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4 months ago
Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that... Read more Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that is living in the Marvel World. There would be a greater threat coming to earth, and he needs a way to prepare for that.Fortunately, he was given a System that allowed him to go to the Harry Potter Universe, where he got a letter that he would be enrolling in Hogwarts.Jerry needed to learn a lot of things from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, perhaps prevent such incoming threats in the future with the knowledge and skills that he learned from there? Collapse Academy, Age Progression, Alchemy, Alternate World, Anti-Magic, Based on a Movie, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Character Growth, Cheats, Child Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Elemental Magic, Fanfiction, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Fast Learner, Grinding, Heroes, Hidden Abilities, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True Identity, Magic, Magic Beasts, Male Protagonist, Monsters, Multiple Identities, Mythical Beasts, Overpowered Protagonist, Previous Life Talent, Reincarnated in Another World, Saving the World, Special Abilities, Strong to Stronger, Summoning Magic, Transformation Ability, Transported to Another World, Weak to Strong, Witches, Wizards, World Hopping, World Travel, God Protagonist, Godly Powers, Harry Potter, Interdimensional Travel, Late Romance, Marvel, Righteous Protagonist, Ruthless Protagonist, System I am currently on chapter 242 .So far I have enjoyed reading this novel. It is not a masterpiece and the quality is quite average, however, it has been really good to me me now that I can't find anything to read, and it reminds me a lot of when I started my journey in Webnovels, this novel gives me a feeling of freshness. :D Why!? Why do people combine things that DON'T NEED TO BE COMBINED Well, let's get started with this review. First of all, I would like to point out that I will not talk about the quality of the text or its spelling. My level of English is mediocre and I rely on my friend Google to translate. So I'm the last person who can criticize this kind of thing. I will only speak here about my opinion of the story. We therefore follow Jerry in the Marvel world having a system which allows him to travel to several worlds (HP being simply the first of them). This is a decent fanfiction for those new to the genre or if you want to pass the time. But let's look for what I think are flaws for the pickiest among you.The MC gets strong too fast. Indeed Jerry will travel to several worlds, but each of these worlds will be too weak to constitute a real threat to him. Moreover, many of these worlds are not very interesting.Magic not exploited enough. The MC initially has HP magic, one of the most malleable among the magical universes. I expected more innovation in his magic spells. Too bad that most of the time he just copies existing spells. Magic is as versatile as technology, it's a shame not to exploit this potential.A poorly operated system. The system has no problem in itself, just that it is poorly used by the author. Indeed, the system of this novel simply aims at dimensional transport between different worlds, but also the possibility of consuming points (called Stars in the book) to facilitate the learning of magic. The problem here is that the MC only uses his points when reading books, making Jerry's progress boring to follow. I can't repeat it enough, but in a novel whose theme is the increase in strength of its MC, you have to make his way of progressing in strength interesting to read. For example, between an MC who only reads magic books to become stronger and an MC who must research magic to become stronger, we guess which one is more interesting to follow.A fishtail ending. I understand that Jerry becomes too strong at the end so that it is no longer interesting to follow him having adventures like this. But this is not an excuse to botch an ending. The author could have given us the identity of the person who gave the system to Jerry, there is no need to experience adventure for that. It feels like the author cut the story short before it was finished. Now let's talk about the last problem, a recurring problem with most fanfiction, at least that's my opinion. I'm taking advantage of my review here to talk about it:The MC's personality is not suited to the work used in the fanfiction. Let me explain, there are several types of MC, the selfish, the vigilant, the cheeky, the lazy, the cautious, ... In short, there is no shortage of types. In normal novels, the personality of the MC is adapted to his universe (For example a selfish MC will tend to live in a world where the majority is selfish, the most obvious example are Chinese martial arts novels where everyone world is selfish).But fanfiction works differently. The world used in a fanfiction does not belong to the author. So in principle the author of a fanfiction must adapt the MC personality to the type of universe borrowed in his story. For example, take the world of the anime Fairy Tail, it's a story that promotes friendship and family. If you put a selfish MC in that kind of world, he'll be a stain. Faced with Fairy Tail characters who act out of justice and friendship, an MC who only acts out of profit will seem petty compared to them. And a fan fiction reader will make this comparison unconsciously, and will end up not liking the MC.In addition to seeming petty, this will create a barrier between the MC and the world characters used in the fanfiction. This time let's take the example of Jerry in the Marvel universe. Jerry and a selfish MC type, although he can easily help in a situation, he will rarely do so without being able to gain something in return or if it doesn't earn a star for his system. Result, in a universe where each hero acts in the name of justice, we have Jerry who only acts for profit, he does not save others out of kindness, but only because it benefits him. So, no matter how badass and powerful Jerry is, we compare him to characters like Iron Man, Thor or Captain America, who are weaker, but who are full of ideals and who save others without asking for anything in return. , Jerry comes across as a mean-spirited cheapskate with a narrow view of the world. In short, we are not particularly attached to him. I therefore find that Jerry's personality is not suited to this fanfiction, which I find a shame. In conclusion, a decent fanfiction for those who can accept some imperfection. I think it's an ideal novel to pass the time when you have nothing left to read. I hope I have enlightened you, wishing you a good reading. (I would like to point out that I read the entire novel on another site, so this review was written after my full reading.) 3/10 grammer is mid author only has half baked knowledged on EVERYTHING marvel half backed harry potter half baked everything makes up shit all the time the red stars he uses are inconsistent uses a few hundred each day for and gains hundreds of thousands and yet still somehow runs out 246 chapters in barely anything substantial other then predetirmined shit that everyone knows is gonna happen since its a ff it just sucks why combine things? Harry Potter is not a part of Marvel I lifted the levitation spell I gave up on reading this crap after seeing this. What how's that possible It not half bad Fu#k it,imma read this It'll probably make me sick,but i will still be reading and sick NVM,i'm out Is there no romance in this ?? If not it'd be kinda boring I think!?? There is a short romance later, but not very important. MC is simping for the know-it-all sl*t. I've dropped it there. Thanks for the warning. Can you recommend a novel with a MC that is not naive or a simp/cuck? Hp is so overused bruh Last time I've heard, it's the most "fan-fictioned" fiction ever. it is. But there are a few diamonds in the rough.