Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 119 - A Familiar Cage

In all honesty, Shui Xian had been shocked to see that 'new' side of Mu Chenyan to put it mildly. He wasn't familiar with Mu Chenyan to the extent to figure her out completely. But from his initial impression of hers, he assumed she was a refined, elegant, and typical woman from an affluent family.

But now, his whole world view was crashed almost instantly. Now, he got to see that Mu Chenyan was a lot more than what he saw and she was anything but a 'typical' rich lady. However, he really wanted to smack himself to even assume for a minute that anyone associated with his wife would turn out to be 'normal'.

His respect for Mu Chenyan suddenly skyrocketed as well, and that's why he was really curious to know about the stories that Raelle mentioned.

Raelle stared into his eyes and said, "Opa says Yanyan was reckless and equally fearless." Shui Xian's brows raised in interest as she went on, "You already heard it. She grew up in the barracks. She grew up between soldiers. From a young age, she'd follow the soldiers in their training. Rather than her brain, she liked to talk with her fists. And that intense atmosphere of life and death around her also invoked a strange obsession with death as well."

"Huh? Death?" questioned Shui Xian.

Raelle nodded her head, "Yes, death! She always found ways to challenge death. People run from death, she ran towards it." While Shui Xian was lost in his thoughts, she added, "Once she jumped from the fourth floor of a building because of a bet."

"How many bones did she broke?"

"None," replied Raelle. "Soldiers have worse training. Those four floors were way too easy for her. At least, that's what grandfather says."

Shui Xian took a deep breath as he asked, "Then what changed later on?"

"One can only court death as long as one doesn't have a weakness," said Raelle. "You're only fearless when you don't fear to lose anything or anyone." She picked up a cup of tea and sipped on it languidly before adding, "Now, Yanyan has a weakness."

Shui Xian's lips curved up, "I believe it's you."

Raelle nodded her head, "Since the time I came into her life, she has never done anything reckless again."

Shui Xian was impressed to hear that. One needed quite some dedication to change their ways in life. And the strongest factor in someone's change is often 'love'. He could now clearly see the intensity of Mu Chenyan's love and dedication towards Raelle. She not only dedicated herself to Raelle's wellbeing, she even altered her whole personality just for Raelle. That definitely wasn't an easy task.

He absentmindedly picked up a cookie to taste and asked, "Wife, if she grew up in the barracks, why didn't she join the army?"

"Not everyone is influenced positively by the environment they grow up in," replied Raelle. "Your family has been in business for three generations, why did you dream of becoming a musician instead?" Shui Xian pressed his lips together since he had no answer for that while Raelle continued, "Since she was way too familiar with the army, she didn't want to be a part of it. She'd rather keep her unrestrained self. Even if she sought death, that had to be on her own conditions! Not because of responsibility."

"We all feel restrictions in the environment we are most familiar with," remarked Shui Xian in understanding. He understood it quite well actually. "We all seek freedom but oftentimes, the so-called freedom is just our escape from the place we are most familiar with."

Raelle nodded her head, "That's true. But every caged bird always comes back home." Shui Xian stared at her as she went on, "When you've become accustomed to that cage you're familiar with, even after you gain the freedom, one day you'll want to come back to that cage. Because sometimes, the world of freedom can't give you the sense of belongingness that you seek. Only that cage provides you that."

Shui Xian hated to admit it but she was right. Even after he left home to find his freedom, he had to come back home to find a way to breathe again. The world is a cruel place. Freedom comes at the expense of one's own self. He had gone back home because that was the only place he knew he would be needed. No matter how cruel the world would be, the home would always be warm and welcoming.

"Xian, is there something special you'd like to eat?" asked Mu Chenyan as she came back from the kitchen. "We don't know your preferences after all. So, feel free to let us know what you like."

"I'm not that picky about food," replied Shui Xian as he stood up.

"Aiyo, stay seated!" said Mu Chenyan. "And don't feel shy. Just let me know what you like." She looked at Raelle and asked, "Elle darling, do you know what your husband likes?"

"Why would I know what he likes?" Raelle retorted.

"Because as a wife, you should know what your husband likes to eat," Mu Chenyan patiently told her.

"I can tell you what he doesn't like," said Raelle. "He never touches eggs on the breakfast table. He picked out spinach from his food in the restaurant. He left his noodles when he found the spices were not to his taste. He always adds extra sugar to his coffee."

Shui Xian stared at her intently with his lips parted slightly. He watched her list out every single thing she had noticed in the past week. Everything was detailed as if she had known him for years.

Mu Chenyan patted Raelle's head, "I knew it. My Elle is awesome!" Saying that she turned around to leave again with a big smile plastered on her face. She was exhilarated to see that Raelle had actually been paying attention to her husband's likes and dislikes.

Shui Xian placed his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close as he said, "Should I feel special that you've been paying such close attention to me? Or this special treatment is for everyone?"

Raelle stared into his eyes and said, "I wouldn't say it's exclusive but this special treatment isn't just for anyone either."

Shui Xian nodded his head with a small smile playing on his lips before he kissed her temple and said, "I actually feel special even if I'm not the exclusive one."

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