Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 108 - Random Questions

Inside a dimly lit room, a faint sound of crooning could be heard. A figure held the alcohol bottle tightly as it was being used as a microphone currently.

???After all this time you didn't call

Are you gonna say it's still my fault?

After all this time you didn't cry

Is it because we've already said goodbye? ???

Mother Yue had her chin perched on her hands on the table as she looked at Mu Chenyan who was quite drunk by now. It'd be a surprise if she wasn't drunk after drinking so much alcohol. She was sitting on the rug cross-legged with her body completely leaning forward on the low table before her.

She picked up a peanut and threw it at Mu Chenyan's face. It hit Mu Chenyan's forehead and she finally stopped singing and looked at Mother Yue.

"What's wrong, Yue? You don't like my song? Should I sing a different one for you?"

Mother Yue tried to convey her words through the hand signs but Mu Chenyan couldn't understand anything as she said, "Yue, you have six hands. I'm confused about which one to look at right now."

Mother Yue rolled her eyes at Mu Chenyan before she took her phone and opened the virtual assistant to use the text-to-speech function and typed her words in. Soon, Mu Chenyan heard a female voice from the phone saying, "You're making me wish I had lost the ability to hear instead of losing the ability to speak! Stop torturing my ears already!"

Mu Chenyan giggled at that saying, "I'm sorry! I forget that I suck at singing when I'm drunk."

"Don't blame alcohol for being tone deaf!"

Mu Chenyan pouted at Mother Yue when she heard that response from her phone.

Mother Yue looked at Mu Chenyan for a while before she typed again into the phone. Again, Mu Chenyan heard that female voice again, "I'm kinda worried about you."

"Huh?" Mu Chenyan looked confused. "Why?" Saying that she dunked another piece of fried chicken inside the alcohol before taking a bite of it.

Mother Yue's eyes followed her movements. One could clearly see why she was worried about this woman before her. She shook her head and decided not to say anything else. There was really no point in doing so.

Mu Chenyan was also sitting on the rug but one of her legs was propped on the cushion, she couldn't fold it. Although she said the sprain on her ankle wasn't painful, Mother Yue didn't believe her. While Mu Chenyan didn't care about her wounds, Mother Yue's motherly nature couldn't allow her to be careless.

Mu Chenyan's back leaned against the sofa behind her as she came up with an idea, "Yue, let's play a game!" Mother Yue eyed her with furrowed brows as she went on, "How about random questions? You either answer the question or you drink."

Mother Yue used her virtual assistant to convey her words again, "Are you just looking for excuses to drink more tonight?"

Mu Chenyan laughed at her, "Nah! Tonight, I don't need any excuses to drink." She emptied her glass of alcohol before asking, "So, shall we begin?"

"I go first," came the voice from Mother Yue's phone and Mu Chenyan agreed.

"Okay. You can start the game, I don't mind," said Mu Chenyan generously.

Mother Yue didn't even take a minute before she typed her question, "Why did you drop out of Medical school?" Before Mu Chenyan could say anything, Mother Yue typed further, "And don't give me the usual crap of how you suddenly got bored of it. I don't think you are that impulsive."

Mu Chenyan laughed out again as she said, "Yue, if you really think I'm not impulsive, then you really don't know me at all." Mother Yue narrowed her eyes at the woman before her as the latter went on, "I have done a lot of impulsive things in my life. Following my best friend to Medical School was one of those impulsive decisions. And when I realized my impulsiveness, I decided to drop out."

"Why do I think there is more to this story?" Mother Yue's response came almost immediately.

Mu Chenyan put her finger on her lips, "Shhh..." Then she shook her finger before Mother Yue's eyes and went on, "There is always more to the story. But it doesn't mean we should discuss it." She took a pause before she added, "Now, it's my turn. How long did you date Yue Fai's father?"

Mother Yue took a bite of the fried chicken before taking a sip of the beer. Mu Chenyan patiently waited for her to type before she heard the answer, "Who said I dated Yue Fai's father?"

Mu Chenyan stared at her wide-eyed, "Didn't you love him?"

"I loved him, but who said anything about him reciprocating my feelings?"

Mu Chenyan's mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish. It seemed funny to Mother Yue.

"You guys never even went on a date?" questioned Mu Chenyan.

Mother Yue shook her head in reply before typing her answer, "He doesn't even know I had loved him for years. He always had someone else in his heart."

Mu Chenyan tsked at those words before saying, "Khaled Hosseini wrote, 'A man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. It isn't like a mother's womb. It won't bleed. It won't stretch to make room for you.' Now I understand what exactly was he referring to. When they have someone in their heart, they'd never make room for your love."

She suddenly frowned a little before pointing at Mother Yue, "You! If you guys never dated and he doesn't even know that you loved him, where the hell did Yue Fai come from? Did he fall from the sky?"

"Blessings always come from above," was Mother Yue's response making Mu Chenyan squint her eyes at her. "And my son is my biggest blessing in this life."

"Yue, you know what I meant," said Mu Chenyan. She emptied another glass of alcohol before saying, "I have to drink more now. Hearing your words has suddenly made me sober again."

Mother Yue silently chuckled at Mu Chenyan's response. She typed another message, "I have never repeated how Yue Fai came into my life, so don't ask anything regarding that. It makes me feel bad for my son and I don't want to feel that way again."

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