Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 20: Mission London

Chapter 20: Mission London

US Congress,

"Pardon me for the language I am about to use but... GOD DAMN! What the fuck is going on? Is our president even human? He has already won us the War in Africa. General Patton and Eisenhower reported that if not for President Washington, American casualties would have been in tens of thousands. But they also reported that because our president does not have any military designation or rank, problems in the chain of command occurred.

"Since the United States is providing the most troops, machines, money, and President Hector King Washington is already the accepted commander of the Allied Forces. I propose an emergency act today. According to this act, President Washington will be granted a Military rank, one that suits the Commander-In-Chief.

"I propose a rank above 5 Star generals be given to the President." The Senator proposed.

Simple to say, everyone agreed. Since Hector was already fighting the war, there was no need to reject as this act would only help them. Hence, the rank of 6 Star general was offered to Hector.

All this had occurred without his knowledge, so when he returned to Washington in December of 1942, he saw the document on the table for his signature.

"What the hell is this? Do they want to give me a military rank? Hmm... it does sound badass." He rubbed his beard while thinking.


Moony jumped onto him and put his head on the lap to get pats, he also asked in his language, "Dad, can I get a rank too?"

"Hmm, why not? I will take you to the Italian Campaign later and make you a Lieutenant." he fawned over Moony and caressed his furry head.

Next, Hector wrote something on the act and sent it back for discussion. He put one argument in it that nobody should have a higher rank than George Washington. So, if they wanted to give him a rank, then they first needed to give George Washington a higher rank.

After that, he nearly forgot about it and went back to do his work. it mainly involved making sure the economic policies were right, and they supported industries and competition while stopping crony capitalism.

Right now, a large number of the population is working in factories producing war-related vehicles or items. Later, when the war ends, and the soldiers return, a lot of people will be jobless. He needs to make sure that the country becomes an industrial powerhouse before that can happen.

His next target was the Civil Rights Act, which legally ended the segregation that had been institutionalised by Jim Crow laws. The Voting Rights Act that halted efforts to keep minorities from voting. The Fair Housing Act of 1968, which ended discrimination in renting and selling homes.

His goal was to bring equality to society, so colour-based discrimination can stop. To some extent, Hector could understand why in the future this became such a big issue. In the original timeline, all these acts would pass in the 60s.

The 60s was the Post War era, most of the major opportunities had passed by and poverty had already hit the people. So, even after these laws were passed, the coloured communities had a delayed starting point compared to the white population. It was done by law, and they were not given the right opportunities at the right time. So, due to this delay, even years later in the future, the coloured communities would face poverty.

So, by passing these laws, he was making sure that no matter what one's skin colour is, they can attend college, participate in politics, do any job they want. Sure, there is going to be opposition from some states, but Hector was not going to accept any of that. He had the power of mass media under his control. And as long as he fought the war, whatever he will say will be treated like words carved on stone.

Also, by doing this, he was avoiding all the Civil Rights movements in the 60s, bringing future stability. Of course, new laws will also need to be made to address discrimination cases.

On top of that, he was initiating Police Reforms for the whole Country. Any state that does not accept it will face his anger. It is pretty simple, the base training period for any police officer will be a minimum of 1.5 years. In this, 1 year will be physical, law, psychological and de-escalation training, while the remaining 5 months will be martial arts, gun training, disarming training and also human biology training, so one knows where to not strike. He wanted a police force that people respect and love, not the one people fear.

He was going to add a clause that any unlawful act committed by an officer will be treated as an individual case rather than a case against the department. This way, the department won't come out to save asses. But at the same time, more clauses were needed so departments don't just use this law to get away by making scapegoats.

"My friend, you are on fire. All these laws are bound to hurt a lot of powerful folks." Roosevelt said when he was called by Hector to give his advice on them.

"I know, but this is the right time to do it. We are all preoccupied with war. I have too much power as the president during a war. I aim to use my popularity to offset all the anger against these laws." Hector planned.

Roosevelt put the papers on the side and looked at the many portraits of George Washington on the wall, "Haha, that man never got to sit in the white house but he did build it. I think he would be proud of you. It takes balls of steel to do something like this. Every single man in power will know what you are doing is right, but some will oppose just because they are against you or their monetary interests will be harmed. But, no matter what happens, you have my support."

Roosevelt knew that what was going on in the country was wrong. But he never thought about tackling it, putting it off as dangerous territory to his position. But, now, as he could look at things from an outside perspective, he felt that by supporting Hector, he was doing the greatest service to the nation.

"I have a suggestion. You should add a new act by which, designating a locality as a black neighbourhood or white neighbourhood is to be banned and demotivated since they lead to segregation. Nationality-based neighbourhoods can be allowed, I love my Chinese food." Roosevelt suggested him.

Hector nodded strongly in approval, "That was a good suggestion. Thank you, let's go to a fine restaurant now. I'm tired of eating that crap SPAM. Moony, come, my boy." Hector got up.

"Where is your bodyguard?" Roosevelt asked as his wheelchair was pushed by Hector.

"You mean Logan? I sent him to London for some personal work." Hector didn't reveal too much.


Congress happily accepted Hector's terms to grant George Washington a new rank. So, the man was made a 7 star General, with his designation being General Of America.

Meanwhile, Hector was made a 6 Star General, the highest ever rank with actual powers, his designation was Commander In Chief, and the rank was called Grand General, it was not a rank attainable with promotions, as only an act passed by both the House and the Senate could grant it. He was also allowed to make a uniform for himself.

Funny enough, for this act to pass, it needed Hector's signs. He was going to accept it this time and make a cool uniform for himself.



*Knock Knock*

Logan stood in front of a house. It was raining and the weather felt gloomy, "I hate this country." he grunted.

The door opened and Logan entered without asking as if he owned the house. It shocked the suit-wearing man. Soon the man's wife also came running, "Who is this man, honey?"

"I don't know. Hey you, leave." The man shouted, clearly agitated.

"I can enter wherever I want, bub. Where are the drinks?" Logan went into the living room and took out a whiskey bottle from the cabinet.

"WHO ARE YOU? The man asked him.

But Logan didn't reply until he had taken a nice long sip from the bottle and relaxed on the couch, "Eh... now it's better. Are you Alan Turing?"

"You fucking cunt... NO I'M NOT THAT WEIRDO! He's my neighbour. I am Edmund." Edmund shouted in anger.


Logan grunted in annoyance and looked at the man's face, "Argh... I hate this place."


He then looked at the nice whiskey bottle in his hand and decided to take it with him, "Fine,"

"OYE, MY WHISKEY!" Edmund shouted as Logan opened the door.

He turned back and sighed. Quickly taking out a stack of 20$ bills, he threw it on the man's face, *BAM* "Merry Christmas."

Logan walked to the next house and knocked again. As soon as the door opened, he again entered and took a seat. The thin clean suit-wearing man was shocked by the sudden intrusion, "Who are you? You can not enter here without my specific permission."

The house was smelly, with dirt everywhere. There were papers, lying on the floor, each with different calculations. Logan gave a self-nod, believing that he was now in a scientist's house. "You Alan Turing?"

"Y-Yes... Police? Army? MI6? I have told you I am not trying to recreate the computer in my home." Alan said in a maddened state. He was not well it seemed.

Logan calmly drank, "Well, I may not be that intelligent, but that does look like a computer thing."

Alan looked back, the door to his bedroom was open and a block of the machine was visible, he stuttered, "T-That is not... I-Its j-just a calculation machine."

True, Logan was not a man of science. His science was just about stabbing things, and if it still moves, stab again. So he didn't understand that a calculation machine was also a computer. "Fine, take this letter. They know you are gay, they are just waiting for the end of the war to come after you."

Alan panicked and snatched the letter, it was an intercepted telegram, from the Military intelligence to the Police. It said that they need to keep an eye on Alan, note every man that enters the house. Of course, the intel that he is gay was released by Hector himself. But there was no other way to force Alan to come to the US. He was too talented to let him die for nothing.

"Kid, they are going to electrocute you to heal your sexuality. Read the next letter." Logan scared the poor guy. Alan was shivering in fear already. He was not like Howard Stark, he was like Einstein, a genius in certain aspects but not in overall life. He had depression, anxiety attacks and much more.

"... I am invited to the United States to work for KingTech, a company run by Einstein and 20 other super-specialised scientists. I can work on any project I want as long as it's related to creating workable computers that can help humanity..." He read the letter. It was really enticing, some of the names of the scientists were his idols. He faced Logan with uncertainty, "What if they also found out about my sexuality?"

Logan chuckled, "Kid, look at the one who signed the letter."

Alan glanced at the bottom of the page. "Hector King Washington?"

*Yawn* "Yup, pick that newspaper, you see that totally normal old man? He's my boss. He's the boss of the United States. You still got anything to fear? Look behind the letter, there is a personal message from him for you."

Alan looked and read it in his head, ~Son, you are one of the most intelligent people on the planet. I have already saved Einstein and his friends, let me save you too. I do not care if you are gay, for god's sake, Greeks and Romans were openly super gay. I promise you that I will provide you with protection, and also a guarantee that in the next 20 years, I will decriminalise homosexuality.~

Alan's hands shivered. A strange sense of freedom took over his body as if chains unlocked him. From his childhood up until now, he had lived a secret life, always scared and conscious of those around him. What would they think, what would they do?

Today, for the first time he got these words, and them coming from one of the most powerful men on earth was reassuring. ~To hell with this place...~ he thought and folded the letter. He will keep it forever with himself.

"I will go with you," he told Logan.

"Cool, you got any spare rooms?" Logan inquired.

It took Alan a few seconds as he tried to remember the layout of his own house. "Yes, on the right. But... it's dirty."

Logan shrugged and headed there, "I've lived in the wild for years, no problem. You pack your bags, I'll take a nap."

With that, Logan closed the door and got comfy. His habit was to sleep shirtless and he did the same. After drinking a bottle of whiskey, he had the best sleep in years.

5 hours later, he was woken up by loud knocks and shouts. He angrily got up to check. But... he took steps back immediately.


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