Millennium Tension

Chapter 103: Good Nutrition

Chapter 103: Good Nutrition

"Are you really going to do it?" Jin Jun asked with interested eyes.

The girl nodded weakly when she heard the scary man who was about to turn herself into bone dust showed interest in her offer.

"Keke... But you will be more useful if you become my nutrition, that way you can serve me whenever I want."

"No, please arghh!" The girl screamed as loud as she could in despair as her body was painfully gnawed on by black energy.

Jin Jun's creepy laughter accompanied the desperate girl's screams even though it was just a short moment until she became bone dust like the others.

"What did you do to Little Lu, you monster! I won't forgive you!" A man shouted and used all his strength to strike with his proud weapon.


The man's sword was stuck into the ground, the target already dodging swiftly to the side with a sneer of contempt.

"Oh? You like that girl? Unfortunately, she has dedicated herself to me by being my nutrition, why don't you join her immediately?"

Jin Jun seemed rather pleased with the expression and negative energy of this man who became furious with great sorrow when the girl was absorbed by Jin Jun without a trace.

"You, you bastard! Ha! Urgh!" The man immediately launched another attack in anger, but before he could hit Jin Jun, his heart was pierced by the vicious man in front of him.

Jin Jun played and squeezed the man's insides while enjoying his screams of pain before turning it into his nutrients like any other mortal.

"Kekeke... Now it's your turn." Jin Jun licked his lips while looking at the few people who were stunned in fear.

"Don't be afraid! We have seven people and three golden lions! We are going to kill this monster!" Zhu Chun shouted immediately to bring his comrades out of their fear.

"Yeah, Young Master Zhu is right. We need to cooperate, casualties are inevitable."

"Yes! If I can't run away, then at least I'll take him with me!"

The remaining seven people prepared with all they had, they would risk everything here.

"Goldie, according to plan!" Zhu Chun gave his golden lion orders with precariousness. He also felt great fear, the shabby man who he took lightly turned out to be an evil monster that needed to be exterminated.

"Roar!" The golden lion roared and led his two brothers to attack the dangerous monster without hesitation.

"Attack! Keep a safe distance, that black energy is very dangerous!" Zhu Chun led the follow-up attack. All the youths in the squad immediately followed the attack with their various moves.

"You think this will be enough to match me? Naive and stupid." Jin Jun snorted while dodging the attacks with ease.

Next, he stabbed with his hand at the lion which continued to attack with its energy claws and burning flames.


Zhu Chun screamed hysterically as his lion was pierced by the enemy's empty-handed spear and began to shatter because of the black energy that swallowed him into dust.


The two lions roared when they saw their brother die in an instant, they immediately attacked with all they had without fearing what would happen to them. Unfortunately, their fate is not that different from the first lion.

"Young Master Zhu, our runes are ready!"

Qiu Jing and his two compatriots launched their combined technique. Hundreds of energy threads appeared right under Jin Jun to ensnare him and render him immobile.

The other three cultivators launched their final strike with their swords from close range.

*stab* *stab* *stab*

Their swords were plugged directly into the three fatal parts of Jin Jun's body before the three cultivators quickly retreated to a safe distance.


Zhu Chun slashed one of the man's arms with his Tender Spirit sword.

"This is for Goldie and bros, you vicious monster!"


"And this is for my companion you killed!" A further slash was released to cut off Jin Jun's other arm.

"Heh, your sword is quite sharp too, huh. A sword from that realm, I see." Jin Jun was still grinning even though he had been stabbed with three swords and lost both hands.

"You can still smile at the end of your life? I don't want to hear the last words from an evil being like you. You better be a good person in your next life, shabby man." Zhu Chun with a serious face raised his sword for the final slash and beheaded this evil being for the good of the world.

"Keke... Not that fast, brat."

Jin Jun rebelled and immediately all the energy threads that were entangling him were cut off. He tilted his head back and was able to barely escape from Zhu Chun's slash that would chop off his head.

After that, without waiting for another attack to be launched on him, Jin Jun stomped the ground.

Black energy shot out from the ground and stabbed everyone except for Zhu Chun who was closest to Jin Jun.


The six people who were stabbed with thorns of black energy could say nothing but scream as the energy penetrated their bodies and made their bodies suffer the same fate as their other comrades who had died.

"What?" Zhu Chun was surprised and looked back, at his comrade who was pierced by the black energy thorns.

"Hehe... It's not good to look away from the enemy in front of you." Jin Jun kicked Zhu Chun hard in the stomach and sent him flying several meters.


Then, Jin Jun used his energy to take his two severed arms and put them back together on his body. The dark energy fibers stretch out from the cut part and tie the body part in place.

He pulled out the sword that was still stuck in his chest, stomach, and heart before his wounds quickly healed without a trace. Now his body has become normal again as if he had never been injured at all.

"Now what can you do, Young Master Zhu?" Jin Jun scoffed as he used his energy to lift Zhu Chun's body and dragged the man who was already at odds with the original owner of his body.

"Ugh... You can kill me but not my determination! My family will hunt you down and eradicate the vile creatures like you! Ptui!" Zhu Chun spat in Jin Jun's face with a sneer.

All possibilities for survival are gone and there is no way out of this. Because of that, he could only be himself and die honorably like a hero, that was what came to Zhu Chun's mind when things had reached a stalemate.

"Heh." Jin Jun wiped out the saliva on his face with his hands, he was a little amazed by this pretend young master. While the others were drowning in fear and despair, he still had the energy to provoke insults.

"We contradict each other and somehow continue to meet. Then you have a sword from that realm. It seems you were destined to be on the other side of me as an enemy by fate. Hey, you are so proud of your family huh? Zhu Family, if I'm not mistaken. Hehehe... What if I slaughter your entire family that you are always so proud of? That would be amazing haha!"

Jin Jun muttered with a creepy giggle while staring at Zhu Chun's face that he was choking in the air with his black energy.

"You dare!" Zhu Chun shouted with a hint of fear. There is a high probability that what this abominable man said was true and could be done.

"Of course I dare, it's not a difficult thing. At that time, I wanted to know what kind of despair you will feel. Hehee, yeah! This negative energy! Burst this emotion and plant your hatred! At that time I will glad to give you honor as my good nutrition. "

Jin Jun provoked further to cultivate hatred and fear in Zhu Chun. He planned to cultivate incomparable and extremely delicious hatred and negative energy from the person who seemed to have been appointed against him by fate.

"I will kill you!" Zhu Chun shouted loudly with bloodshot eyes. He could not move his limp body and his spirit power had already been drained from the black energy that was choking him, there was no way to fight back.

"You can do it later when you deserve to face me. Be stronger brat, and be good nutrition for me in the future haha!"

"You s..." Zhu Chun could not say anything more as his consciousness began to leave him.

"Hmph! I can't wait to see your progress when you find out that I have slaughtered your family. See you again, my good nutrition." Jin Jun let go of Zhu Chun's limp body and left him lying on the ground, then he walked away from there grinning happily.

He has good plans for an interesting future. Jin Jun can become stronger by consuming the energy of living beings and ingesting energy from negative emotions. Zhu Chun will be made into delicious nutrition in the future when all the grudges, hatred, and despair coalesce in his body.

"Keke... Looks like there are a lot of humans hanging around in the artificial realm of the duo bastard. I better turn them into my nutrition to recover some of my strength before I do anything big outside the portal realm hahaha!" Jin Jun left there with a creepy laughter.

There will be a lot of slaughter and suffering awaiting the world because of his awakening.

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