Master Of Myths

Chapter 76 - Maybe?

Bulk! Buk Buk

The bubbling acid was the first thing they heard as they were led into a dim room by the snake woman, the sound didn't come from inside the room though but felt like it was coming through the wall

Waving her hand Belinda had the glowing stones on the wall light up to reveal a room filled with crystals embedded into the ground, each having a different colour while one big crystal caving the centre of the room into a reverse dome shape

Slithering to the big crystal she waved her hand over it making it turn from the dim red into a transparent colour


The second they could see what's happening a sticky liquid jumped at the crystal from under it, it swivelled and banged at it for a few moments before letting go and falling back into its red room

"I can't let it out of the specialized prison room, at that point it would be hard to get it back into it, I would have to either kill it or..actually killing it is the only option, I can't let this thing get out for so many reasons"

She explained feeling a little sour, she might really have to let this thing out and kill it after the man was done with his experiment, at the same time it wasn't a big loss when compared to gaining favour with such a capable being, just thinking about those blood chains made her shiver, not in fear but excitement toward the methods he had to push bloodlines forward instead if caging them

"Don't worry about putting it back, Anput will be handling that, just open a way in and leave us to our business, I'll call you when you need to turn it back on"

Belinda nodded and gave the swordswoman another glance thinking she was Anput, wondering what unique skills she held making the ever revolting mad blob obedient

Slithering to the back of the room she configured some of the crystals and inserted her energy into them

"This will open the connector between the two rooms, are you ready?"

She asked and received a nod from her promoting the crystal in the ground to open up, it was no surprise when the blob jumped into their room the second it had a passage


It bubbled and launched itself at the nearest fleshly being which happened to be Ellis


A howl stopped it dead in its tracks before it could taste any flesh, or so Belinda thought but then she noticed the real reason the thing stopped

'What's that mist?'

​ She asked herself but couldn't tell exactly what it was, it felt like a decaying energy skill but at the same time far from it, it also didn't feel like a death type energy but she hadn't met much of that energy signature before either

Whatever it was it worked, when the mist-covered in front of Ellis the blob stopped and wouldn't approach it no matter what, it backed off but was surrounded by the dark mist in no time giving it no escape

"That is Anput?"

Belinda couldn't help but ask, so it was the hound that they depended on?

"Indeed and were about to start the experiment"

YuJu affirmed and gave her the cue to leave

Belinda didn't do so though and looked rather hesitant

"Umm...Can I stay and watch? I will not interfere or ask any questions"

She swayed her hips while asking, it was of major importance to know what this man was capable of as it would affect their future deals and how she would conduct herself around him

He opened his mouth to refuse but stopped and gave it a second thought, sure his skill ought to be kept a secret but he was certain this rather greedy snake would not give any info away anytime soon

'I could use this to benefit Ellis even more too'

Now certain he had nothing to lose by letting her watch he agreed with a condition

"You need to help during the experiment if you want to stay"

Belinda instantly agreed and slithered close to him to help out at any moment but more so to observe him even closer

First thing she saw him do make her greatly surprised already as two burial gems came out of his spatial storage tattoo, oke in each hand, just one of these was hard to come by much less own, to have two of them meant he wasn't just lucky, he was actively collecting them

Next, she saw the hound who she learned was named Anput breath the mist into the gems allowing them to give off the same energy signature as her

Without further ado YuJu threw these two gems right into the blob, the gems went through the thing without any obstruction before hitting each other and bouncing sideways, all this caused a small piece of the blob to fall from its mass through the mist

"That's it?"

She asked bewildered to which he shook his head

"Far from enough"

The blob tried to move back into its body but was blocked by the mist from doing so, the mist that it just passed through without struggle a moment ago

"It's acting on instinct?"

"What else? It's a Biomass, you cant expect this thing to learn anything, it's like a fly that keeps on coming every time you swat it, never recognizing the danger nor it's none existence"

While he explained Ellis picked the gems from the ground and brought them to him so that he could once again send them into the blob to clip away at its body

"Master, do you need my sword?"

"No need Ellis, only by using these gems that retain the energy would this work"

"Do you need me to slice it with the gems instead?"

"Your attack will be noticed and avoided in time"

He refused her assistance as he took the gems once again to slice another piece, this time though the blob reacted in time to avoid getting chipped, not because it was learning but because it was faster than him and he went for a rather larger piece if it

'I guess Empty Strike came in handy this time'

The only reason the blob couldn't avoid the gem throws that were slow relative to its own speed was because of his skill, he could have done it without this skill as well but it would take much more time and he would have to be very careful lest the blob strikes back

With his work cut short for him plus the danger entirely removed he had to only keep chipping at the blob little by little until the amount accumulating outside the mist was enough for his use


Anput called out weakly, her energy was not infinite and it took a lot to maintain it at this huge consumption when she didn't know how to control it too well

'Hang in there little one, I will be finished soon'

He hurried his pace resulting in him missing a few more shots than he wanted until she called out once again making him collect the gems into his storage after Ellis brought them to him once again

'Rear it into the hole'

He ordered Anput which she followed hastily before she ran out of gas, the blond outside tried to follow the blob back down into its prison but was too afraid to go through the mist, Belinda didn't need him to tell her to lock the room back making the remaining mass stay with them

The small piece of liquid didn't know where to go and started to spin around searching for prey instead


The tired hound asked if she should confine the remaining as well even though she wasn't sure she could muster enough energy to do so, thankfully though he didn't make her do it and had Ellis walk toward the hungry liquid instead

"Make a cut on your leg and allow it to do what it does best"

Ellis nodded and took a dagger from her naked bosom using it to make a cut on her poisoned leg allowing the fiery blackish blood to seep out garnering the small things attention

The now small blob quickly made its way toward her leg crawling, it didn't look as fast as its original body and in fact, looked pretty beatable even to Ellis

The liquid soon reached her leg and climbed it toward her wound, covering the bloody cut with itself before it started to squirm into it


Ellis asked surprised by what the weird liquid was doing, it felt like she was being injected with blood but in a very harsh manner, it wasn't too painful but definitely irritating

"Don't fight it, let it devour the poison in your body"

"Is this the method that was supposed to cure the poison?"

"Indeed, I planned to test around this creature much further down the road but I guess doing it now is viable"

"So the poison will be removed with it"

She was relieved that she was getting rid of the nagging pain gnawing at her legs, it constantly pained her when she walked, ae, slept and even bathed, even though she probably wouldn't like the method they were going to use she would still go through it if it was to get rid of this thing



That word wasn't reassuring

"This was something I thought of after doing some research but it isn't guaranteed"

"How great is the chance of success?"

"Enough for me to consider it?"


His eyes were dull and not playful making her understand there was a real chance she would be somehow hurt if this failed, but she didn't ask any further and only took deep breaths, if there was anything she learned throughout their journey was that the current her had no qualification to argue with him, she knew too little to do so

By the time they were done talking the small blob had already seeped into her bloodstream and started to eat away at all of the poisonous in it, her blood even, not letting go of a single thing

"Its time, kneel down and open your mouth"

Ellis also felt the blood inside her body boiling over, not just the one in her legs and knew they needed to take action soon so she kneeled in front of him opening her mouth as he dripped a single drop of his blood into it starting the process

YuJu took a deep breath and sank into the drop of blood, ready to face the most difficult part of this process

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