Master Of None

Chapter 28 - 28. Gift And Rest

As the party parted ways due to their desire to clean up, Walker used his new skill on the shield and knuckles to see how they came out.

'Black scale shield




Crystal knuckles



Possible bleeding'

Walker was impressed, he had an idea Su would want balanced defense but the addition of hp boost was a huge bonus to a defensive position. The attack on the knuckles was astounding not to mention those spikes must cause the possible bleeding which could help weaken strong enemies.

As midnight happily walked beside him observing his comical faces as Walker used the new skill everywhere he had an idea. Taking out the sewing needles he was curious what effects they might have after being crafted out of a rare material not often used for such needles.

'Draconic sewing needles


Self harm immunity

Elemental thread'

Walker stopped suddenly, midnight confused, and was looking at the house where she knew food was in the distance to Walker who was not moving. She didn't understand why he had stopped knowing he could eat soon. But walker was in shock not only did these needles improve agility but they could keep the user from harming themselves while sewing with them. The even bigger shock was elemental thread! This meant that as these needles were used for sewing they could impart elements on to the fabric. This could drastically change the worth of the item created. Walker knew that giving these to Lisa would promise her steady business in the future so he would not need to worry, however, he also knew she would be worried about mana at all times due to the requirements of using the item's skill. Mixed emotions of worry and happiness were obvious on his face.

He took another step wrapping the needles up again and prepared to give Lisa the gift of her life!

Upon entering the house walker knew Garret would still be at work and could hear his mother clattering away in the kitchen so decided not to interrupt her. Seeing Lisa in the kitchen with a swatch of fabric layer out in the shape of a cloak he wondered who it was for but decided that he would much rather show Lisa her new needles.

"I know you're hard at work so I guess I won't bother you with a gift right now," Walker smirked knowing Lisa would be completely enticed by these words.

"What! Of course I'm not busy at all, I'm just playing so I can accept a gift!" Lisa had jumped from the chair and ran to Walker pretending nothing was on the table at all.

"Well if you're sure I guess you can have this." He handed her the rolled pouch of different sized needles "these are called draconic sewing needles you'll be able to sew faster, never hurt yourself, and even mix the elements themselves in to your thread. Just don't over do it OK? No one wants to see you asleep at the table working too hard." Walker's words made Lisa's face become one of awe.

"These are great wait..." Lisa trailed off and looked even happier now "I just got a quest I get to use my new needles already. Just you watch brother, I'm going to make something amazing!"

Walker was surprised he had accidentally started a quest for his sister's system and it had completely absorbed her as she rushed to the table and began measuring and cutting at a furious pace.

Unknown to Walker his sister had just received a quest with the title 'a gift for a gift'. Titled quests were a rare occurrence for the systems it basically meant a huge growing point was about to occur for the user. Lisa had not yet realized this  but when she completed it the rewards would surely become great.

As the time passed walker had cleaned himself up and recounted his days' adventures to the family explaining the new gears his party had. Lisa had cut in showing off the needles and telling Walker just to wait and see in a mysterious voice. Garret had returned late noting that some guards had been injured while guarding the fields and that this year might be tougher on the harvest. After eating they all cleaned up, Lisa rushed to her room to go back to work which was slightly unusual but Hilda remarked that the gift must be motivating her. Walker returned to his room finally ready to rest.

The next morning walker woke up normally and headed out to breakfast.

"A notice came for you this morning. It's on the table with a sandwich, that basket there is for you party members when you go to meet them." Hilda's voice rang out from the kitchen where she was cooking.

The letter had the official guild seal on it. Once opened Walker read that his party was requested for field patrol so he was required to report to the adventurers guard upon receiving the notice.

After he had read the notice twice just to be sure, he roused midnight from her slumber by the oven and headed out towards the guild. He was curious why he didn't see Lisa up as usual but figured she was extra tired from trying out her new sewing needles.

Walker proceeded to use his party chat function as he walked at a vigorous pace. The only one he had woken was Su who seemed to be a surprisingly slow starter. Gil had been wide awake being used to his mother's early farming hours and Remey was up due to the younger children at the orphanage.

By the time Walker was at the guild, he had half a sandwich left and tossed the other half to midnight who greedily ate it as if she was starved. But he knew well she had eaten a large helping of chicken and plenty of sandwich ingredients his mother had fed her as she was weak willed against Midnight's pleading eyes.

It only took a few minutes for the others to show up ready to go. It was time to meet Clara for the details.

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