Master Of Myths

Chapter 69 - Safe Haven

'Haah...I really wanted to talk more with her'

He wished for a longer conversation but the circumstances didn't allow it, what he did could be replicated and so he couldn't really reveal his special situation to anyone just yet, only when he was sure no one could time travel as far back as he did would he finally get everything off his chest

'No matter, she's not going anywhere this time, I'll make sure she doesn't'

"Sir, this is your assigned guest house"

Said the guard with a bow, he was one of those who didn't move to attack him meaning he was not at all confused why this stranger turned an ally so quick

"If you need anything call for one of the guards or maids, they will help you acquire whatever you need, in the meantime though please stay in here while we get your rank ready"

YuJu nodded at the guard and moved into the wooden building situated within a compound behind the huge flower


Going inside he noticed Ellis sitting on a lavish chair while being served some slices of fruits by one of the maids, her clothes were nowhere to be seen, this allowed another maid to massage her, starting from the tows and going up

'She sure is treating the place like her own'

He shook his head and went to sit on the couch in front of her, since her aura wasn't getting attached he would allow her to have the luxurious treatment she wanted

Another two maids moved to unclothe him and feed him but he waved them off, he didn't want anyone seeing his tattoos and sure as hell wasn't hungry, he hasn't ever needed food since he drank the Fodiens Harenae's blood back at the Zarselos tribe

"Sir, would you like us to prepare you a bath along the lady or would you like a separate one?"

The maid asked, a simple question but one that made YuJu look puzzled and turn to Ellis to ask

"How did you get them to prepare you a bath as well?"

He understood the current treatment was natural to happen as soon as one sat down but the bath was something the maids needed confirmation on, then how did she commune with them without words

"I didn't say a word, they haven't talked to me at all either"

This made him even more puzzled so he asked the maids instead

"Apologies Madam and Sir, we hadn't asked and moved according to our own thoughts"

The first thing the maid did was apologise though, they indeed somehow forgot to ask her

'This is not a common mistake, they always ask unless its someone they know the habit of..oh, I see, her aura must have made her look like one of those in command which brought them to move according to the usual routine they follow around those people, this is pretty interesting, it seems her aura is capable of affecting her surroundings as it is when affecting her body it's just that she never had a suitable target to apply it to'

Aura's were split into two major types when it came to how they operate, one that affected the surroundings whether it be living or not and another that affected the individual, there were those that affected both equally as well but usually were less efficient or were found in weaker beings as those who wanted to get really strong usually focus on one aspect and bring it to an extreme

'Ugh, I shouldn't think about all this right now, I first need a good break to relax my mind and body, from now till tomorrow I should merely relax'

No matter how in control or calm he was he also had his fair share of anxiety, just as it was common for anyone in this tough world to always keep a levelled head and plan ahead it was even more common for all of these beings to need rest, well almost all of them, humans weren't one of the exceptions though, in fact they needed to rest much more often than other with how chaotic everything around them was in the new world

Knowing that he wasn't going to be bothered for the rest of the day as Aminta mulls over the current situation he threw all his worries and thought to the back of his brain, within this temporary safe heaven he could finally let down his guard and finally free his constantly alert mind


A sigh escaped his lips along the dwindling thoughts, his muscles loosened and his sharp eyes turned much softer

Breathing and some munching was the only sound in the room for an entire hour, only when a maid came with towels asking them to follow her to the bath was the rather quiet pace interrupted

Ellis and YuJu couldn't wait to have a proper hot bath once again though so hey stood up and followed the maid but not before YuJu took out Anput and brought her along with them, the poor hound would surely enjoy a good scrub even in her sleep

Arriving before the steaming room the maids moved once again to take the cloths off of YuJu but Ellis stopped them this time, since her master didn't want to be seen naked for some reason she took it upon herself to shoo out the maids and have them stand outside

"Master, would you like me to wash you?"

Ellis asked but he gave her a funny look instead of answering, then looked at the few lotuses in the bath

She followed his line of sight and saw these mellow yellow lotuses, then noticed that side from them and the water there was nothing else in here to use like soap or a sponge

"How do they wash without soap or sponges?"

"The lotus turns the water onto a cleansing liquid so all the water inside the bath would be usable as soap, as for sponges, that's what the maids are for"

Explaining he took off his clothes and folded then before putting then aside, he couldn't store them in his spatial storage since the maids would notice and they needed washing anyway

Then he went into the water with Anput in hand under the staring gaze of Ellis who had her mouth open and close several times, torn on asking if the maids should be called back in here, silent she remained in the end though, following him into the bath with a slight blush on her cheeks

One bath time later Ellis came out to take the towels and robes of the maid's hands who thankfully didn't comment on her extra red face

Now clothed with white robes the two looked much more attractive than their usual black get up, gaining a revered vibe instead of the ominous one they had

As for Anput, well, she looked like a puffy poodle giving YuJu a little smirk

"What will you be having for breakfast Sir?"

"I will only be drinking some rinea only, Ellis will be having a full buffet, add to it what you see fit"

Though he wasn't hungry he would love to have some rinea once again, it was his favourite hot drink from his time in this city

The maid nodded, noting the order as well as the woman's name, the man, however, remained unknown and she didn't really have the right to ask for his name

YuJu took Anput to the hall room once again, there he had someone bring him a brush ad started to go through the poodle-like hair while humming to himself, he didn't sound anything amazing nor did he hum any particular song, he merely did it for fun

This, however, brought Ellis who had wanted to go bury her head in a pillow to a halt, the serene and relaxed side of her master she had never seen and was not going to miss, so a seat in front of him she took, listing to the random humming that was definitely miles away from her screaming to the pillow

The humming was soon joined with a sweet floral and strong aniseed odour giving the atmosphere more calming vibes

Placed in front of the two was a brown cup half-filled with a blue liquid, this was the rinea, a calming and sweet hot drink

YuJu didn't hurry his effort to comb threw Anpu's hair and took his time while the tea turned slightly warm rather than hot, only when he was done turning the poodle back into a hound did he put the comb down and gently pick up the cup, taking one small sip at a time

Seeing her master start drinking Ellis followed suit and took one sip out the weird drink only to be amazed by how fragrant and sweet it was, usually anything too sweet wouldn't taste too good but this drink somehow tasted so sweet that even the tasting buds could not complain anymore

Though she tried to keep her amazed face to herself the raised eyebrows and surprised eyes could not escape the maid's eyes, so they kept refiling her cup over and over until breakfast was ready, Ellis was called to the dining room where she got seated in front of the buffet table

And what a buffet it was indeed, everything from the sea to the earth to the wind was on this table, whether it be animal or plant or even solid non-living objects somehow made edible, everything was so new that she only recognized what looked like a salad and another plate of steak, everything else was made in foreign ways that she couldn't imagine

She didn't need to think of what it was or how it was made though, eat was what she needed to do and was exactly what she did, mouthful after mouthful while trying hard to keep her dignified image, an image her very hangry stomach refused to keep up as it growled in demand of more food

Unknown to her time went by quickly as she was lost in her eating spree, noon soon came and it was time for dinner yet no space for it remained in the somehow still flat stomach, making the reluctant Ellis give up on lunch and hope her stomach was empty by dinner time

At the time her little mouth stopped stuffing food into itself she started to dose off, the maids noticed that and guided her into her room where she rested her sleepy head in ease….

'Truly a child'

YuJu thought with a smile while shaking his head, if there was a fight she would pick up her weapons and fight with all she had, and if there was none then she would eat and sleep without thinking about a single thing, her mind really worked one track at a time

'Can't complain though, I'm also doing the same right now, though I wish I could sleep some'

How he would miss sleeping normally, only if that darned whatever didn't haunt him whenever he closed his eyes

'Ahh well, sleep is for the weak, haha'

Laughing in his mind he continued to stroke Anput's head while slowly sipping some more rinea, his mind wandering with no heavy thoughts

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