MCU: Skull and Bones

Chapter 11: Good Little Soldier

Chapter 11: Good Little Soldier


Everglades, Florida

Fort Johnson, Strategic. Operations. Command. Center (SOCC)

Four Months Later

Life at Fort Johnson was monotonous, to say the least. Every day was the same thing. Wake up, Train, Breakfast, Train, lunch, Train, Dinner, Sleep and then start all over again. They haven't even sent our team on any missions yet.

SOCC was a new special operation task force specifically created to be under the sole command of General Thaddeus Ross. We didn't go on any missions until he gave the go-ahead.

My cover story was that of Brock Rumlow, an orphan from New York who was offered a scholarship to a private ROTC school in Canada where I graduated top of my class and immediately enlisted after graduation.

I guess a half-truth was easier to keep up with.

General Ross rarely made an appearance at the base, spending most of his time at the Pentagon. Which left Major Sparr in charge of the base most of the time.

"Come on rookie, pick up the pace! I want those floors spotless before midday training." Major Sparr ordered, the tall woman standing in the doorway of the mess hall watching me move the mop around the room.

Apparently being the newest, and youngest, recruit gave me the privilege of being the maid for the entire unit. Fifteen years of harsh brutal HYDRA training and they have me mopping floors.

But I did my duty without complaint. I needed these people to trust me, so playing the good little soldier I just gave the woman a, "Yes Major!" and started mopping a little faster.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Major Sparr give me an approving nod and could tell my actions were having an effect.

Another soldier came rushing into the mess hall, giving the woman a prompt salute before reporting, "Major! General Ross is on his way to the base!"

Major Sparr didn't panic and just nodded calmly at the soldier's words.

"Recruit, return to your barracks until further orders." She ordered me before following the soldier out of the mess hall.

Letting out a breath of relief I threw the mop down on the floor....before shaking my head in annoyance and picking it up to place it neatly in the utility closet.

"Good little soldier, "I said under my breath.


Evidently, General Ross finally had a mission for us. After talking with Major Sparr the woman ordered us to gear up to meet at the helipad.

Putting on the black tactical gear they issued, I Looked down at the painted black mask in the bag at the bottom of my locker. I missed wearing it, but individuality wasn't a big thing in the army so it would have to stay.

We were met by General Ross at the helipad, the man giving the forty-plus soldiers a scrutinizing look. Four metal crates with STARK emblazoned on the front stood off to the side.

"Good evening gentleman, well I won't sugarcoat it. Today you will be sent out on a very dangerous task." General Ross addressed us.

"This is a bag-n-tag mission, so you will be issued special Stark tech tranquilizing rounds." He held up a small silver dart with a pointed tip and yellowish-green liquid inside.

"Because of the severity of this mission, we are also bringing in a specialist to lead this mission. You will show him the respect he deserves."

As if on cue a small helicopter approached the helipad and landed not too far from us.

A sandy-haired man wearing a tan jacket and pants stepped from the helicopter and shook hands with General Ross.

"This is Captain Emil Blonsky, a former special-ops commander of the British Royal Marines." General Ross introduced the man, who gave us all a friendly wave.

"Alright, mates. Enough dilly-dallying bout, let's crack on." Captain Blonsky spoke in a gruff British accent, ending General Ross's speech before it got too long.


As we packed in and took off in the airbus, General Ross finally debriefed us on the details of our mission.

"Your target is a fugitive from the US government who stole military secrets. He is also implicated in the deaths of two scientists, a military officer, an Idaho state trooper, and possibly two Canadian hunters." He explained.

"So he's a fighter?" Blonsky interrupted.

General Ross narrowed his eyes at the man.

"Don't wait to see if he's a fighter! Tranq him and bring him back." He ordered.

Major Sparr stood between the two and continued the debrief.

"This is the target and the location. Snatch and grab, live capture. You'll have your dart clips and suppression ordnance, but live fire is for backup only. We got local out there, but we want it tight and quiet."

She handed us each a small vanilla folder, and I opened it to see...


Inside the folder was a picture of a young Mark Ruffalo.

Our target was Bruce FUCKING Banner!



A/N: Hey guys so right now the MC is in The Incredible Hulk movie, but he has never seen the movie, he only knows about Ruffalo Hulk. Let me know what you think?

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