Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 18: It's Time For Africa

Chapter 18: It's Time For Africa

"This is beautiful, boys. Marvellous. This will help save so many people and stop the mad ones." He praised them all.

"So, tell me about its capabilities." He asked them, as he had no idea if they had made any changes.

In the end, he was honestly happy with what little updates there were. It needed 1-4 crew, could carry 2,000 kg of weight, or 15-17 troops. Its max speed was 250 km/h and it could go 600 kilometres in one full tank with no reserve.

"We had to come up with a lot of new technologies in order to fulfil your demands. But... we just hope that we can get credit for those inventions, although the patent will stay with your company." Einstein requested.

"Sure, I will recommend all your names for the noble prize, just keep on making new things and you will have all the fame, name and money in the world. Now, I know... most of you don't care about money, but think about your families, don't you want to see smiles on their faces? Don't you want to buy a car for your son or daughter? Keep your wife happy? There is no harm in being a little selfish, as often, selfishness is what pushes man to build things." Hector said to inspire them.

His company was called KingTech. He honestly didn't care about the company or the name, all he wanted was to save lives in the war.

"What about the other dual rotter one?" He asked them, as he had given them the designs of Chinook as well. These helicopters were good for transferring heavy equipment. Just imagine, landing tanks behind enemy lines and leaving a trail of destruction like never seen before.

"That... the twin rotter model is a bit hard to make, we need to work on such circuits that would allow one to control the two blades smoothly. But worry not Mr President, we will present a prototype in half a year." They promised him.

He was happy, "Good, the war ain't going to stop anytime soon. So, when can we start the production of these ANY-1 helicopters?"

"We have already designed the production line, all you will need is a production manager and workers," they said. Of course, they were not going to be working in factories. They were only responsible for R&D.

"Fine, I will take care of it. I want 50 helicopters prepared first so we can show Congress their effectiveness and allow the military to use them in a few missions. Once their effectiveness is clear, I think we will make hundreds of them." He planned. After all, his aim was not unachievable, because from what he know, Stark Industries had built 100,000 planes during ww2 for the war effort.

Hector then left a few designs of modern automatic guns and tanks with the team and headed back to his office. He had to sign a lot of documents. The military draft was already open and new soldiers were being trained. The ones already trained were to be sent to Europe in January.


On 25th December, Hector enforced the Defence Production Act, DPA, to force various industries in the country to start producing items necessary for the war. Quickly, the newly designed Camaflauge dress, guns, ammo, planes, tanks, parachutes, military rations, helmets, vests, explosives and shoes started to be produced in large numbers.

Millions of citizens quickly found themselves working in factories and the effects of the Great Depression immediately disappeared.

However, Hector had to sign a really controversial law, it was the decision to relocate the 110,000 Japanese Americans into camps, due to the fear that some of them may be loyal to their Emperor. But Hector did ensure that they got the best food and parks for kids to play in, hospitals, schools and police protection. A special Senate committee was made to oversee it, all made up of people loyal to Hector. He just warned them that if any kind of inhumane acts occurs in the camps then they can expect to live in a crap jail in some South American country.

Other than this, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill came to New York. Hector pitied the guy, ~We may be allies right now, but I'm afraid you will hate me later.~

Hector's ideals about non-colonialism were in direct conflict with the policies of many European countries as they held colonies around the world. Although the United States also had a Colony, the Philippines, which they won from a war with Spain, he knew it was not for long. The US only kept it to stop the expansion of Japan, though they were unsuccessful and General Patton lost the Philippines.

"I believe that the United States will stand by the free world and fight the autocratic animals. What happened in Pearl Harbour was a tragedy for which they must pay." Winston Churchill said.

~This guy, they have half of Asia and Africa under them and call Germany autocratic.~ Hector scowled.

Soon, they signed the secret agreement for the development of the Atomic Bomb, however, Hector ensured that the United States was the sole owner of the technology and will oversee everything. No documents shall reach Britain as he was afraid of the Soviets getting it.

The war slowly turned huge, on sea and land. Soon North Africa was invaded by the United States and Great Britain to counter the German occupation. At the same time, Hector started to gather his stuff to head to Africa. It was time to push the Germans out of the region.

"Pack your stuff, Logan. Moony, you will stay here again and keep an eye on Truman. You don't like the desert anyway. I promise to take you to Europe later." Hector instructed the good fluffy boy.

"Woof" ~You can count on me, dad.~ was what Moony meant.


Oval Office, White House,

"Where are you going?" Roosevelt asked him.

"Hehe, to fight, what else? I will be by my soldier's side. I have already prepared the entire roadmap of the administration in advance. I will return every month to plan again. Not to mention, I shall run the government from the field, as my secretary and bodyguard, Logan will be with me." Hector replied as he packed his suitcase.

Roosevelt was angered, "ARE YOU MAD? I thought if you were president you would not leave, and now you want to go there to die? I don't care if you were somehow lucky and survived the madness you showed in Pearl Harbour, you may have some sort of secret strength, but are you sure a bullet to your head will not kill you?"

Hector laughed, "Come on, the nation calls it Washington Power. Didn't George Washington fight too? He didn't die, I will be fine as well. Don't worry, Roosevelt. Just relax and listen to the news as I stomp on Hitler's plans."


"Sir, you have a letter." Hector's Chief of Staff, June came.

He looked at the name of the person who wrote it to him and howled in laughter, "Bwahaha... Can you believe it, Gandhi sent me a letter. Let me guess, it has his pleading words that we should not make war and live in peace."

"Ah, that Gandhi? British love and hate him at the same time." Roosevelt remembered the guy.

"Of course, they hate him because he's against the abysmal British Raj, while they love him because he's too mad in his non-violence thinking and even stops other armed rebellions. What a fool, freedom is never achieved by non-violence. If we had not fought the Revolutionary war, the United States would still have been under the British, begging for freedom." Hector tore the letter in two and threw it in the fireplace.

For the fact Hector knew that Gandhi had sent a similar letter to Hitler in the previous life, he must have done the same here too. Seriously, how did the man expect his letter to stop Hitler from killing Jews and making war? His ideals of non-violence and peace were really beautiful to look at and hear, but in a real capitalistic world filled with selfish people, these ideals were useless and gained nothing but pointless publicity. This was akin to what those Twitter warriors will do in the future.

"To hell with them, Hector. My friend, think about it. Who will run the country if you are gone? Don't do this, you don't need to go." Roosevelt requested him. He had faked a heart attack, not for this, dammit.

Hector put his hand on the man's shoulder, "My friend, just this one visit. Just imagine the popularity I will gain by doing this. The next elections will be secured."

He was lying. He will just prove to all how effective he was on the battlefield.

"I know you are lying." Roosevelt was an experienced President, who won three times. Of course, he knew. "You are the craziest son of a bitch I have ever seen, Hector. What will you even gain by doing this?"

Hector sighed and sat down, Roosevelt rolled his wheelchair to his front too. Hector realised that perhaps it was not good to push Roosevelt away, he could help a lot in running the country as his proxy.

"Roosevelt, what are the chances that a man can survive a plane crash and then trek across the Grand Canyon without any injury?" He asked.

Roosevelt was going to scream but calmly thought as he felt Hector was on to something, "Near to none."

"And what are the chances that a 72-year-old man could stop a bomb with a bullet, jump from one fighter plane to another mid-air while killing enemies and this way bring down more than 50 aircraft, all the while being unscathed?" He asked further.

Roosevelt's hand shivered, "W-What are you implying?"

"My friend, you have seen me long enough. Do you think I am normal? You know, I am not a mutant, as you have read in my blood reports, blood group B+, borderline cholesterol, perfectly fit body and muscles, with love for ice cream and burgers. Yet I can do all that, am I normal?" He questioned him while keeping his sharp gaze on him.

Roosevelt fell silent for a whole minute. In his mind, he was seeing all the moments with Hector. Truly, Hector had always been different, too energetic for his age, smart, strong and wise. Not to mention, all his previous military deeds, his work as the Governor of Illinois and eradicating the Chicago Mafia with his own hands. All this pointed to one thing, "No. I have no idea what you are... Normal? Absolutely not."

"Yes, what I am, I can't tell you, but know this, I am a human, just with some god's gifts. Now, I will go there and save this nation's sons. As well as innocents. In the meantime, I want your help to run the country like an oiled machine. I will be passing a few laws soon, they might create some unrest, but for the future of this nation, they will be necessary. I hope you will support me." Hector earnestly requested him.

*Sigh* "You know, the congress, the media and all the rich folks with vested interests will pounce on you when you leave. They will call you mad or something. But I know, once you show results, all of them will be shut up. But care to enlighten me, what's your goal in all this?" Roosevelt inquired from him.

Hector stood up and picked up his bag, "I wish for the world to not just love me, but also fear me. So that when I shall speak, they would have no choice but to hear me."

"See you later, Roosevelt. Ah, feed Moony on time." He waved and left the White House in an amazing technology that was never seen before, a helicopter.

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