hug of that honey on every incense stick to maintain the peak level of your powers. We might have to face a powerful enemy in the depths.”

Li Meng followed the Keeper’s instructions and ate the hiney. He could feel his body being filled with power and all the cold he felt before vanished completely. He could also feel his body getting stronger and being refined by a strange energy. The honey was quite miraculous. No wonder the Keeper asked him to sacrifice the armor for it.

“Follow the Yin river closely while marking the path in the map. We will go for the treasure once we manage to find the source of this river. Let’s hope there is a Yin Tree at the end of the path.”

The river was lifeless as it flowed to the depth of the Misty Valley. Li Meng soon walked into a region where no more masters could be seen beside him. He continued to go deeper and finally, he managed to reach a location that seemed like a lake from where the river had originated from.

To his surprise, the lake by itself was quite big. He never expected Misty Ridge to be so immense.

“What should we do?”

“We need to cross the river.” The Keeper said.

“And how are we going to do that?”

“When there is a Netherworld River in this place, there must be a Netherworld sailor. Use your Hell energy to instigate the water within the lake. You will see what happens next.”

Li Meng followed the instruction, and soon enough a huge shadow began to emerge from the depth of the lake. It soon resurfaced and took the shape of a humongous boat.

This is called the Ship of the Dead. The main transport vehicle used by the citizens of Hell to traverse the Netherworld river. But the usage comes with a price.” Soon enough a figure emerged at the head of the boat and extended his hands.

“What should I give him?”

“Give him the honey you just got.” Li meng carefully gave a huge jug full of frost honey to the rider who accepted it and extended the boat’s stairs for Li Meng to climb on.

“Take me to the middle of the lake.” Li Meng instructed. The man nodded and the boat started to sail.


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