Chapter 27: New Magic

Unlike players who were surprised by these DLCs, Alex had different feelings. As he had already discovered that he was in the Marvel universe, these DLCs were specially selected to attract the greatest amount of audience to Minecraft, so that he could focus on the next game he wanted to develop.

He knew that in this world there were many geniuses with such a high level of intellect that the geniuses of his old world couldn't even compare. And worst of all, in this world there was practically a genius for everything, be it a genius in robotics, genetics, shooting, construction, space, things that Alex couldn't even imagine much, he knew there were people with almost infinite knowledge about that.

So, after thinking about what mods he could add, Alex found that ThaumCraft and IndustrialCraft would be the mods that would make players spend more time in the game, and that would cover the greatest amount of players, after all, those who weren't interested in exacts could playing the magic DLC, those who preferred exact calculations could play IndustrialCraft which was focused on machines and resource usage, while those who didn't have a clear preference could play both mods.

But with that Alex was already feeling that Minecraft was reaching a bottleneck. Not a public bottleneck that could play the game, but a development bottleneck. The game was practically complete, and after a few weeks Alex even intended to sell a platform for players to make mods, where they could sell their own mods, or make it available for free.

At this point Alex didn't have much to do with Minecraft, so he thought it would be a good time to develop another game.

"Master, where are we going?" Wong asked confused as he looked around. Even as a monk, Wong was well versed in the culture of normal people, so seeing the world with cars, cell phones and computers was no problem for him.

"Don't worry, this time I will show you a truly unforgettable experience." The old woman said with a confident smile as she looked at Wong and her other disciples. Today she was wearing a different outfit than the disciples were used to. Usually they just saw her wearing a green and yellow outfit, or even a white outfit, but unlike normal, today she was wearing a long black and purple cape with a dragon face on the back, and to match she wore the other pieces of black clothes with purple.

As much as this outfit was very different from normal, the disciples had to admit that the Crone was even more beautiful in this outfit, despite being bald.

"The last time this such unforgettable experience caused me to go bald for three months…" Wong grumbled in a low voice so the Elder couldn't hear, but by the smile she was giving him, he knew she had heard.

"I'll forgive your language today, mainly because I know it's going to be difficult to maintain self-control with what I'm going to show you. Please follow me into this store." The old woman said as she entered a dark shop.

Curious, Wong looked at the store's nameplate and found it was a Cyber-Cafe. Initially he was curious about what the Crone wanted to show them, but now that they came to a Cyber-Cafe he felt less interested. When he was still an ordinary young boy he came to this kind of place all the time.

"Master, I know this is a cool place, but I can't understand what you mean by unforgettable experience." Wong said, receiving nods from the other disciples.

Hearing this, the Elder smiled and replied. "Tell me Wong, what are these people doing on computers?"

Wong was confused by this question, but he looked around and saw that a man was sleeping in front of his computer while a color film played on the screen. Looking at a woman nearby he saw that she too was sleeping as a square movie played on the screen.

This surprised Wong and the other disciples, as they didn't realize everyone would be paying to sleep here, until a wild idea came to Wong's mind.

"Master, is there a demon hypnotizing these people!?" Wong yelled alarming the other disciples who immediately went into battle stance to fight the demon that could appear at any moment.

"No need to worry, there are no demons here, this is actually a game everyone is playing with their own consciences. And that's what I brought you to try. In this game there is a different style of magic, and I want it to you guys study this magic and tell me the difference between the magic of this game, our magic, and whether this game's magic can somehow be used in real life." The Elder explained.

Hearing what she said, the disciples finally understood what they should do, some were excited that they could play, others were relaxed that there were no demons, only Wong was 100% serious as he thought about the Crone's task for him and the other disciples. .

Unlike other disciples, Wong was always educated in Martial Arts, rather than Mystic Arts. Of course, he knows Mystic Arts, but he doesn't practice it, mainly because of his lack of talent for the magical part of the world, forced to focus only on Martial Arts.

But from what he's heard from the Crone, apparently there's more to this spell in this game, and if he's among the research team for this spell, maybe it has something to do with him? Wong got excited and quickly paid him so the other monks could use the free computers and soon they slept in front of the screens just like the other customers.

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