Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 144 - Wants You

The two of them were latching onto each other. They were embracing each other passionately as their lips moved slowly against each other. There was no hurry in their movements. Shui Xian didn't even have to tug at her lower lip before she granted him the entrance to her mouth. This time, their tongues didn't fight for dominance. They both just continued to feel the taste of the other, slowly savoring it.

His hands that were cupping her buttock moved slowly making a sound escape from Raelle's throat but that didn't stop her from ravishing him as he did to her. One of his hands went up to her hair, keeping her head locked to him. They both needed to catch a breath but they both weren't willing to pull away first either.

Raelle could already feel his hard erection pressing against her heart. It didn't make her blush. Instead, it made her want to press him closer to her core. She couldn't describe the feeling of arousal so she could only follow her instincts and pull him closer to let him know what she needed.

He pulled back a little and his eyes held her victim as they breathed heavily against each other, out of breath, "...Wife, I thought you had patience."

"Do you want me to be patient?" she questioned. Her tone of voice had changed because of how breathless she was from that kiss. Her lips trailed along with his wet ones, looking up at him through her long lashes. She bit his lip as she said, "Besides when I know what I want, why should I be patient?"

"Raelle..." He dragged out her name in desire. This was the first time he called out her name.

Soon, her back hit the soft mattress and he slowly crawled between her legs, spreading them apart while his mouth moved against hers harshly. His hands slid under her shirt and let his hands brush against her soft skin. She sat slightly upright as she pulled the shirt over her head and his eyes were stuck to her.

Their chest heaved as Raelle noticed his eyes that were wandering around her upper body. He let out a guttural groan as he said, "You're spellbinding me."

And then pressed another heated kiss on her lips. Raelle took the initiative to move her hips against his. Her pelvis met his obvious hardness. He reached behind to unhook her bra with just one hand.

His calloused fingers slowly trailed down the straps down her shoulder. As the material slipped down her skin, her bosom was finally exposed before his eyes that had been turning a shade darker.

His one hand came to cup her breasts gently as he hummed under his breath, "Now, it's my turn to taste."

Raelle watched as his mouth instantly fell on her aroused bud. She let out a moan that she couldn't hold back as she felt his hot mouth on her skin. Her chest arched up as if asking for him to continue as he rolled her nipples, and sucked on them.

Raelle could tell something was shooting from her nipples directly down to her core but she couldn't tell what it was. However, now she wasn't unfamiliar with this feeling at all. She always felt it when his soft lips attacked her skin. Although she couldn't describe it, she named it the desire. The desire she had for him.

Even when the pad of his thumb brushed against her nipple, it made her want to moan out. Because her nipples had turned sensitive, just a slight touch was enough to make her body react. He kissed up the valley of her breasts, kissed along her neck gently till he finally reached her lips.

And while his lips moved along her lips again, his hand tugged down her trousers. As he discarded the garment somewhere, his lips made a trail of kisses down from navel towards her panties.

He slowly and gently planted a kiss on her inner thigh. Slowly, the kissing alternated between his teeth nipping at her skin. His finger hooked around her panties, playing with the band but he didn't make a move to tug them down. Instead, he looked up and called out in a husky voice, "Raelle..."

"Hmm..." she hummed in reply as she supported her body on her elbows and looked into his eyes.

Shui Xian's pupils dilated as he noticed the look in her eyes. There was sheer and naked desire swirling in her orbs. There was no disguise.

He sucked in a breath as he asked, "Tell me, what you want?"

Raelle continued to stare at his face while his fingers continued to play with the band of her panties, teasing her. She could feel the touch of his rough fingers on the skin that made her want more.

"I want whatever you can offer," she replied without hesitation. "Because my body definitely wants you."

Shui Xian momentarily paused before his lips curved up in a wide grin. He planted a kiss on her heated and wet core. Even though there was a layer of fabric between them, Raelle still felt it.

"I love this honest mouth of yours," he told her before he slowly trailed the underwear down her long legs.

He nuzzled into her core making her arch her hips slightly off of the soft mattress. He hummed out in satisfaction. He still had to say that her body was even more honest than her mouth. Whether it was her desire deriving her or it was the pleasure she seeks, her body won't shy away from any of it.

Whether she knew what she wanted or not knew what she wanted, her body certainly knew what she wanted. And he loved it how she sought the carnal pleasure. Maybe it was her naked desire that worked as a tugging force to pull him in. Whether there was a meaning behind this feeling or not, he certainly knew one thing that he loved her touch.

He loved the feeling of her skin against his. He loved how it felt. He loved how every single part of her seemed to be pulling him in. He didn't know where this magnetic attraction would lead him but he was intrigued to find out. He was intrigued to find out where she could take him.

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