Merged Soul: Reincarnated in a Dark World

Chapter 10: Dragons

Chapter 10: Dragons

Roland knew they always had an answer so he did not bother himself with unnecessary argument, he placed his hands on the white table and stared at the hologram "have you found anything?" He questioned.

"Not at all, this dagger is much more complex than the others, and the machines here are not as advanced as ours, I suggest we take it to the headquarters.

The top scientists could do a better job, besides we need to inform the government about such a unique medium, this could be the key to turning the scales in this war" the middle aged scientist said firmly.

The other one adjusted his glasses "we also need to send a squad to find the body of the teleporter, such a specimen could bring groundbreaking developments in both normal humans, super humans and teleporters" he eyes shone brightly as he imagined working on such a great specimen.

A frown formed on Roland's face, this was the very same reason he refused to call these people in the first place 'groundbreaking development..ha!!.. more like a groundbreaking disaster' he scowled inwardly.

He had experienced Derek's anger, if he should go on rampage even though he is finally subdued, the government would lose more than half of their forces and this was when he hadn't even evolved.

If Derek had the soul power and the experience of a starlight level teleporter, he could bring the entire Force of stronghold 10 all by himself, this was the main reason why he was dangerous, even if he joins the government they would never allow someone that powerful to roam about without control and the government loved control.

Roland massaged his forehead while thinking, he could not figure out a proper way for this to end other than silencing these two men, after a while a sharp glint flashed in his eyes and he turned towards the scientists.

His hands slowly moved towards his military dagger when suddenly his com blinked and he received an important information, he squinted his eyes and faced the scientists who where still enthralled by the dagger's uniqueness "we would conclude when I'm back" he said slowly and Walked towards the door when he got close the door it slid open and he went out, the door slid back.

While walking through the corridor, he wondered why the Crawfords would be here, the couple were rarely seen together so he was confused, he entered the elevator and muttered " second floor", the elevator glowed green for a moment and began moving up, the floor he was leaving was the seventh floor, which was the last floor, they were underground so the floors were named differently the ones closer to the surface are called the first, second, third.... .

The elevator opened and Roland walked out, a soldier rushed towards him and exclaimed "sir, the Crawford couple, they're here!".

Roland glanced at him "I know that, I don't need your reminder". He moved towards his office with a relaxed face, he opened the door and stepped in, Luke was sipping a coffee while Jasmine was staring at another hologram of two daggers which were identical to the ones at the seventh floor.

"How... Nevermind, you finally had the time to come huh!, I thought you were busy" Roland chose to forget about how Jasmine got that hologram and scoffed at Luke, Luke not willing to be outdone scowled "and I thought you had finally got married".

Hump!!.. Both of them snorted and stared in different directions, Jasmine watched the drama with arms akimbo "I'm not here to watch your petty squabbles so Roland, tell us about Derek". She said with a solemn face.

Roland exhaled loudly and sat on his chair, he rubbed his forehead and muttered " I told you the boy had abnormal abilities but you never took it seriously, so what happened".

"My daughter seems to still nurture feelings for him and his cold attitude is hurting her so I'm thinking maybe it's his ability that is affecting him so we should get rid of it" Jasmine said with bright eyes and a tiny almost unnoticeable raise on her lips.

Both Roland and Luke chuckled, a teleporter's powers could never be taken.

Suddenly, they stopped and stared at each other,"his ability!!" They both shouted. They stood up and moved towards the hologram and stared at it deeply.

"What's with the dragon image?" Luke asked with an intrigued face.

Roland frowned "come to think of it, I never really focused on them" He squinted his eyes, other spatial daggers (teleporter's daggers) did not have images, only golden engravings, but this dagger had such a lifelike image and it was a unique creature, the famed dragons from fantasies.

"It can't just be a design right, from recorded information every symbol on spatial daggers are important", Jasmine said with a pondering expression.

"But this is not a symbol" Roland replied with knitted brows. Luke sat down and exhaled "I can't figure anything out, but like Jasmine said these daggers must have something to do with his cold attitude it's not just his face, his Aura is completely different" he faced Roland, Roland smiled wryly "like that of a cold indifferent beast" he uttered deeply with Luke and Jasmine nodding.

"We need an expert" Jasmine sat down with knitted brows.

"You mean a scientist, those people can't be trusted they would surely report to the higher ups, besides I'm having problems dealing with the ones here", Roland growled with a deep voice.

"I don't mean them, I'm talking about a fellow awakener, he should know more than us" Jasmine replied with curled lips.

Both Luke and Roland's eyes contracted "I know who to call, but we have to wait because he's on a mission" Luke said.

"How long?"

"For a few days, besides don't you have a mission Roland" Luke replied to Roland.

"What!, I don't have any mission", Roland exclaimed.

Luke smirked and relaxed on his comfy chair "you have a mission now, the black Hawks are in need of help and your team has been given orders to offer help to them".

Roland's eyes contracted, he exhaled loudly,"I understand".

Luke and Jasmine got up and walked towards the door, it slid open and Luke went out, Jasmine stopped and turned to Roland "I almost forgot, Angel is back and I couldn't change her mind so bye" she grinned deviously and waved her hands as she walked away.

Roland, who was relaxing on his comfortable chair, stood up in shock and shouted "Luke!!!!".

The soldiers outside the captain's office were shocked, which of the crawfords made captain Roland mad.

At the elevator Luke smiled at his wife, he held her waist and kissed her lips "we got him good" he chuckled.

"He will be very angry" Jasmine retorted with raised brows, how was her husband going to solve Roland's anger.

"Don't worry he won't be for long" Luke said with a chuckle.

"What did you do?", Jasmine questioned.

"Oh... I just sent the latest exo-suit exactly 130 in number, the extra are spare, the test has been done and it is twenty percent better than the previous one" Luke said smugly. Jasmine gasped and smiled, the relationship between these two men often stuns her to stupor, they were just arguing a moment ago and now her husband was giving Roland the latest amour which would normally take months before Roland's company would receive theirs.

Few minutes after they left, Angel drove in with another white hover bike beside her, she came down and turned to her best friend who also came down from her white bike.

She pouted "I don't understand why the commander wants to fill 10 position, I don't like the idea of a new person.

Angel chuckled "stop grumbling and file your complaint".


Both of them walked into the building, when soldiers saw them they began to whisper

"I told you that the white haired twins are very beautiful when they are together", a soldier said to another. The other nodded profusely

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