Master Of Myths

Chapter 124 - Desire Within

'This was an unexpected level of failure'

With blood still dripping down the side of his face YuJu thought

'Even though the blood was incompatible the reaction was too volatile'

Earlier he used his skill to evolve the well rested thrall that was fed with boar blood only for her to pop open like a balloon

At the time YuJu and Mia were caught unprepared having not at all foreseen this happening which allowed the blood to smear both

'It just goes to show how forceful this power can be'

Looking at his hand he couldn't help but wonder of all the possibilities that were before him, unlike before when he was limited to a few servants treading delicately through the path of evolution, now he could freely experiment with replaceable subjects, gaining a strong following while he was at it

'This is too much power in one class, if curiosity didn't lead me to produce a blood bond with Mia then all this wouldn't have been possible'

One couldn't help but wonder whether this was something that even the system did not expect or if it was what the class was meant for to begin with

'Guiding loyal subordinates to the top while creating a rather strong army to support their advance, it is indeed too scary of a class'

Everything seemed all too good to be true, and it was

Moving his eyes to the sole person beside him in the hall now he could finally speak to Mia of the questions plaguing his mind


"Yes Master"

"Tell me, what makes Zero and the woman earlier so different from the rest of the thralls"

Mia, who was ready to answer any questions he had, was taken back by this one, mainly because it didn't make sense, after all it was a world's difference between them....

Suddenly a suspicion came to her, maybe, just maybe, her master did not know the two were vampires?

The thought sounded stupid, after all he was the one to turn her into a half vampire, giving her so much power, as well as being someone that seemingly predicts the future with extreme precision, how could such a person not know that the two servants of his house were vampires?

'He really looks like he thinks they are thralls though...'

Staring at his questioning green eyes through the smoke she realized the stupid thought might actually be true, else she didn't know any other answer to the earlier question

"Zero and Ika are my direct blood servants Master, meaning they are vampires falling under the direct rule of our House"

"Vampires....It's as I thought"

Ever since he saw Zero call a camp of bats he came up with the suspicion that she was a vampire and not a thrall, the thought was top far fetched however making him doubt it over and over, upon confirming with Mia the truth he became much more troubled

'I thought embrace was just the skill name of enthralment, I should have focused further on the description'

This information was both blessing and disaster, for one he knew that vampires couldn't turn other races into vampires, only enthrall them, the fact that they owned such skills could make them fall under the vampires' heavy greed, after all they could finally boost their stagnant numbers

"Hmm, how many vampires can you have under you?"

"There isn't a cap on the number Master, it's just that it takes a huge toll on my vitality each time I make use of the skill"

Thos wanted another one of his questions, it appears this was the thing behind that absurdly low vitality for a vampire

'If there are such limits then it's possible that True vampires may have this skill, keeping it a secret while gradually increasing their numbers'

It was indeed possible, and if it was true then he had another headache coming his way


Letting out a sigh he pushed against the throne and slowly stood, it appears Mia wasn't the only one weak in vitality as he himself seemed to enter a state of weakness after using his blood related Master skills

"Have Ika fetch some blood essence vials from Subrina, she is the head maid of the House and her skills lie in the production of such items, in the future you should ask for a constant amount of blood essence from her to feed yourself and recover vitality quickly"

"As you wish Master"

Mia also understood the importance of increasing their numbers and nodded

"I'll wash up while you instruct her, when we're done let's head out toward bat beast infested areas"

At the mention of washing up Mia immediately acted, calling for the bat that held the map and quickly writing his order with the blood smeared on her before sending it to Ika

"All done Master, since I am free and just as sticky how about I join you?"

To this obvious eagerness he couldn't but say...


Then walk away with large strides, quickly leaving the dumbfounded Mia's vision

Once more on the long clear path he tried to look through these flipped floors for a decent bath

His search did not take too long however, the first floor upon his exit housed one such bath, placed boldly in the middle of the floor on the right along with several bathroom accessories as well as a curtain to block vision when needed


Seeing the rising steam and violet petals filling the jacuzzi as well as the red lamps dotting its surroundings he couldn't help but feel that it was the right decision to refuse her request to join

Expanding the smoke from his body he had it envelop the bath's surroundings, merely to keep eyes out while he enjoyed his time

Quickly donning his birthday suit he dipped into the steaming hot  water, taking a deep long breath of the petals strong smell and descending into a relaxed state of mind

'Only thing missing is a good message'

The thought of calling Mia for one filtered through his mind for a second before quickly being dismissed

While he didn't mind Ellis being with him in the bath, or Subrina giving him a message during one, he strongly minded Mia's presence in one

'She doesn't stop at unspoken limits'

The difference between a blood slave and a soul one is that the former, while sharing the same loyalty as the latter, were much more proactive with their masters, reason being the strong desire residing in blood compared to the pure state of the soul

'It would be problematic if she went overboard with her actions under the effect of desire….much better to avoid such scenarios...all together….'

His consciousness drifted in and out, and before he noticed how really tired he was sleep had already taken him into its embrace


Why here again?


Wouldn't there ever be a response to his questions?


Not this silence again, he was already sick and tired of it


Would someone come save him again from this seemingly everlasting loneliness or did they already forget who he was? Maybe there wasn't even anyone left to remember him anyway?


That's right, there was probably no one alive that recalled his existence, didn't he make sure of that with his own bloody sinful hands!?


Red, this time it was a deep red that greeted his exit, one that rippled with every beat of their hearts, the overflow of senses following quickly after along with a sudden rush of blood that came knocking on desires deep within

Locked in this increasingly hot gaze, Mia, who was less vulnerable to her emotions, was the first to move

Already facing his submerged body she leaned forward to grab at his lips with her own, still staring into his eyes with her own only with a fierier glint

As she moved however she seemed to spot a glimpse of his eyes catching fire, no emotions contained within, only an observing apathetic deadly gaze

This caused her boiling blood to run cold, ceasing her actions and immediately returning to a standing posture with her hair on ends

Only a second after this quick happening did the overflow of sensations end, allowing YuJu to cover his eyes in discomfort

After bouts of deep breaths he finally calmed down, removing his hand to show normal eyes once more with the slightest hint of emotions, uncaring as they may be

"Did I sleep for long?"

"N-no.. Just a few hours"


She looked composed but her voice shook, betraying her somewhat fearful state, which she was trying to get rid of as quickly as possible, hard as it may be after almost seemingly staring death in the eye for a moment there

"It's about time we leave for the hunt"

YuJu didn't comment on any of what just happened, as if it never did, rising out of the water and quickly wearing a new set of clothing before leading the way out of this den and into the darkness of the night

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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