Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 85: Four Relaxing Months of Traveling

Chapter 85: Four Relaxing Months of Traveling

In the crowd, Bi Xiao, who was dancing with two beautiful girls, stood out particularly.

Nick Fury's eye twitched as he watched.

“So, he disappeared for two years, and when he came back, he went on an RV trip?"

Bi Xiao, a dangerous individual, had always been under his close surveillance. However, Fury had been puzzled by some of his actions over the past two years.

He rescued a mutant girl, went to X Academy, then bought a manor on Long Island. He had been lurking there for two years, disappearing for a month or two at a time without stepping outside. He only occasionally went out twice to other cities, where he killed a batch of vampires.

He was like a recluse hiding in his manor.

Now that he had finally reappeared, he was in an RV, seemingly planning a trip, which gave Fury a headache.

Fury didn't care what Bi Xiao was up to. He was even happy to see him acting as a butcher, since the butcher's victims were either villains or non-humans. Fury had deeply ingrained the belief that anyone not of his kind must be treated with suspicion.

He was always skeptical of everyone, especially those who weren't even human.

Bi Xiao perfectly fit his idea of a member of the Avengers, so much so that Fury regarded him as one. As a butcher, he needed someone who could coldly and ruthlessly kill enemies.

Not someone who was a hedonistic recluse.

Fury was wondering if Bi Xiao had been corrupted by money and pleasure, which was normal. The temptation of money and pleasure could seduce even the most cold-blooded and rational butcher. After all, he was still just a twenty-year-old young man.

Considering his impoverished upbringing, it was normal for him to be dazzled by wealth for a while.

Fury did not want the butcher to put down his knife and return to a normal life; otherwise, he wouldn't have helped cover up Bi Xiao's actions.

“What a headache this kid is," Fury muttered.

His single eye flickered. He needed to ensure that the boy remained the cold-blooded butcher he once was. He could relax and have fun, but he must not abandon that identity.

Fury decided that if Bi Xiao remained the same after this trip, he would need to take action.

Perhaps he could introduce more crises to awaken Bi Xiao's inner sense of responsibility.

He believed that the boy still had a sense of duty deep down.

Little did he know, Nick Fury was merely overthinking things and was completely unaware of the actual situation.

As for Bi Xiao, he continued his journey, traveling from New York to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and finally to Minnesota.

These states took him a total of three months. He spent about a month in each state exploring the local culture, scenery, and cuisine.

Overall, he encountered many pleasant and a few unpleasant experiences, the former being more frequent. The latter, though not many, included running into three foolish robbers on his way to Illinois.

His muscle RV was too conspicuous in remote areas. The three idiots, armed with shotguns and pistols, wanted to kill Bi Xiao and steal all his belongings and the RV.

Unfortunately for them, they encountered a butcher far more ruthless than they were.

Bi Xiao's hands were stained with countless lives, not just a few dozen, but thousands.

These small-time crooks, with their shabby guns, were effortlessly sent to hell by Bi Xiao. He used magic to open a rift to hell and tossed them in alive.

What happened to them in hell was up to how they faced their fate. Most likely, both their bodies and souls would be devoured by greedy demons.

These were just minor episodes.

They didn't affect Bi Xiao's mood. Four months of travel completely relaxed his tense spirit. During these months, he ignored thoughts of becoming stronger or dealing with enemies from other centuries, as if he had forgotten them all.

This relaxing trip eliminated any lingering negative emotions he had.

He was fully enjoying the journey.

It was now March 2004, and spring had arrived. Driving his RV along the highway, surrounded by lush green mountains, he entered Minnesota.

Driving along, he came to a small town called Forks. The scenery in Forks was exceptionally beautiful, lacking the noise and hustle of big cities.

During this time, continuous spring rains added a cool tone to the landscape.

Amidst the pristine forests and mountains, the place had a unique beauty.

Bi Xiao, sitting in the RV's driver's seat, drove along a long, straight country road flanked by towering teak and pine trees. The rain fell, creating a muddy but pleasant atmosphere for those who enjoyed the rainy season.

As he drove, Bi Xiao's keen intuition sensed many unusual things in the town ahead.

After driving a little further, he saw a police car parked by the roadside. A middle-aged white officer in uniform and a girl with long, dark brown hair, wearing a short-sleeved plaid shirt over a gray long-sleeved shirt and jeans, stood at the car's front. The hood was up, and the girl held an umbrella, shielding both the officer and herself from the rain.

Bi Xiao parked his muscle RV a few meters from the police car.

He opened the door, stepped out with an umbrella, and approached the officer and the girl. Under their curious and wary gazes, he asked, "Do you need help, officer?"

"Yeah, I think it's the spark plug causing the engine to stall. I should get it repaired," the officer said helplessly. He glanced at Bi Xiao's RV and, noticing the license plate, asked, "Are you from New York?”

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