MCU: Skull and Bones

Chapter 5: Dog Fight

Chapter 5: Dog Fight


Canada, Appalachian Mountains

HYDRA Preparatory Academy

"Cadet Rumlow, you're up first," Hale called to me, obviously enjoying the look of worry plain on my face.

"Um General Hale, shouldn't we at least get some info on our opponents? I mean they have way more field experience than us, we need some kind of edge for this to be a fair test." I asked hoping she would go for it. I needed something. Anything that would help me not die today in this shitty school.

Hale pondered my offer for a bit before reluctantly agreeing. She snapped her fingers and another cadet came into the room carrying two vanilla folders, handing one to both Jack and me.

"You have ten minutes," Hale said before turning and leaving us in the room with the captives.

Jack looked toward me, clearly wanting to talk about this fucked up situation we found ourselves in. But I ignored him and went towards a corner to study my file.

Opening the folder I saw a picture of a tall slender dark skin woman, with short black hair braided to the sides.

I was surprised to see I was fighting a woman, but thinking back to my short bouts with Jeanne I knew that meant little in the long run. Looking down, I read the rest of the information in the file.


Name: Akela Amador

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: June 14, 1983

Affiliation: S.H.I.E.L.D (Clearance Level 4)

Alias: Angel

Bio: Akela Amador was on track to becoming one of the best agents S.H.I.E.L.D had to offer. Trained by Phil Coulson, Amador has remarkable skills, however, she also has problems with teamwork and trusting others. Coulson felt that he could nurture these qualities in her, so he pushed her, albeit perhaps too much. On September 1st, 2006, Amador led a raid into one of our gulags run by T. Vanchat, where she was captured and lost an eye, while the rest of her team was killed.

Expertise: Expert Martial Artist, Expert Marksmen, Proficient in Hacking


It wasn't much info, but it was enough to make a semblance of a plan. My opponent was injured, missing her right eye. I could use that to try and get a leg up on her in the fight. Hopefully, she hasn't had much time to get used to her injury.

I thought over all my years of training with Tony. This would be my first time using what he taught me in an actual fight where my life would be on the line. To be honest, I was scared. My hands wouldn't stop shaking and a pit settled in my stomach.

All my thoughts were of doubt. Am I ready for this? What if I make a mistake that could cost me my life. Thousands of scenarios played out in my head, each one worst than the last.

But even with my fear and all my doubts plaguing me, there was a small side of me that was excited.

I wanted to see how I fared up against this woman. To see if I had what it takes to not only survive in this shitty universe but thrive.

"Times up, Cadet Rollins leave the room, and Cadet Rumlow, get to the center." Hale's voice sounded out from seemly nowhere.

I got up and watched as Jack slunk out of the room. Readying myself I let out a small prayer to whatever God was listening, and made my way to the center of the room.


Taking a fighting stance I waited and watched as the small door of the right cage opened. Akela quickly leaped from the cage as binds around her hands dropped to the floor.

But before she had time to pull the bag from her head to see, I stuck out with a kick to her legs making her lose balance and fall to the ground.

Scrambling to take advantage of the opportunity I just made, I quickly tried to pin her down and wrap my arms around her neck for a chokehold.

Akela grabbed both my arms and easily flipped me over, slamming my back to the ground.

"Aargh!" I let out a wince of pain. Wondering how the fuck was she stronger than me. Before remembering that while I was extremely fit, I was also still in the body of an eleven-year-old.

Akela took the quick lapse in combat to remove the bag over her head and survey her surroundings.

Getting to my feet, I saw her face show a look of confusion and horror meeting my eyes. But quickly change to a determined look as I took my fighting stance.

We observed each other cautiously, both waiting for the other person to make the next move.

Akela broke first as she stuck out a kick to my chest, way too fast to block. I was pushed back, landing on my ass for the second time during this fight.

Fuck! How is she so fast?

Akela didn't give me time to catch my breath as she sent a punch toward my face while I was on the ground.

I quickly move my head to the side, barely dodging it, and wrapped my small legs around her neck squeezing as hard as I could while sending elbows towards her bandaged eye.

Akela took a few good blows, blood was starting to seep through the patch on her eye. She let out a groan of pain before grabbing me by the thighs and pulling me up with her.

She slammed me back to the ground and I could feel the air leave my lungs as one of my ribs definitely just broke. I tasted blood as I wheezed to take in breaths.

Akela stood over me, out of breath but in better shape than I was currently. I watched as she positioned herself on top of me, her slender hands reaching for my throat to finish it.

No, I can't die like this!? I won't die like this!!

An idea popped into my head as Akela grabbed hold of my neck and prepared to squeeze.

"Wait!!" I cried out, tears filling my eyes.

Akela paused and stared at me.

"They're forcing me to fight you! I just want to go home!" I cried out in the most helpless childish voice I could muster.

Akela looked at me in shock, her grip loosening as she retracted her hands.

"Oh my god! I almo-" Akela started to say before I shoved my small hand deep into her injured eye socket.

"Aaaargh!" She let out a gut-wrenching shriek as blood gushed from her wound. She tried to move away from me but I moved my other arm around her neck, pulling her closer as I bit down with all the energy I had left on her throat.

We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes. Akela screaming and trying to push me off, while I latched on to her with whatever I could scratch, bite or claw.

Her blood was in my eyes and filling my mouth but I didn't care. Even when she stopped moving in my arms I didn't let go. I couldn't let go, letting go meant death.

A pair of strong hands grabbed me by the waist and pulled me off of Akela's body, a piece of flesh tearing off of her where my teeth were latched on.

"That's enough soldier." A calming voice called to me.

I turned and saw a middle age guy with a receding hairline staring back at me.

"Who are you." I snarled out as the adrenaline slowly left my body, making me fully aware of all my aches and pains.

The man gave me a smug grin before answering, " Agent John Garrett, combat instructor here at the school."

I sank to the floor, breathing heavily as my body tried to recover any energy it could.

John looked at me and then at the body before turning back.

"Your technique needs some work son." He said, gesturing towards the mangled body that used to be Akela Amador.

I glared up at him, "She's dead and I am alive. How I did it doesn't matter."

He chuckled at that logic before nodding his head approvingly. "I suppose your right on that account. I guess I'll be the first to say, Welcome to Hydra Preparatory Academy, Cadet Rumlow!"

He gave an expectant smile like I was supposed to jump up in the air and dance at his words.

I just lowered my head into my lap and tried to recover some energy while reviewing the fight in my head.

John was right that wasn't a fight filled with finesse like they are in the movies. That was a dog fight. A dog fight, I was way too close to losing.

A feeling of shame filled my heart. All those years of training, for what? A fight in the mud. I wanted to be better. No, I needed to be better.


A/N: First time writing a fight scene and man was it hard. Hope you guys enjoyed it. and let me know what you thought!

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