Martial Transcendence

Chapter 4 - 2 Years..


Du Chan was shocked by the strange words coming out of his mouth. When he tried again, he saw a paper that was the same as the one that entered his head. After that, a piece of strange information transferred itself into his brain. He could recognize the letters as of now. That language was of this world.

After seeing that, he could decipher those letters with only a blink. He began reading them. He sat in a lotus position, his mouth was murmuring but there was no sound coming out. Afterward came a golden light that began expanding on his forehead.

Some time had passed before Du Chan finished reading the contents of the golden paper. The golden light on his forehead had stopped glowing and left a diamond-shaped mark.

Du Chan felt very comfortable and refreshed now that he could see that his body started to change. He felt that he could be able to run and do many things he was robbed of due to his conditions. He did not feel Lifeless any longer like before.

"I'm really lucky to have found a treasure like this, hahaha!"

Du Chan was beyond happy right now that he started to dance with excitement, the thought of having gotten another chance to live.

"I will definitely find the cure for my disease" Du Chan promised himself loudly.

"Haaa, I'm glad that I learned how to read and write in this language."

When Du Chan was reincarnated, he was very interested in this world. When he was one and a half years old, Gu Auntie used to read stories for him and Du Chan took some of those books in order to learn. Before even reaching his 2 years, Du Chan had already learned how to read and speak the simple language of this new world.

When he was 3 years old, he had been yet healthy. But one sudden day, he had so much pain in his abdomen. Gu Auntie was also worried since there were usually no doctors in the village. There was a town nearby but it took at least 2 days to reach it.

Luckily for Du Chan, it happened that there was a doctor in their village at that time. He was a student of a medical sect that was traveling. Fortunately enough, he had stopped at the village for some time.

When Gu Auntie knew of this, she hurriedly brought him to that doctor. When the man checked Du Chan, he didn't understand any of the symptoms and saw that there was no problem with the body at all.

He tried every method he learned in his sect but there was still no progress. After all his trades were spent, he remembered one last procedure used to calculate an estimate of a person's lifespan. It was a method of which the usage was banned. He was extremely lucky to discover that technique.

Then, with risks aside, he attempted it on Du Chan. It was then that he found out that his body had only about 5 years of vitality left.

He then said that Du Chan had some strange disease and he couldn't live past another 5 years from this day (a total of 8 years). After talking to Gu auntie, he gave her some dans (Pills) which would help to reduce the suffering. He also noted down his sect's address in town so that they could visit it should anything occur.

From that day and on, when Du Chan felt pain, he took one of those medicinal pills.

Back to the present. Du Chan was happily running around the mountains, time slowly passing and lunchtime already upon him. He was heading back towards the orphanage when he glanced at a rabbit skipping away. His body froze momentarily. There was a sound coming from his stomach.

"It's been so long since I had a nice piece of meat" Du Chan said to himself hungrily. In the orphanage, there was only rice for everyone and meat....well it was a dream of some kind. It was very rare for anyone to eat proper meat in the village.

Du Chan tried to catch that rabbit but it was extremely fast. After trying a few times, he got exhausted. He took a breather under a tree and sat down for a couple of minutes. When he saw it again, running from the north, he remembered that there was a carrot farm to that side of the mountain.

He ran to the north and prepared a trap. By digging a profound hole, closing it with some tree branches, and placing some carrots on top, he was finished. All setup, he backed away from the trap and hid behind a withering upright log in the vicinity.

Hunting required patience and this was the case here. After waiting in the open for a quarter of an hour, the bait finally worked out.

When the rabbit saw that there were carrots, it came quickly and fell into the trap easily. Du Chan who was watching from a little far, saw the process unfold and drew a big smile upon his face.

He took a sharp branch he found and went to the trap cautiously. He caught the rabbit by its long neck and sliced it messily, spurting blood all over his hands..... After it slowly bled out, the rabbit died.

Du Chan prepared a small fire and roasted the meat over it. He remembered how to cook simple things from his past life. The meat was fresh and clean, so even though his cooking skills were quite mediocre, it tasted quite good and crispy.

"Yum, this is good" Du Chan said more than 5 times.

After eating it whole, he was satisfied and searched for a good place to sleep. He found one where the wind was blowing and the tree's shadow covered the whole. He slept very fast, time passed and it was already the evening.

Du Chan woke up and returned to the orphanage in earnest. When he saw the front door, Gu Auntie was standing there, her arms crossed and her leg tapping. When she saw him coming, she pinched his ear, a devilish grin forming up on her old visage.

"Why don't you come for lunch" Gu auntie asked him with a threatening tone.

"I…I ate some fruits in the mountain so I don't feel that hungry…I also slept and did not check the time. Sorry, Auntie" Du Chan said with a smile on his face.

Gu auntie was surprised to see Du Chan so happy that she could not help returning the same expression. Seeing him that happy rendered her happy as well. She carried him inside while giving him a few kisses on both of his cheeks.

"Okay, don't miss lunch next time. You have a weak body and you need to eat a lot."

"Okay" Du Chan said happily and hid around her neck.

Gu auntie patted his head and entered the orphanage while carrying him.

The next morning, Du Chan returned to the mountains and again, worked on deciphering that golden paper of his. Reading it helped his body be filled with energy. After it, he went hunting and by then he had to return as usual.

2 years passed.....

On the peaceful Mountains, a wild boar was running away and a kid was close behind it, chasing it. After he caught up to it, he punched it on the head.


With a single punch, the boar died. That kid was none other than Du Chan. In the 2 years that had elapsed, his body had drastically changed from lifeless to healthy.

He looked like a 10-year-old kid. After cleaning the skin and removing the waste, he cooked the boar meat. His cooking skill had improved in these two years.

Also, Du Chan had improved his strength so much that he could beat any adult without a problem. Gu Auntie was surprised every time he changed but she didn't bother asking any questions. She simply threw a smile and left it as it is.

Du Chan had analyzed that he had cultivated the "Undying Physique" to 7℅ of its potential in the 2 years that passed, but nonetheless, his body had changed totally. If someone saw him back then and now after 2 years, they would not believe them to be the same person.

After eating, he returned to the orphanage and went directly to his room. A fat kid came to his room and knocked on the door after some time.

"Brother Chan, come let's play" he said after entering the room.

"Ok fatty, I'm coming" Du Chan answered and got up from his bed.

In those 2 years, he had made a single friend. He was this fatty by the name of Zhu Rong. He had a big and fat body even though he ate lesser than most and shared a weak body that was similar to Du Chan previously.

When he was bullied by other kids, Du Chan saved him, so Zhu Rong became very respectful towards him.

"Brother Chan, let's play ball games today" Zhu Rong suggested happily.

"Sure" Du Chan responded with a smile.

"Okay, I will bring the ball" Zhu Rong ran into his room to fetch the toy.

Du Chan sat on the wall outside the orphanage while waiting. But then suddenly he felt pain in his abdomen just like the one from the years before. He couldn't make a sound and fell abruptly on the ground.

Zhu Rong came with a ball in his hand, but when he saw Du Chan on the ground and immobile, he was shocked and hurried to his side.

"Brother Chan, Brother Chan" but Du Chan could not open his mouth or his eyes. Zhu Rong spared no second and called Gu Auntie atop his lungs.

"AUNTIE! Something is wrong with brother Chan!"

When Gu Auntie heard him, she came almost instantly only to see Du Chan on the ground. She couldn't help but remember what had happened 5 years back....

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