Medical Sovereign

Chapter 56 Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch

"Haha, even if I am going to die soon, I am satisfied that I can see you before I die."

Being saved from death by the person she missed the most in despair, Xiao Nuo completely released her feelings.

"Reserve, fiancé and the rival in love, I don’t care any of them. I want be with him." She thought.

Ding Ning was slightly moved. He didn’t expect that this silly girl loved him so deeply. At a moment, he couldn’t help but want to marry her.

However, when he thought of Ling Yun and Shen Muqing, he became confused.

He could only say unfeelingly, "Crazy woman, have you confused me with someone else? I am not your lover, but just a heroic citizen."

"Humph, I know that you like someone, but so what? Before you get married, I have the right to pursue you, and I will not give up easily."

Xiao Nuo closed her eyes, rubbing against his back with her cheeks with great enjoyment. The scent was so familiar. How could she confuse him with someone else?

"Okay, tell me, what do you intend to do? Why do you keep chasing this car? By the way, don’t forget to pay for my Land Rover after you finish your mission. It’s a brand new car."

With no time to argue with her, Ding Ning began to bitterly negotiate with her.

"Be my boyfriend. As long as you want, I can give you one hundred even one thousand Land Rovers, not to mention a Land Rover."

Xiao Nuo said in his ear with a chuckle.

"Wow, rich woman, are you going to keep me as your lover?"

Ding Ning rolled his eyes. How much could a captain of special police team earn in a month? She was not afraid that her tongue would be snapped off by the wind by saying that she could give him one hundred even one thousand Land Rovers.

"Yeah, I want to keep you as my lover, can I? Besides the cars, I also belong to you."

Xiao Nuo said gracefully.

"You are excluded. I can consider packing the cars and taking them away. One thousand cars are too many. You can give me eight or ten cars first. I’m not greedy."

Ding Ning chuckled and teased.

"In your dream! You should take the cars and me away with you."

Xiao Nuo pinched her chin prettily.

"Well, I can pack ten Land Rovers and you. I don’t waste anything." Ding Ning laughed.

With a sparkle in her eyes, Xiao Nuo said, "This is what you said. No regrets!"

Ding Ning curled his lip and said brazenly, "You can take my words seriously!"

"Good. By the way, there are two gangsters in the car, and they have kidnapped an important witness of ours. We need to rescue the witnesses and had better catch the two gangsters alive. If we fail to do that, we can shoot them on the spot."

Xiao Nuo finally remembered her mission and said without hesitation.

"Well, people on the car behind us are your fellows, right? You ask them to get closer. I will send you over and then help you catch the two guys."

Ding Ning also felt a little exhausted. Standing on the car roof was very cool, but also depleted physical strength.

"Okay, take care of yourself and take this gun."

Xiao Nuo reached out to pull out the gun from her waist and gave it to Ding Ning. She then turned around, opened her eyes and made a gesture to Lan Yang.

Lan Yang understood what she meant and immediately accelerated. He saw Ding Ning jump to the front of the Brave Warrior, hold Xiao Nuo’s slender waist and squeeze her into the car from the window.

Zhang Yang hurriedly pulled her in. Ding Ning turned around, stamped heavily on the front of the Brave Warrior, and jumped back to the roof of the business car like a shell leaving a rifle.

Lan Yang’s heart trembled. He thought, "Fuck, a large part of the front of the car has been dented. This guy took revenge on me for crashing into his Land Rover before."

"Sister Xiao, who is that buddy? He’s so valiant."

Wang Qing was shocked and watched Ding Ning come and go freely.

Xiao Nuo smiled proudly, "His name is You Xumo, and he is my boyfriend..."

Before finishing her words, she opened her mouth wide like an O. Who was that? It was not You Xumo at all.

He looked a bit like You Xumo in figure, but obviously a little higher than You Xumo. Besides, He had a totally different appearance and hair color.

Nevertheless, his voice and scent, as well as the way he spanked her, were exactly the same as those of You Xumo.

Lan Yang stared at Ding Ning intently without looking at Xiao Nuo, lest his tears would fall. After such a long time of one-sided love, this day finally came.

"However, only the valiant guy could deserve a goddess like Xiao Nuo." Lan Yang thought with grief.

Zhang Yang and others did not notice that Xiao Nuo had lost composure. They thought she was also shocked by Ding Ning’s nimble skill.

It was because at this moment, Ding Ning diverted the gangster’s attention by jumping into the car from the right window like a dexterous monkey when the gangster shot at the left window.

Thanks to Xiao Nuo’s contribution, the gangster had shot the window glass on both sides into pieces in order to prevent Xiao Nuo from entering the car.

When everyone was on tenterhooks, the business car began to shake violently and stagger like taking a S-shaped route.

Immediately, under the astonished gaze of the members of Sharp Sword, with a "creak", the car stopped, and Ding Ning walked out of the car with ease.

Lan Yang was so shocked that he forgot to brake, so their car almost rear-ended another car. Zhang Yang who sat next to him turned the steering wheel, and their car passed by another car and stopped after a sudden brake.

Ding Ning was shocked, jumped up and shouted, "Fuck, what are you doing? You want to kill me?"

"It’s my fault. I was stunned!"

With his face covered with sold sweat, Lan Yang unctuously smiled and said in embarrassment. The guy was a valiant man, and might get angry and beat him ferociously. If the guy really did that, there would be nowhere for him to reason things out. After all, he was the one who had made a mistake.

"I thought you were jealous that I was more handsome than you, so you wanted to murder me." Ding Ning muttered discontentedly.

Xiao Nuo was clueless until now. She stared at Ding Ning blankly, wondering why her boyfriend suddenly turned into someone else.

Zhang Yang and others were well-trained. They quickly surrounded the business. Seeing the two gangsters were unconscious, they quickly tied them up.

Lan Yang held back his sense of loss and quickly checked the comatose Monkey. His face slightly darkened, "He needs to be sent to the hospital hurriedly. Contact the helicopter, or it will be too late."

"Gee, why is the skinny monkey here? What happened to him?"

Ding Ning was stunned. Monkey had been lying prone, so he did not pay attention to him when rushing in and using the silver needles to subdue the two gangsters. At this moment, he discovered that the important witness who had been kidnapped turned out to be Monkey.

He quickly stepped forward to feel Monkey’s pulse. He frowned and thought for a moment, touched his muscles, listened to his heartbeat and then carefully examined his wounds. His face suddenly changed dramatically, "Oh no, he is poisoned with Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch."

"Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch? What is it?" Xiao Nuo looked at Ding Ning in astonishment. She couldn’t figure out who he was.

"Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch grows in the rain forests below 15 meters above sea level. It is the most poisonous plant in the world as well as a medicinal plant. The milky white juice of Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch contains rank poison. Once human or animal wounds are exposed to it, it can cause cardiac standstill, vascular closure, blood coagulation and even suffocation to the poisoned person or animal. So people call it suffocation caused by blood exposure. Hunters often smear it on the arrows and use them to shoot large beasts."

Ding Ning said with a solemn face, "It usually causes poisoning from the wound into the body. The main symptoms include muscle relaxation and heartbeat slowing down. Finally as the heartbeat stops, the poisoned person will die. The poisoned person will die in 20 minutes to 2 hours after being poisoned. I just touched the skinny monkey’s muscle tissue, and it has begun to relax. Besides, his heartbeat has also become slower, and there is white juice at his wound. So I am sure he is poisoned with Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch."

"What should we do? Can he be rescued?" Lan Yang frowned.

"All things counteract each other. There must be an antidote within seven steps, and Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch is no exception. But there is only one antidote which is Bamboo Grass Rauh & Barthlott."

"It’s great that there is an antidote. The helicopter will arrive soon, and we will send him to the hospital. There is still time."

Wang Qing felt relieved. However, at the sight of others frowning with their faces darkening, he asked in surprise, "What’s the matter? There is an antidote, right?"

"You didn’t hear this... Mr. You’s words? There must be an antidote within seven steps. Since this Antiaris Toxicaria Lesch grows in the rain forests, so does the antidote. Where is it here? It’s Ninghai. Where can we find the Bamboo Grass Rauh & Barthlott?"

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes impatiently. Wang Qing was not convinced, "We can fly to South Yunnan Province to pick it. This witness is very important, and we must keep him alive."

"Stupid, Mr. You said that this poison can make him suffocate once his wound is exposed to it. He will die in up to two hours."

Lan Yang was ashamed to face others. Wang Qing was very smart in normal times. When did he become so mindless?

Wang Qing was dumb and said dejectedly, "So we did all these for nothing?"

"What the fuck did you do? Mr. You and Sister Xiao risked their lives to accomplish the mission, and we just sit idle and enjoy the fruits of their work."

Zhang Yang sat on the ground dejectedly.

Xiao Nuo restrained herself from thinking about Ding Ning’s change, approached Ding Ning who was frowning and puzzling over it, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any other solution?"

Ding Ning looked at her and smiled bitterly, "There is a solution. I can seal the Qi, blood and meridians all over his body thus to make him fall into a state of suspended animation for forty-eight hours. But the problem is can you get the Bamboo Grass Rauh & Barthlott in forty-eight hours? Are your superiors willing to save such a person at such great cost?"

Xiao Nuo and Lan Yang looked at each other. Lan Yang nodded knowingly, "I will ask the superiors for instructions now."

Lan Yang walked away to contact the superiors, and Xiao Nuo fixedly stared at Ding Ning and whispered.

"Who are you? Are you You Xumo? Why do you make me feel that you and he are the same person with a different appearance?"

Ding Ning’s heart trembled, and he marveled at the woman’s incredible instinct. He showed a frivolous grin and said, "Who is You Xumo? Is he more handsome than me? My name is Ding Ning. Beauty, I am very happy to meet you. Can I know your name? I still remember that you said that you want to keep me as your lover. You won’t break your promise, right?"

"You must know him, right? And you are very familiar with him. Otherwise you will not bring me that strange feeling."

Xiao Nuo was not angry. She looked at him thoughtfully, suddenly thought of something, "You are his friend, the one with excellent medical skills?"

"I don’t know what you are talking about. My medical skills are excellent indeed, but I have never heard of the You Xumo you mention."

Ding Ning denied it. No joking. If he admitted that he knew You Xumo, she must badger him all day into taking her to look for You Xumo. He was unable to get her a You Xumo.

"You Xumo, groundless. You Xumo, groundless..."

On hearing his words, Xiao Nuo whispered. Her face darkened, her heart was wrenched, and her tears gradually blurred her sight.

It turned out that he had told her a pseudonym. In his eyes, she had been too amorous. She should wake up from the dream. This relationship should not exist, so let it end in this way.

Seeing her sad face, Ding Ning felt so distressed as if his heart was needled. He desperately wished that he could immediately hold her into his arms and comfort her injured heart.

However, when the figures of Ling Yun and Shen Muqing appeared in his mind, his outstretched hand stiffened in the air and he slowly withdrew it.

Falling in love with two women at the same time had made his feelings in a mess. Plus Xiao Nuo, he really didn’t know how to deal with the relationship.

He could only look down unfeelingly, pretend to check Monkey’s body and ignored her painful expression. He thought, "Sorry, Xiao Nuo. Better a little loss than a long sorrow. Let’s end this relationship which should not begin."

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