Chapter 112: Surprise Event

Players were shocked at how incredible this story was developing.

When they saw that Orcs had invaded the continent of humans and were successfully conquering lands, there were players who were very happy and proud about it, while other players were furious that these Orcs were conquering humans' space, so more and more discussions from players with this subject came up non-stop.

Until suddenly, after a few days, with the hype of Elder Scrolls: Warcraft growing, Mojang finally made a change.

Peter and Hulk were walking around Oasis while visiting some stores around.

They discovered that the Hulk was very fond of eating meat, and in a certain hub there was the best steakhouse they had ever tried, so today, after a few hours of playing Skyblock on the Hypixel, Peter and Hulk said goodbye to Ned who was busy editing some videos from his livestream and went to eat at Oasis.

Just like in Hypixel, Hulk in Oasis still had the appearance with skin color to see, but after a few months of practice living in that world, Hulk learned to wear clothes, as he played a lot with Ned and Ned was already earning a lot of money with On his livestreams, Ned regularly deposited money into the Hulk's account so that he could spend it on whatever he wanted, as in their view, Hulk apparently didn't have an easy time in the real world.

So whenever Hulk saw an outfit he thought was cool, he would buy it and equip it on the spot, often forgetting about the other clothes he had and just wearing the same outfit for weeks until he found some other one he thought was cool.

As a small child, Hulk's attention was easily distracted, while his memory wasn't very good for small things, so he didn't even remember the other clothes he had.

Recently he saw some other players walking around Oasis with green skins like his and wearing red shirts, which attracted his attention and made him feel very happy.

Passing by a store that sold red shirts like that, he asked Peter if he could buy a shirt too, to look like those other green-skinned players like him, which Peter left without a second thought, seeing how the his little big friend was happy about that.

At that time Peter was wearing a red shirt with a spiders design on it which he thought was really cool, and Hulk was wearing a red shirt with the Horde symbol which he didn't know the meaning of but felt was really cool.

But he froze when he looked inside a store that had a lot of players.

Peter was a little surprised by Hulk's reaction and looked at the store his friend was looking at and was also surprised.

That store was one of the Mojang stores inside Oasis. Each Hub had one such store, which had space to fit hundreds of people at the same time, but surprisingly, even with hundreds of people, the place was quite full, which made Peter curious as to why.

Looking at the store, the place was completely decorated with red flags with the same symbol as the Hulk's shirt and blue flags with a golden lion, which was apparently the symbol of the Alliance, the rival group to the Horde.

"Hey Hulk, wanna go to the store and see what's going on?" Peter asked excitedly.

"Hulk wants!" Hulk, who had finally woken up, responded enthusiastically as he ran into the store with Peter.

"Look at that, another Orc with skin to see, get out of here!" A player in an Alliance shirt shouted at Hulk, causing him to startle at this reaction.

Even though he's been playing Minecraft and Oasis for months, this was the first time someone had yelled at him because of the color of his skin, which made him really sad in real life, but which for the first time really hurt Hulk here.

His anger was rising when he intended to go fight with that person, but someone was faster than him.

"Shut up you dog of the kingdom, you think we don't know how dark your nobles are, it's much better to be an Orc with green skin, but with bravery and Honor than a dog of a King like you!" A player with green skin and a red shirt shouted at that first player.

Seeing this happen, Hulk's anger instantly subsided, leaving him shocked by this reaction.

Even though he was never criticized because of his skin color in this virtual world, he had never seen anyone defend him in a fight other than his friends, especially when he saw that player's skin color, Hulk was even more moved.

"Come brother, fear not, Thrall will guide us to glory!" The player with the green skin yelled at Hulk with a big smile as he held out his arms.

As soon as that player did that, other players with green skin and Horde shirts appeared while smiling at Hulk and Peter, inviting them to join their group.

Hulk was confused and didn't know what to do. Whenever that happened he looked to Peter and Ned for help, and this time was no different.

Seeing how the players in the Horde jersey were being welcoming to them, Peter smiled at Hulk and walked towards the Horde players, his spider red jersey matched the Horde jersey of these players much more, and seeing how receptive they were were, Peter didn't think twice about joining them.

Among the players with the Horde shirt, there were not only players with green skins, but there were also players with bull horn hats, players with zombie makeup, and even players with blue skins, which looked much more fun than the other. side.

Seeing Peter go, Hulk lost his fear and also went to those players. This was a unique experience for him, when he arrived at this group of people, everyone gave him a big hug and offered him a very nice drink that was served in a very big horn like cup, and a big piece of roast meat that was held by a big bone!

Hulk who was holding the big piece of meat with one hand while drinking that drink with the other hand, was surprised at how much fun it was and was quite satisfied.

Peter was also eating at the time, but he was talking to the player who called them into this group.

"Friend, what's going on here? Where did this food come from?" He asked.

The player who called them replied with a proud smile. "We were walking down this street when we found out that Mojang was holding a surprise event about Elder Scrolls: Warcraft, the store was divided into two sections, the Alliance place…" He said as he pointed to the other side of the store, where there were the players in the blue shirts who were also laughing and having fun. "And the Horde side." He said as he opened his hand to the side where they were.

"Apparently Mojang is going to make a surprise announcement in a few minutes, the NPCs haven't given any details on what that would be, but with the store decor it's kind of clear that maybe it's related to the next game haha!" The player chuckled before taking a big gulp of his drink.

Peter started looking around and saw that this indeed seemed to be the case, even the Mojang NPCs were wearing Alliance and Horde shirts while adding more food for players to eat for free.

Thinking of Ned who was editing the live streams and didn't know it, Peter soon called his friend and explained what was going on for him to come, as this would probably bring a lot of viewers to Ned's live.

When Ned heard this, he quickly stopped editing it and ran to Peter's Hub wanting to join in as well while explaining to the livestream viewers what was going on.

Seeing that Ned was rushing to a surprise Mojang event, more and more players told their friends, and while other players also connected to Oasis to participate in person, people who were busy in real life started watching the livestream of Ned and other Streamers who discovered this to see what would happen.

Within minutes all of Mojang's stores across all of the game's Hubs were filled to capacity with nearly 1,000 players, making the place very crowded.

Fortunately this was a virtual world, so even though the place was crowded, the temperature of the place was still very refreshing, not letting anyone get hot and uncomfortable.

Food continued to be served for another 20 minutes until suddenly the lighting changed.

The room's brightness dimmed by 90%, leaving it bright enough for the players to barely make out the outline of whoever was next to them, and a screen appeared in the center of the shop.

On the screen, there were only four words "The Elder Scrolls: Warcraft!"


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