MHA: Horizon(Ope-Ope No Mi)

CHAPTER 008(Negotiations Pt.2)

CHAPTER 008(Negotiations Pt.2)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene


Standing in a small room with a control panel in front of him Tsukauchi has his arms folded across his chest. Wearing a bulletproof vest and his raid equipment, he has a small frown on his face as he stares at the glass in front of him.

Aside from the small door and control panel the only feature of this room was the one-way mirror built into the wall.

It allowed him to see Law on the other side, sitting on a metal chair that was bolted to the floor, locked in a room and hands cuffed to the metal table in front of him that was also bolted down.

Staring at the villain Tsukauchi wracked his brain trying to make sense of this situation, feeling a creeping sense of dread as Law's blue-white eyes seemed to stare through him.


"Hmm," Tsukauchi is startled out of his thoughts as Nezu enters the viewing room. "Oh, it's you."

"Expecting someone else?" Nezu asked, the mouse-bear had a stack of documents tucked under his arm.

"Yeah," Tsukauchi sighs, "figured Hawks would come in again to yell at me, what happened?"

"Everything went well, although I had to reveal exactly who we want him to operate on," Nezu raises a paw to stop Tsukauchi's response, "nothing more than a name, I assure you, not that I could lie to someone with your quirk anyway."

Tsukauchi turns back to face Law and glares at the villain, "so what now?"

"Hmph," Nezu jumps up to the control panel, with some help from Tsukauchi. Standing on it he can finally see into the room, and he notices Law's head shift. Eyes moving from Tsukauchi and onto him. "Can he see through the mirror?"

"All I know is he can't hear us."

Nezu waves playfully, and Law raises his fingers in a bored gesture, hands still cuffed to the table. Both their eyes widen slightly at that.

"Or maybe he can see us," Tsukauchi says. "But again, what's the plan?"

"First catch me up to speed, give me the rundown of what happened after I left the operation," Nezu says.

"Right. We locked up The Heart Thief first, we shipped him off to Tartarus immediately, Hawks supervised the surgery and when it was complete I followed your instructions and had the kid brought here. Arsenal is stable, somehow, the doctors at central hospital are looking over her, but from what they've said so far, he really did perform a miracle on her."

"Hmm," Nezu rubs his chin. "So his dad is in the most secure prison in the world and his mom is soon to follow, and thanks to the Hero and Villain laws we can skip a trial if someone poses a sufficient threat or containment risk to civilians. That leaves this young man in a tough spot. From my assessment, he's likely fifteen, if so much, that would match up to the dip Arsenal had in her contracts at that time. What about the boy after I left?"

"Nothing," Tsukauchi says. "Didn't resist, or speak, just made sure nobody took off his mask and did everything I said."

"I expected that much," Nezu says. "And the documents?"

"His dad burned everything they had on file, and set the entire building ablaze in the process. Pictures, contracts, contacts, any work history, IDs, don't even know what he looks like under there," Tsukauchi gestures to Law's bloodied mask. "All we've got to go on is what your program got."

"I see... It seems my assessment of his mind was spot on, this shouldn't take long at all," Nezu hops off the control panel and down to the floor. "Do tell me if he says any lies Tsukauchi."

"Yeah, but don't you want to call in Hawks or some more officers before you talk to him?"

Nezu stops walking toward the door and turns back to Tsukauchi, he chuckles and shakes his head, "I've already sent them all away, only we three are here, don't worry, we'll be fine."

Nezu adjusts his earpiece and exits the room, making a small detour to prepare something before speaking to the masked villain.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Law was remarkably calm.

Who wouldn't be when you could leave at any time. He made a game of staring at the detective through the mirror. Using his quirk and his Scan technique to get a 3D image of the man's movements, constantly keeping his eyes locked on him.

While he kept his composure his mind was making hundreds of contingencies. He'd have to leave and immediately go to central hospital to get his mother, but she'd be on life support so he wouldn't be able to move her in his exhausted state.

His dad would already be in Tartarus, and they'd surely take measures against a jailbreak, even if he can warp the results would likely be...bloody.

So in the meantime, he knew he was stuck.

After waiting for quite a while however, things began changing.

'Most of the security is leaving, and Hawks,' he notices, scanning the ROOM again to make sure what he sensed in the building was true. Feeling one short figure approaching he knew exactly what was going on. 'Nezu is here in person, this must be a big deal...'


The door swings open as Nezu walks in, the unmistakable mark of confidence in his steps. Hopping onto the metal chair opposite Law he has his back to the mirrored panel and places two things on the metal table.

A stack of documents, and a plastic bottle of water, just simple water that can be bought anywhere, with a little something extra in it.

Law's eyes never leave Nezu, even as the man silently observes him, and they size each other up.

Breaking the silence Nezu waves, "hi there, I'm---"

"I know who you are. Smartest creature to ever live, helped countries restructure governments and infrastructure. Wrote hero laws across the world, principal of UA," Law says. "I was waiting for you."

"Hmm, my reputation proceeds me."

"Anyone who has anything to do with heroes should know you, not knowing who the number one hero supporter is would be idiotic."

Nezu nods along, "very true for your line of work, and you said you were waiting for me?"

"I only talk to the man in charge, and you ordered Hawks to stop, so you're the man in charge, right?"

Nezu nods, realizing that Law had been listening to Hawks earlier, "that I am. And would you care to guess why I'm here?"

"To give me a shady deal," Law looks around at the room. "Would explain why I'm in some private building instead of a police station."

"Very perceptive," Nezu says. "And what may I call you?"

"Doctor," Law says.

"Very well, Doctor. Both your parents are currently in Tartarus, measures are naturally being taken against any warping jailbreak," Nezu sees Law stiffen at those words, although he tried to hide it. "I shouldn't have to tell you that those countermeasures include very messy results should they be triggered."

"I'm aware," Law says with much more grit than intended.

"Such measures are necessary considering the severity of your parents' crimes," Nezu says. "A natural born prodigy moving from Italy to japan to become a doctor at only twenty, gets called in to operate on a modern Japanese princess...and instead of the simple stomach surgery, he cuts out her heart and disappears."

Nezu's words don't affect Law at all, he shows no surprise or shame.

"And Arsenal," Nezu says. "To think he stole the heart for her, for love, to keep her alive. A woman credited with nearly seven thousand confirmed kills, many of which are on very influential people, I'm sure you can understand the situation they're in right now, yes?"

"Execution," Law says.

Nezu nods, "and you could very well join them, if we could contain you, which we can't."

"Certainly not with only two of you," Law says.

Both Nezu and Tsukauchi stiffen at that, unsure how he knew that everyone else had gone, but this was all planned for.

"It would make no difference," Nezu shrugs. "The people we had couldn't stop you from leaving anyway so at least this way you don't have to hurt them, besides, the fact that you're still here and knew I came with a deal proves you're smart enough to know what choice is best, and you understand the leverage I have."

Law grits his teeth, "my parents aren't 'leverage'," he says.

"My apologies, but surely you understand what I mean, yes?"

Law nods.

"Well then Doctor, here is the situation, I need your skills for one job, then you're completely free to go. I'll never come looking for you unless you do something to get on my radar, and you'll have no connection to The Heart Thief or Arsenal."

"Services?" Law asks, "you need me to kill or heal someone?"


"And what about my parents?"

"Mmm," Nezu hesitates for a moment. Nezu reaches for one of the documents and places it in front of him, reading it to Law. "If you sign this, it will state that you were groomed without choice in an abusive hous---"

"Shut up!" Law's yell causes Nezu to reel back on his chair. "You ever talk about my parents like that again and all the heroes in the world wouldn't be able to save you," Law suddenly went from calm to seething with rage.

Nezu takes a deep breath, says "I understand," and pretends like it never happened. Tossing that offer aside, along with a few others. "I assume you'll never testify against them in any way?"

"Correct," Law says. "I love my parents, and I'm proud of them, they taught me everything they knew and made me who I am, I owe them everything. I'll never turn on them, and I won't let anyone talk bad about them, got it?"

"Understood," Nezu says, nodding and moves on to new documents. "Would you like some of the water?"


Nezu looks up to see Law sitting back and cracking the seal on the bottle, empty handcuffs on the table, no longer running through the metal bar build atop the table. He'd swapped the cuffs and water, causing them to disappear from around his wrist as the water appeared in his hand.

Tsukauchi wasted no time in telling Nezu what happened as Law leans back and takes a large gulp of water.

Nezu only stares for a moment before turning back to the documents as if nothing happened, not at all bothered by the villain sitting across from him without restraints. Ignoring Tsukauchi yelling in his earpiece about how he should get out of there.

As Law finishes the bottle of water Nezu begins speaking, "alright, I've found a solution to both our problems---" he pauses, seeing a thoughtful expression in Law's eyes as he seems to be mulling over some thoughts.

Without warning Law looks away and up down his mask slightly, spitting into the corner of the room before turning back to Nezu, mask back on properly to only show his eyes. "A biological tracker, very clever," Law says, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Tsukauchi's voice buzzes in Nezu's earpiece, "he really did spit out the tracker, every little bit of it..." the detective says in a mix of horror and amazement.

Nezu can't help but lean back in his chair, " I designed that to meld with prisoners' bodies so we can keep tabs on slippery villains, how'd you find it, much less expel it."

Law only shrugs in response.

Nezu sighs, still calm and focused, Law's attitude is still well within the predicted margins for him. "I've come up with a new deal that doesn't involve you betraying your parents, community service."

"What?" Law asks, completely confused.

"Quite simple really," Nezu takes one of the documents from the bottom of the stack and slides it over so Law can read it. "You get a full pardon, their executions are withheld, and when your side of the agreement is complete we can even discuss reducing their sentence, depending on how well you do at community service ofcourse."

Law looks up from the contract in front of him, more like a piece of paper with one signature on it, Hero Public Safety Commission president Pantu herself, the highest authority in japan aside from President Bosu, but in terms of hero matters, she was the head in most cases.

"What's the community service?" Law asks.

Nezu smiles and reaches forward in a handshake gesture, "come study at UA, and be a hero!"


pat.reon (5 Chapters ahead): Keanu_Eugene

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