Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 124 - Nuts!

The clacking sound actually came from Mother Yue's chopsticks that she had used to tap the glass beside her. But that sound was enough for Hyson to understand his mother's meaning even without looking at her. He had always been able to understand his mother without any words.

After Hyson sealed his mouth and Raelle focused on eating, the only people talking at the dining table were Mu Chenyan and Shui Xian with Mother Yue occasionally using Mu Chenyan as her interpreter. It was needless to say that Shui Xian's refined way of talking worked like a charm on the ladies.

The more he talked, the more they were impressed by him.

Mother Yue tapped the beef and broccoli platter and Mu Chenyan told Shui Xian, "She is asking you to try it."

Shui Xian smiled at her and took a bite of it. For a long minute, he didn't say anything. He just let himself savor the taste. This used to be his favorite dish but in recent years, he had even forgotten the taste of it. Maybe because lately, he also stopped being particular about food.

Seeing the eager eyes of Mother Yue sparkling at him, he said, "This is delicious." Mother Yue showed him a content smile as he went on, "Actually, I used to love eating this when I was a kid." Mother Yue's smile deepened and Shui Xian felt like there was something behind that smile that he couldn't read.

"Oh, so we made you feel nostalgic," stated Mu Chenyan.

Shui Xian nodded his head, "My mother used to make this especially for me and Yanjun whenever we played together."

"Yanjun?" repeated Mu Chenyan.

"Zhai Yanjun," Raelle suddenly moved her attention away from the food. "The guy who never showed up at the blind date."

Mu Chenyan flared up as she slammed the chopsticks on the table in rage. Mother Yue held her hand to push her anger down but she was still seething as she asked, "Is that guy your friend?"

"We can't really be considered that close," replied Shui Xian honestly. "We were playmates back in our childhood, so there is some connection. But calling him a close friend would be a little far-fetched."

Mu Chenyan rubbed her chest, "That's good. That's very good. Keep your distance from the guy who dared to disrespect my Elle like that."

Shui Xian was quiet for a minute before he said, "But I'm actually quite thankful to him. I was even planning on inviting him out for a meal." Mu Chenyan stared at him as he added, "After all, if he hadn't been blind, how else would this gem come into my life?"

Mother Yue saw Mu Chenyan's baffled face and patted her hand as she said, 'He knows how to talk. I don't think you can be his match.'

Mu Chenyan cursed in her head before she looked at Mother Yue and said, "It's good that he can talk. That means he won't fall behind our Elle."

Mother Yue nodded her, showing her agreement. However, what no one noticed were subtle changes in Mother Yue's expressions while they were talking. The changes were not that obvious and since she hid it well, it was even harder to tell what was she thinking by herself.

After finishing the food before her, Raelle placed her chopsticks down and wiped her face. She wasn't particularly interested in talking so she just silently listened. The reason why she wasn't interested in joining their conversation was that she knew nothing about the topic being discussed.

Shui Xian was praising the ladies' cooking skills and even could tell how they cooked certain things. She was too blank about this topic. She only knew how to eat. How that food got to her plate had never been her concern and she had never tried to find out the process of it as well.

"You must be feeling lonely without Raelle these days?" asked Shui Xian as he looked at Mu Chenyan.

Mu Chenyan shrugged her shoulders, "It's just the beginning. It's no big deal." Then she patted Mother Yue's head as she added, "Besides, Yue says, time teaches us how to live with others and time also teaches us how to live without them. It's a lesson life keeps repeating until we either get used to it or until we find the one who would be willing to stay with us forever."

Shui Xian pressed his lips together before his lips curved up slightly and he nodded agreeably.

"So, that means you don't miss my wife, right?"

Mu Chenyan immediately panicked, "Who said that? I was just trying to act mature. Who said I'm willing to let her go? Besides, we live right next door. And that's the only fact that helps me sleep peacefully at night. Knowing that she isn't that far from me."

"I don't think Yue Fai's mom is worried about her son as you're about Raelle," said Shui Xian.

Mother Yue nodded her head repeatedly to show just how true that statement was.

"She has a strong heart," said Mu Chenyan. "Our Yueyue is a strong woman! I, on the other hand, have strong fists. My heart is very weak."

While they were talking to each other, Hyson and Raelle were having their own silent conversation. Since they all knew sign language, it was no surprise that they could talk secretly without anyone's knowledge. Raelle had just asked him about what he had been busy with these days. And when Hyson replied that he was gonna audition, she paused for a minute.

"Audition?" she asked out loud catching everyone's attention. "You're venturing into acting now?"

Hyson gave her a laugh, "Of course! Now, I'm gonna appear on the big screen. Why? Jealous?"

"Do you want some nuts?" Raelle asked out of nowhere.

"No, why?" Hyson responded cautiously.

"Because I think you've felt lonely lately," said Raelle. "After all, you're nuts! Must need some company from the same kind!"

Hyson's face stiffened before he threw her a glare. "You can't call me nuts!"

"But I just did," retorted Raelle. "Besides, you assuming that I'd feel jealous, doesn't that show that you're upper floor has finally crashed from excessive laziness?"

Although Shui Xian wanted to laugh at them, he stopped when he heard Mu Chenyan cough that attracted both Raelle and Hyson's attention making them realize that at some unknown point, they had started talking out loud. Just great!

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