Millennium Tension

Chapter 135: Neutron Core Retrieval

Chapter 135: Neutron Core Retrieval

"What would you like to watch again? It will probably take some time, but no longer than the time of stripping the outer layer." Aizen sat on the sofa bed and asked Ana and the other seven girls. They haven't been assigned anything until the Neutron Core has been secured.

"I'll keep watching from start to finish." Ana answered lightly and immediately sat in their starting position, Axel also followed.

"We will also watch and wait. Six hours is not a long time. We can also access the system freely, right, Lian'er?" Yifei nodded then sat back next to Axel.

"Yes, us too. Rarely do we get to watch the melting of a star as a world? I want to see how the Neutron Core will be taken." Lian sat beside her big sister then nodded lightly.

Five other girls also gave their consent, they immediately sat on the sofa bed in the back row. If they don't take orders, wherever their masters are, they'll be there too.

Since everyone wanted to be like this, Aizen just let it go. He and Axel continued what they were doing before. The entire wall on all sides that were like semi-transparent monitors immediately changed into a view of outer space around them, they seemed to be in outer space itself.

Subsequently, many semi-transparent holographic monitors appeared to display the distant state to the Neutron Star, energy management, machinery, and much other stuff that Aizen and Axel would process.

Super Gravity Cannon is being readied once again in another Main Canon, the dense mass of energy is immediately processed from pure [Axel Energy] into the other energy formation they desire.

"Super Gravity Cannon, ready. Energy 100% complete, custom setup installed." Axel immediately gave a report.

"Super Gravity Cannon, fire!" Aizen gives the command.


Super Gravity Cannon is once again fired at a similar scale, with a more specialized setup and adjusted so that the star's core is not impacted or damaged. A yellowish gold laser beam shot out and shot extremely fast and immediately collided with the inner surface of the Neutron Star.

The stripping of Neutron Stars while maintaining energy stability is being carried out with greater care because they are very close to the core of the star full of dangerous energy.

The powerful energy with that special setup immediately made a vortex-like tornado that began to unravel the part that was to be removed.

The other four hours went on so fast. Super Gravity Cannon has been firing a special laser beam that long until it is finally deactivated. If a Super Gravity Canon with a devastating setup was fired at a planet like Earth, it might take them no more than half an hour to wipe out the planet.

The ultimate weapon that was terrifying and dangerous, the implementation of the destructive power of the Divine Origin Realm that was applied as Main Canon in Axel Goddess which had become a [Rank 11] treasure. As long as they had a sufficient supply of Axel Energy, then they had very high combat power, and they had that supply as much as a massive planet that had been destroyed.

Right now, the entire [Destruction Unit] was immediately launched to carry out a risky mission in the specially programmed remote control mode, the Neutron Core retrieval mission.

The core of the massive superstar was only a quarter of the size of a city and a quarter of the size of the Axel Goddess, too big and dangerous to be stored in their base just like that.

The entire [Destruction Unit] was equipped with special equipment intended for large scale gravity manipulation.

"The entire [Destruction Unit] is in position, waiting to gather enough gravitational force to support the Neutron Core. Where are we going to store that dangerous thing?" Axel asked while looking to the side.

"We will put it in [Robot Space], I have prepared a special separate zone for this treasure, complete with anti-gravity equipment and gravity control equipment." Aizen nodded lightly then leaned back now they only had to wait a moment.

"Well, we can't store that energy mass in the real area of the Axel Goddess. Are we going to research the Neutron Core there soon?" Ana asked while facing Aizen.

"Of course, my baby. We'll have a lot of work to do in a moment. Don't complain that your work will become a lot later." Aizen touched Ana's cute nose.

"Em, I couldn't help earlier. After this, I will help a lot. However, please don't call me a baby, now I feel embarrassed, Brother Aizen." Ana nodded and blushed a little, Aizen was still using the nickname at lunch some time ago.

"Then, come back with, my Ana? Hm, a nice and diligent girl. Come here, want a warm hug?" Aizen smiled warmly as he spread his arms wide for a bear hug.

Of course, Ana gladly accepted the offer, she immediately entered the hug and buried her face in Aizen's chest and enjoyed the scent of her father's body which she memorized and liked so much.

She is relieved of duty when Aizen and Axel take care of everything because what they are handling is what is said to be the most dangerous existence in the universe. Ana did not complain and fully understood the after effects, but a little in her heart, she felt a bit left out.

Aizen knew this very well, and he immediately hugged Ana in his arms. The girl who was so spoiled and wanted great attention from him. The best way to convey his care is to give his daughter a warm hug.

'Feel better? You know whatever Axel and I think and feel. We are divided into three existences but we are actually bound together in one strong bond. Why think there and feel that way?' Aizen spoke softly as he stroked Ana's long hair.

'It's okay, there's no excuse. I just want to be around your every important activity, Brother Aizen.' Ana can only confess. She also knew about everything and there were no more secrets to hide now.

'Well, don't be fond of negative thoughts, okay? I and Axel are here with you, always.' Aizen kissed Ana on the forehead and he managed to bring the latter back to her cheerful self by boost her mood.

'En! Hehe ...' Ana giggled in her mind and conveyed it to Aizen and Axel. Axel who was checking the tasks of the entire [Destruction Unit] smiled at them.

As for Yifei and Lian, they don't understand anything and ignore Aizen and Ana but the memory of the two of them being hugged by Aizen immediately comes to mind and makes them blush a little. Somehow, they missed that sensation and immediately became longing expressions.

The tasks of the entire [Destruction Unit] are complete and ready to be teleported to [Robot Space], Axel doesn't wait anymore or give any reports because Aizen has prepared all the equipment in the special zone there.

She immediately gave the command for the entire [Destruction Unit] to teleport there and put the Neutron Core floating above the massive gravity device to support the super dangerous star's core like in outer space.

After that, she activated the device that had been prepared a certain distance around the Neutron Core to create a special energy barrier just in case. Even though the Neutron Core was extremely stable and couldn't be more stable than other mass energies, they still had to make a contingency plan for unforeseen circumstances.

As the Neutron Core floated safely and calmly, Axel smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. She returned the entire [Destruction Unit] to their hangar with the remote control then re-checked the two Main Canon that had fired the Canon Super Gravity and made sure everything was safe. After that, she closed Main Canon to hiding.

"Are we going to do some research now? The Neutron Core has been secured by Sister Axel. Isn't it dangerous if we just go there like this? You said the Neutron Core is the most dangerous existence in the universe, Brother Aizen."

Ana fired a few questions cheerfully while looking up from the hug. The questions actually represented Yifei and Lian's worries that began to appear when the Neutron Core had disappeared from their sight and was secured in the [Robot Space].

"Neutron Core is very stable, don't worry too much about the bad things that start appearing in your minds because of my words. But just in case we use the [Rank 7] equipment we used yesterday. We can take advantage of the emergency life-saving system if something unexpected happens." Aizen answered calmly and then he let go of his arms, Ana sat beside him as before.

"Well, our mission has been accomplished and we have no more business in this unknown galaxy. Let's go to [Robot Space], there is a Neutron Core that we need to research to deal with Jin Jun's unknown technique." Aizen immediately got up from the sofa bed and followed by Ana who took his hand, Axel also got up from the sofa bed.

Yifei and Lian sigh at this, their worries have been answered properly and there is no need to worry anymore. If what Aizen says is true, then dealing with the Neutron Core which is the most dangerous existence in the universe is no joke, they need to be serious and careful, no mistakes are allowed.

The two of them also immediately stood up and the ten of them immediately headed to the [Robot Space], a special space with a total area of ten million cubic kilometers and the same area as the other three places with the space law installed on the Axel Goddess.

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