Martial Transcendence

Chapter 114 - Pill King Lon Ging Gen

Du Chan saw the great hall in front of him 

"So this is Pill King's house?" Du Chan said to himself 

"I think so" Xie Mengyu said 

Du Chan saw the board which was hanging on the entrance 

*Lon Ging Gen Residence*

"Let's enter the house" Du Chan said and opened the rusty and old brown door

As he opened the door white smoke came out from the inside of the house, people were shocked and tried to not touch the smoke! They heard that if the smoke is white then it's poison!

Du Chan and Xie Mengyu were not affected by it but all tried to avoid the smoke.

Du Chan smiled; it was good to have a poison free body. He waited for the smoke to leave the house and he and Xie Mengyu entered the house slowly, but still, the smoke was filled inside the house

"Little Xie" Du Chan called out Xie Mengyu who was stopped from entering anymore

"Du Chan I saw a man" Xie Mengyu said

Du Chan raised his eyebrows and said

"Where?" Du Chan asked

"There" Xie Mengyu pointed straight Du Chan looked in that direction but he see nothing

'Does Little Xie have some special eyes?' he thought, she was the first one to see Divine Turtle and now she saw something he can't see

"Okay, how did he look" Du Chan asked

"He is sitting in front of a cauldron and his eyes were closed almost like he is dead" Xie Mengyu said,

"Take me there," Du Chan said, and Xie Mengyu nodded and grabbed Du Chan hand and walked into the house

"Hey wait for use"

Tan Clan people shouted

"You guys search inside the house, we will come back in some time" Du Chan said as he vanished in the white smoke inside the house

They were shocked, how can they enter the house now? if they breathe the white smoke then there is a chance they will be poisoned

"Anyone has medical pills with them?" an old man shouted, he was the elder from TenThousands Swords Sect

No one said anything; even if they have pills they can't distribute them with other guys

"Wait for the poison smoke to leave and clear the house" Tan Chen said, this poison smoke is even dangerous for them Xiantian realm experts! They can't play with it!

Du Chan and Xie Mengyu entered deep into the house and they entered a big ball that was smoke free.

"Look," she said and Du Chan looked at the mid of the hall and a man was sitting in the mid of the round hall flour and a golden cauldron was in front of him, he was wearing normal plain white robes,

"He must be the Pill King Lon Ging Gen" Du Chan said

"How do you know his name?" Xie Mengyu asked, no one know his name so how?

Du Chan looked at her

"You didn't saw the board where it was written *Lon Ging Gen Residence* ?" Du Chan asked

"Ohh, I didn't saw that" Xie Mengyu said

Du Chan sighed

"Okay, his name is Lon Ging Gen! Now you know right"

"Yes" Xie Mengyu said with a smile

"I get close to him" Du Chan said and stopped Xie Mengyu from getting any closer to the Pill King's corpse and he started to get close to the corpse, he was slow and study, there might be many traps…


An arrow passed him,

Du Chan was surprised and looked at the step he took and his leg landed on the tail of the scorpion diagram on the hall, and there were other 2 diagrams on the hall

Du Chan raised his eyebrows

"Is this a trap set?" Du Chan thought and tried to check that his guess is right or not

He bent his body and stepped on the tail of the scorpion.


Another arrow passed, it was targeted on his face if he stood up straight but his body was bending so it passed him 

Du Chan smiled, it was easy to figure it out, he slowly took another step and an arrow passed but it passed through his robes. Du Chan's smile vanished

"This damn arrows" Du Chan said to himself, these arrows can sense him and his position

Xie Mengyu was worried for him

Du Chan closed his and took a deep breath

He tried to make his another step on the plain flour where the was no diagram when he stepped on it nothing happened, he smiled and looked for another place like it but there was no plain place around anymore! He was in the middle of the 3 diagrams! Snake, frog, and scorpion, and these 3 diagrams covered the whole hall

Du Chan dared to take another step, he stepped on the frog


Green smoke was released from the ground! It was very poisonous! But it can't do anything to Du Chan. Du Chan smiled and took another step on the frog and came closer and the smoke was released again, but Du Chan ignore it and continued his way to the corpse.

He stopped at the movement where he needs to cross the snake diagram, he thought a bit and stepped on it,


A loud sound came from the ground

Du Chan saw the diagram moved and started to come off the flour

Du Chan's eyes widen, Xie Mengyu was also got scared when she saw a dark green snake appeared in front of Du Chan, it was 20 meters tall!

"Du Chan…" Xie Mengyu want to say something but Du Chan already too his spear out,


Du Chan jumped towards the snake as he spear sliced through its skin,


That snake cried and used its tail to attack Du Chan but Du Chan didn't let it attack him, he took his saber and sliced its tail in two

Du Chan smiled

"This is a tier 5 beast," Du Chan said

Xie Mengyu was shocked Tier 5 beast?

The tail got attached to its body on its own, Du Chan was surprised by it, it can joint it back? He tried to cut it again and he did but it recovered in no time, he did again and the same thing happened!

He looked at that snakehead, "I will cut this now and I will see how you can joint your head back" he said and jumped and aimed his saber that the snake's neck


That snake released dark green liquid on Du Chan as he came in front of the head; it took the perfect time to attack its opponent!

Du Chan's vision was blocked by the green poison! He forced his body back and landed on the ground but that snake didn't give him any time to clear the poison on his face! It attacked him with another round of poison!

That dark green poison even entered his mouth nose and eyes too!

"Cough Cough"

Du Chan coughed the poison out, it was very horrible! Way too horrible!


Du Chan vomited, he can't control it, and it was too much!


Xie Mengyu also vomited because of the smell! And when she saw Du Chan vomiting her stomach also reacted and she also vomits

That snake attack Du Chan with its tail and he was clashed to the wall

Du Chan can't speak clearly because of hungry, he got hungry! That poison cant do anything to him but he just vomit the thing he ate and the poison made him more hungry

Xie Mengyu also stopped vomiting and ran towards Du Chan, he body also became very weak because of the vomit but she was not poisoned or anything

That snake ran towards Du Chan,


Du Chan shouted and ran towards the snake; his saber became sharper as a golden energy surrounded it! Du Chan jumped and came in front of the snakehead

"Die and become my food!" Du Chan said and sliced the head of the snake! But he was not satisfied by it; he sliced through its body and made it into 5 parts! 

Du Chan took a deep breath

"Let's cook this" he said the fire appeared on his right hand as he roasted the snake nice and sweet,

Outside the house


"Brother Gin, I smell something," a guy said to the yellow haired man

That yellow haired man also snuffed a little

"This…someone is cooking inside the house" he said as he stood up and looked inside the smoky house

"Don't snuff idiots! That's poison!" that old man said to that yellow haired man

"You old… one you snuff too, you will know, someone is cooking inside the house and it smells way too good making me droll" that yellow haired man said

"Hmm? Really?" that old man took a step and got close to the house and snuffed

"Wow, this smells really good" that old man said with a hungry expression

Tan clan and all noticed the old man's expression and they also snuffed


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