Master Of Myths

Chapter 90 - Reason To Kill

Seeing the man stepping toward them the chief's eyes turned sharp

'This guy, I can't sense anything from him'

This and the knives in his hands assured him it was the same person who interrupted the fatal attack he launched

"Who are you and what do you want, if it is our spoils you've pretty much killed all of it, we have nothing but the vehicles and are willing to give those up too so how about you let us go?"

"You talk too much"

The reply came from behind him which brought to his attention the absence of the man's figure so he hastily turned toward the back


As his head turned it came off his neck and fell to the ground rolling in the silence of his men

"Don't panic, don't talk, just do what you told for a chance to live"

His voice rang clearly in the pin-drop silence, all these dwarfs could do was look at each other in confusion, should they run or should they follow his words?

"What are you looking at each other for?"

Thud thud thud!

Eight bodies suddenly fell, two at a time, each with a knife going through its eye

"I'll repeat once again, do what you're told and you might get a chance to live, otherwise, well, it's pretty obvious what awaits you"

Taking out a leather bag he threw it to one of the dwarfs who caught it gently as a sloshing sound produced from it

"Inside you'll find Trove Crow eyes, more than ten of them, I want you to embed them into weapons, turn them into soaring knives, make sure to have the seeker feature activated"


They didn't know what to be surprised about, him requesting soaring knives made out of Trove Crow eyes or the fact that he possessed over ten of these eyes

"So? Can you make them or not?"

They nodded their heads like pecking chickens, it wasn't important what they should feel as much as staying alive was, they could save their surprise for after surviving this ordeal

"Sir, the ores needed to make that kind of weapon should be in a mine nearby, we can-"

The speaking dwarf had a bag of rocks thrown at his face, he didn't take offence, or rather, he was afraid to take offence and opened the bag silently

Inside were all the needed ores, courtesy of Hortus's generous offerings

"Get to it"

"Yes sir...."

Without much enthusiasm the giant dwarfs opened up one of their vehicles under YuJu's watchful eyes and pulled out their temporary forge to start their work

'Good, this should take care of those items, now to see what the hell is wrong with you this time'

He thought opening up the system and checking the last few notifications


-You have reached level 100 without killing a single being, the Title [Pacifist] has been awarded

-The Unseen morphed [Pacifist] into [Mystic]


As soon as he saw the change he opened to check the new title, if it didn't have similar effects to Pacifist he would be in deep trouble


-Mystic: Your an entity unknown to the world, your aura reflects your enigma

Skill "Mystery Aura" Is Gained



It didn't matter to him which aura it was as long as he did have one but it still left him speechless how overbearing his title and class were, nothing could get past them without being changed

'They never gave me anything worse'

Indeed everything they changed became even better

'Since that's the case I shouldn't bother thinking about them'

There were things one must pursue and others he should just let be, and anything related to the system was generally of the latter


Closing his status he called her who was curiously observing the knives being made

"Yes Master"

"You and Anput go open those three sand-filled shipments, empty them of sand and take out all the cages who's occupants are still alive, Anput should know who is dead and who isn't"

She nodded, motioning for Anput to follow her to the containers which helped him reach such high levels

The dwarfs noticed them heading to collect the spoils they lost many men to acquire but withheld any comments to themselves, it would be good if they kept their lives much less the spoils

So without any meaningless resistance they completed their work with utmost devotion, they did such a great job that the number of knives YuJu ended up getting was a total of seven, much more than what he actually needed

By that time Ellis was back with the tired hound, the two finally sorted the mess out and what a surprise they found

"Master, there were-" " I know, Dreneonate"

He cut her off while inspecting the functions of each dagger, if there was anything wrong with them and he didn't have it fixed now he wouldn't be able to do so later

"Is that what these little dragons are?"

"They aren't dragons, yet, I'll tell you about them later, were done procuring the equipment we need for the final destination, kill these guys while I get the vehicle ready"

Satisfied with the knives he left to take over the new ride


Contrary to his satisfaction Ellis had a deep frown on her face

"They look like they had given up so why should we kill them?"

She questioned

"They did give up, even forged me my equipment, but now their useless to us and it's better they keep what they saw to themselves"

"But Master.... they didn't do anything wrong"

"They never did anything, to begin with, why did you find it right to attack them then?"

"I-... I didn't know, I followed your orders and assumed there was a reason"

A tired sigh came from him hearing her response

"Look at these guys"

He motioned toward the nervously awaiting dwarfs with his eyes

"Do you think they are allies or enemies?"

"They aren't allies but they aren't our enemies either, they already surrendered"

"Wrong, if they aren't allies then their potential enemies, and to us that means their enemies, I don't need to paint them as sinners just to have a justification to kill them, I kill who I should and spare who I need, if you don't have that mentality then sooner or later the roots you leave will grow strong enough to end you for one reason or another"

That's all he had to say before returning to his task, trusting her to do her own job whether she agreed with it or not

'How can he be so cold-hearted'

Unconvinced she remained, there was no way an upright person like her would change her mind so easily, especially not when it concerned the life and death of another

'It's one thing to kill enemies because you need to get stronger and another to merely do it so you can remove a future nuisance'

Her eyes turned to the dwarfs who knew not their fate yet


She was unconvinced, but...

'..Orders are orders'

She might not have learned to be cold-hearted but she learned to do what he told her, it was times like these where she remembered no matter how much strength she gained she was still under another's rule

'Maybe someday....someday I'll get to choose'

She hoped whilst drawing her sword in preparation for the immoral slaughter

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