Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 165: Odin and Bi Xiao

Chapter 165: Odin and Bi Xiao

The Great Hall of Asgard

After nearly two years of slumber, Odin, the All-Father, awoke. Seated upon his throne, adorned in magnificent armor, holding the Eternal Spear Gungnir, and wearing his eye-patch, he radiated a profound sense of authority from his single eye.

Although his hair and beard had turned white, and he seemed somewhat frail, neither Thor, Loki, nor any other warriors present dared to underestimate this king who had brought glory and splendor to Asgard.

As long as Odin had not fallen, he remained the unparalleled king leading Asgard in conquests across the universe.

Even with his last breath, none would dare to act presumptuously before him.

Odin quietly listened to Thor and Loki report the events of the past two years, including recent disturbances across the Nine Realms. However, when he heard of an anomaly in Hel, his eye momentarily flickered, betraying a slight change in emotion.

Yet, he maintained his composure, so much so that even the astute Loki did not notice.

Only after their reports concluded did Odin nod in satisfaction.

"Your growth has exceeded my expectations, Thor, Loki."

Loki looked up at his father. Such praise, even shared with Thor, was rare and remarkable.

Present were Sif, the Warriors Three, and Queen Frigga, all showing signs of agreement.

Both Thor and especially Loki had changed significantly, so much so that it seemed they had become different people.

As childhood companions, Sif and the Warriors Three had always harbored doubts about Loki, noticing flaws in his facade that those close to him could detect. However, Loki, being a prince and Thor's brother, meant these doubts could not be openly expressed, especially as Loki had done nothing to harm Thor.

Thus, they kept their suspicions to themselves.

But since Loki accompanied Thor to Midgard, they observed changes in Loki. Like Thor, he had become more composed and was often seen quietly reading books.

Loki was considered the most intelligent and thoughtful among the Asgardians, always studying and reading more than anyone else.

However, after their campaigns, Loki's behavior changed; the frivolity vanished, replaced by a more genuine demeanor, no longer as elusive as an illusion.

Recently, during the rebellion in the Nine Realms, they witnessed changes in Loki's combat prowess.

He had become stronger, his magic formidable, slaying countless enemies. His efficiency in killing was almost on par with Thor, though his style had evolved from reckless charges to strategic prowess.

Strength remained strength, and they did not view Loki's change in fighting style as a loss of valor.

They questioned how long they could survive against Loki, leaving no room for doubt.

Sif and the Warriors Three sensed this, and so did Odin. He saw even more, noticing the significant improvement in the brothers' demeanor and strength. They had shed much of their recklessness, frivolity, and arrogance.

They had become steady, able to face challenges with calm and clarity.

This was what Odin hoped to see in a king, knowing that benevolence must be built on a foundation of iron-fisted rule. Only after solidifying control would one consider mercy and compassion.

Without such change, Odin would have set the brothers on their predetermined paths, ensuring their growth along those routes.

Now, they had prematurely embarked on the correct path.

This gratified Odin greatly.

He also understood this was due to the goodwill extended by the one who altered the Sacred Timeline on Midgard. 

Recognizing the effort, Odin knew he must not withhold his own contributions.

Otherwise, it would be akin to digging his own grave.

Antagonizing that individual would be unwise for Asgard, which, while not lacking enemies, needed trustworthy, capable friends.

Especially after his "fall."

The timeline had already been disrupted, a reality Odin could not change, thus compelling him to consider Asgard's future.

Nurturing Thor and Loki was always part of his plan, even at the cost of witnessing severe sacrifices.

Now, a better option has presented itself.

Odin was no fool; if Asgard could be preserved while ensuring Thor and Loki's growth as future kings, sticking to the original script would be sheer folly.


Thor was just about to speak humbly, but Odin's single sharp eye flashed, illuminating the entire grand hall for an instant. Odin stood up, descended the throne steps, and looked behind Thor.

Odin's sudden movement startled everyone, causing them to quickly turn and follow his gaze.

There, standing behind them, was a figure. Dressed in a brown coat with a white shirt underneath, his posture was upright, his face handsome, and his demeanor carried the same divine aura as Odin's, making it hard for anyone to meet his gaze directly.

It was none other than Bi Xiao.

"King of Asgard."

"Guardian of Earth."

Two unparalleled powerhouses met for the first time in the palace hall. There was no tension, only calmness, but beneath that calm, it felt as if a terrible storm was brewing.

If the storm descended, it would be catastrophic. No one would be spared.

Everyone exchanged looks in silence. At this moment, even Thor kept quiet, silently observing the two powerful figures.

This atmosphere did not last long, as Odin was the first to smile.

He stepped forward to greet Bi Xiao, with Frigga, his wife and the Queen of Asgard, following closely behind.

"Welcome, Bi Xiao."

Odin placed his right hand over his chest in a gesture unique to Asgard, and Bi Xiao returned the gesture.

Bi Xiao's appearance intrigued many, including Sif and the Warriors Three. For their previously backward civilization to produce a figure comparable to Odin was astonishing.

Moreover, they knew of Bi Xiao's impressive achievements, such as his solo venture into Hell to slay a hell lord, which was already legendary.

Their curiosity was short-lived, as Odin soon dismissed everyone from the palace, including Frigga, leaving only him and Bi Xiao to converse privately.

As they walked shoulder to shoulder down the palace corridor, Thor was curious. "I wonder what Bi Xiao and Father are discussing."

"I think whatever they discuss is beyond our reach, Thor. We are still far from their level," Loki responded calmly. In the past, he would have tried to guess what might happen between Odin and Bi Xiao.

But now, Loki was indifferent to such meaningless things. He understood that until he reached that level, Odin and Bi Xiao would always see them as children, unworthy of knowing such matters.

Loki preferred to continue his magical studies, eager to catch up with his less thoughtful brother.


Thor nodded in agreement, then asked Loki, "Do you want to find Pietro and Wanda today?"

"I am studying a powerful spell. I'll join you after mastering it."


Thor was not disappointed. If Loki wouldn't go, he would. Both Pietro and Wanda were rare opponents, growing even faster than him and Loki.

Despite this, Thor had never truly defeated Pietro or Wanda. Wanda's growth was astounding, not just in magical prowess but also in physical strength, nearing their level. Even purely in close combat, Wanda was formidable, once going head-to-head with Thor and ending in a draw.

Remembering that encounter made Thor feel a bit embarrassed. His good brother and Pietro later mocked him, saying he was useless despite the chance.

This drove Thor's competitive spirit and desire for combat even further, vowing to one day defeat Pietro and Wanda in a direct confrontation.

Thor's fiery determination made Loki roll his eyes. His battle-crazed brother thought only of fighting, never of training outside of combat.

Unlike Thor, Wanda and Pietro trained constantly, learning magic or engaging in high-intensity physical training to improve their abilities.

Thor, on the other hand, relied solely on combat, growing stronger even when taking hits, a talent that left Loki exasperated.

"Is that Bi Xiao?" Sif was curious. She had heard of Bi Xiao's fame but never met him until today.

Her expectations were not disappointed by the other party's demeanor and appearance. Though he appeared somewhat young, the profound and unfathomable aura he exuded made her shiver instinctively with just a glance, which was enough to prove his terrifying nature.

As terrifying as Odin...

"Incredible that Midgard would produce such a powerful individual. I'd love to spar with him," Volstagg, the big man, grinned, his eyes brimming with boundless fighting spirit.

"Forget it, Volstagg. Xiao is a true god on par with the All-Father. I saw your performance earlier, and I'm afraid a mere glance from him would have you prostrate on the ground," Fandral mocked Volstagg.

Hogun nodded in agreement, patting the mocked Volstagg comfortingly, "Believe me, friend, it's no disgrace. You know, for us to even retain our courage before such a formidable opponent is already quite remarkable."

"Ha, are you kidding me?" The big man Volstagg was immediately displeased, waving his large hand angrily, "I am the bravest warrior of Asgard, well, excluding Thor."

Glancing hesitantly at Loki, he added, "And Loki too, of course."

"The honor of Asgardian warriors will never allow me, Volstagg, to lose courage, no matter whom I face."

Volstagg declared confidently.

But Thor bluntly dealt a blow, patting Volstagg on the chest with a comforting tone, "Yes, Volstagg, I have never doubted your courage."

"But you should know, no matter how brave a warrior is, when facing a truly mighty god, maintaining your courage is enough."

In fact, Thor meant that Volstagg was boasting. Not just Volstagg, even Thor himself had once out of curiosity proposed to spar with Bi Xiao, which ended disastrously. His good brother Loki still remembers it as a dark chapter.

For that, Thor signed several unequal treaties to keep Loki from spreading the story.

The reason was simple. When he made the request, Thor disregarded the bewildered stares from Pietro, Wanda, and Loki, who were all watching Bi Xiao lounging on the sofa, sipping a cocktail and looking at a laptop.

Bi Xiao's expression didn't change, nor did he refuse; he just gave a glance.

At that moment of eye contact, Thor felt a sudden change in the world. It was just a very simple glance, Bi Xiao's deep eyes looked at him calmly.

Thor felt an indescribable pressure.

It was a terrifying oppression beyond words, as if the entire world was pressing down on his body, almost crushing him.

He even seemed to hear the crisp sound of his bones.

And his supposedly steel-like will was crushed by that terrifying pressure.

It was a complete collapse, extinguishing his once blazing fighting spirit. When Thor was about to falter, Bi Xiao withdrew his gaze, sparing him from embarrassment. Of course, by then, Pietro, Wanda, and Loki had already noticed.

Thor's legs trembled like someone with Parkinson's.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have signed those unequal treaties with Loki. It was then Thor realized that a warrior's steel will indeed hold under desperate circumstances, facing a formidable enemy without losing the courage to strike.

But it’s important to recognize levels of strength.

Against someone like Bi Xiao, there was simply no chance.

Even for Thor himself, let alone Volstagg, who would probably collapse on the spot or faint directly.

He didn't spell it out, ignoring Loki's mocking gaze.

Thor sincerely comforted his good brother Volstagg, but it seemed Volstagg didn't understand. Instead, he looked excited, as if he wanted to rush to the great hall of the palace and demonstrate his courage by challenging Bi Xiao.

Thor could only cover his forehead and shake his head helplessly.

He realized that he had once been just like Volstagg, truly fearless in his ignorance.


He missed his former self.

Thor lamented inwardly, realizing that the more he knew and matured, the more he understood how foolish his once fearless nature was.

He wondered how he survived all these years.

Fortunately, he hadn't encountered enemies like Bi Xiao, or he might have been crushed long ago.

Sif, a valiant warrior, was no less brave than her comrades, but she had some sense and could at least notice the strange glances between Thor and Loki.

Reflecting on the conversation between her comrades and Volstagg, and their exchanged looks, Sif seemed to grasp something, raising an eyebrow and pondering silently.

What had Thor and Loki experienced to change so much? Could it be that they had been repeatedly struck down by the Midgardian guardian called Xiao?

"Alright, my friends, before my battle today, let's enjoy this beautiful time and wish me victory."




— Completed (Chapter 277: Finale)

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