Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 19: 19

Chapter 19: 19

More than two months have passed since the announcement of the economic development policy. The state of ShenZhou City completely changed. With the advanced technology and the ability of military engineers, construction progress is much faster than a rocket.

The walls were torn down. Making the scenery of ShenZhou city wide open to see the surrounding scenery. And no one in the Great Continent Yan Huang dared to imitate. Even the martial artists had to use the Great Wall as an outpost to deal with threats.

The main concrete road of the city has been expanded to 5 lanes on each side. In the middle of the road, trees have been planted to add shade. And on both sides of the road, street light poles have been installed to illuminate the night.

Only stuck with a large power generation problem Nowadays, insufficient amounts of electricity are produced for military use only to maintain radio performance and functionality. It will have to wait until the power plant is built for electricity to be distributed throughout the city.

Many industrial factories built up rapidly. The number of factories sprang up like a mushroom. The production line went into mass production. Some previously produced Zhao Lingxin distributed at a reasonable price to the people of the city. Wait until the product is large enough, Zhao Lingxin will begin to open up for enterprises to trade freely.

Many trendy products are rapidly gaining popularity in ShenZhou, including soap, toothbrush, mirror, ready-to-wear clothes. Many people line up to buy these items.

Military engineers have concluded to tear down all abandoned houses. Because most of them are wooden structures to accommodate the number of people in the future, a whole new building was planned. Many workers are building three-story buildings that fill all areas of the city.

Water supply and drainage system, Fortunately ShenZhou is rich in copper, and the people of this age are the smallest currency. Zhao Lingxin urgently issued a decree to collect all the copper available to improve the city's water supply system.

ShenZhou City is full of heavy dust from large construction. People are roaming fast to work. The faces of the people were smiling, full of hope for life. There are occasional announcements from the radio.

Ready-made garments are more popular than everything. In the old days, clothing was expensive; it was used as a currency. Zhao Lingxin designed ready-made garments, including pants and shirts, at a price that the public couldn't believe. If people explore the city, ShenZhou is beginning to resemble European towns in the early 1900s. Close to the era of World War 1

Everyone felt a better life than before. In comparison, three months ago, DaZhou City was like hell, Starve, low security. Now is like heaven in the sky. The people praised the Emperor for giving them this peaceful life.

In the hall today there will be a big meeting. All the ministers and the Emperor were all present in unison.

Zhao Lingxin had summoned additional officers from the system to take over the cabinet position. Causing a slight adjustment to the government, Lieutenant Colonel Guo Ling was originally appointed Prime Minister. Minister of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Finance To lighten the duties A few days ago, there is a decree allowing Major Fang Han Jing to take Minister of Internal Affairs. Lieutenant Colonel Yau Long is the Minister of Finance.

Ministers from all six ministries Came to sit at a round table for a meeting.

Zhao Lingxin, the chairperson, began to speak first.

"Today, our Cabinet has already held positions. To honor and honor the prime minister of the Empire's status, I agree to give the general position to Guo Ling in a particular case. Has anyone objected?"

Guo Ling's military rank was Lieutenant Colonel, which was lower than that of Defense Minister Colonel MaQun. Zhao Lingxin saw that as the Prime Minister of the Empire, there should be more prestige.

The Cabinet agreed to the proposal. The rank of General Guo Ling does not have any authority in the army. For them, it was just a name. In practice, Guo Ling's power was second only to the Emperor. Just adding the name of the general is almost nothing different.

"So everyone is considered to agree."

Zhao Lingxin signed a decree appointing Lieutenant Colonel Guo Ling to the general in a particular case.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

General Guo Ling sincerely thanked Zhao Lingxin. Even if he was summoned from the system, he was loyal to Zhao Lingxin. But Guo Ling himself was still a human being. He was delighted with the position.

Zhao Lingxin looked at Guo Ling, who had a joyful expression. This was the only thing that Zhao Lingxin could repay him. The Great DaZhou Empire abolished all nobles. Zhao Lingxin could not give the title of noble to anyone. Only a military rank can be awarded at this time.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has found a problem," said Major Fang Han Jing, Minister of Internal Affairs.

"Please speak Fang Han Jing." Zhao Lingxin prepared to listen to the problem.

"The progress of the industrial plant has made significant progress. From the report of the Ministry of Industry, we opened 32 additional factories in two months. But this caused a lot of problems."

"The Labor Act requires that children under 12 years of age cannot work. As a result, there are now many youths whose parents leave home to go to work. They cannot take the time to take care of their children. So, there was a complaint," Major Fang Han Jing reported.

"The Secretariat has also been reported from the political office. There are problems with young children in different parts of the city that cannot work. Lack of parental supervision, how should we deal with this? "

Qin Bo, the only eunuch who served in the Cabinet and the oldest, reported the problem.

Since Qin Bo took the minister of the Secretariat, he seldom commented on the meeting at all. This is a sign that the problem is more severe than you think.

Zhao Lingxin, who listened, immediately knew what to do.

"We need to set up a school. Let all youth under 12 years old go to school to solve this problem," said Zhao Lingxin.

"If so, we should also apply a compulsory education policy to cultivate patriotism among the youths," said Defense Minister Colonel Ma Chun. He is more aware of nationalism than anyone else. This will help build a nation and be an important factor in the Great DaZhou Empire's unification.

Prussia started the school setting and compulsory education policy. Later known as the German Empire.

At that time, even England and France did not recognize the importance of compulsory education. Until the second industrial revolution changed from a steam engine to an electric power machine. Causing unprecedented mass production

The British discovered that Germany was able to revolutionize the second industry quickly and that it had a huge number of engineers due to its mandatory education policy. This became the basis for Germany in becoming an industrial power, surpassing England during World War I.

England has been delayed by decades of compulsory education policy. Let Germany rise to become a world power.

"So, everyone, let's help each other express this policy," Zhao Lingxin said. Even if he is from the future, but a large-scale national policy, he cannot think alone and requires professional help like the Cabinet.

After many hours of intense discussion, the Cabinet concluded.

Young people aged 3-12 are required to attend a nine-year basic education. If anyone does not comply, there will be a criminal penalty.

The school was set up to be sufficient for teaching and learning, covering many subjects, including linguistics, science, mathematics, and the Great DaZhou Empire.

Zhao Lingxin had little needs; he just wanted his people to be able to read and write. Can calculate basic math with simple. Have scientific thinking principles, and most importantly, be patriotic and loyal to him.

Every school must provide lunch for each child to reduce the burden on the public. Motivate parents to send their children to attend school Where the government purchases food from farmers and takes all responsibility

The Ministry of Industry had to provide a large amount of labor to construct school buildings. The use of utmost care is taken into account, and there must be a sports field for students to relax.

The most important problem with this policy is that the government sector lacks many educated teachers. Zhao Lingxin solved the problem by summoning soldiers from the temporary instructor position.

Zhao Lingxin and the Council of Ministers signed an order to enforce the Da DaZhou Empire Basic Education Act. Which will create vibrations throughout the Great Yan Huang Continent

News of this law enforcement The Communication Company quickly promoted the radio to all people.

This Act of Education will create a massive conflict.

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