Millennium Tension

Chapter 208: Their Farewell for Zavier (2)

Chapter 208: Their Farewell for Zavier (2)

Seeing Aizen and his 'wives' smiling gently without saying many pleasantries, Feng Zhi smiled as well and stepped forward. She wanted to do something bold but didn't cross the line.

She stretched out her arms and wrapped them around Aizen's waist, and embraced him. She smelled the distinctive and calming scent of the man of her choice and seemed to try to remember it.

At that time, she felt reluctant to let go of her arms and wanted moments like this to continue. She hugged a man for the first time, and it was of her own accord.

The girls around Aizen only let this cultivator girl do what she wanted. This was their moment of separation from this world, and who knew when they would come back here. Even Ana and Axel were silent in a smile. They seemed to be generous people without the usual jealousy...

As for Aizen, he turned towards the girl who embraced him bravely. Without saying anything in excuses and sweet words, he hugged Feng Zhi back.

At that moment, the girl who was burying her face in that warm embrace blushed with a friendly smile. Sometimes something didn't need to be said to convince someone to believe it. The real action was enough.

A few moments later, Feng Zhi loosened her hug and looked up. She looked directly at the face of the man of her choice with a face that was still flushed red, the divine man that was second to none.

There was a strong urge to kiss him before this separation But in the end, Feng Zhi didn't dare to do it. She would save it for later when she was picked up by him...

Satisfied, she separated herself from Aizen. She knew her junior sisters wanted to do the same as her.

Sure enough, Shen Xiu and Xiao Ru took turns embracing Aizen bravely. Just like Feng Zhi, their sense of reservation and embarrassment was no longer maintained when they realized this separation was not a short time...

"Allow the time to answer the unspoken and longing questions that persist after the tribulation. Something sincere will come to you after careful preparation. It cannot be guessed and predicted, but it will definitely come. Something that cannot be imagined beforehand." Aizen spoke to no one, but he looked at the three girls lined up in front of him.

"Until the time in the future. Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again." After saying that, Aizen walked into the mini spaceship and left the three girls behind.

Ana, Axel, and the seven fairies waved their hands lightly and then also entered with him. Lin Yu and her junior sisters took one look at their fellow sisters from the Heavenly Soul Sect. They then entered the mini spaceship. They would still be escorted to the Eternal Snow Sect.

However, before Aizen and his 'wives' had gone far, Feng Zhi opened her mouth in a cry loud enough to reach Aizen's ears. "We started with a clumsy hello, but ended with a intricate goodbye. You've changed me forever. And I'll never forget you! I'll always miss you until you come back but I hope you'll make up for it by getting me awesome gifts. "

Aizen paused in his steps, smiled faintly, and replied without turning around. "You won't know until we come back. At that time, you will know what the unconscious means."

He once again said a sentence with an implicit meaning that was quite complex and deep. After that, he and his girls walked back until they finally entered the command room.

Feng Zhi and her junior sisters moved a little further. The mini spaceship's bridge closed, and the mini spaceship immediately returned to the air.

Once it got to a sufficient height, it immediately shot up at breakneck speed. The mini spaceship they had been riding for the past three weeks together with Aizen's group to explore many places finally disappeared behind the clouds.

However, even after the treasure called the mini spaceship disappeared, it could no longer be seen anymore... The three girls still looked up at the sky with longing and sad expressions.

Tears fell, and they wiped it, but it didn't run out, and it kept fall like rain. They didn't why, but they weren't crying because they were suffering... Their hearts that had felt comfortable suddenly flared up in chaos when they remembered that they could no longer meet and spend time with Aizen until the unknown time.

Mo Dong and Yin Su just looked at each other in silent understanding. They didn't have to bother them and could only leave them like that for a while until they were ready and strong enough to know something like meaningful separation. They both knew quite well why Aizen and his goddesses did this to the six girls who had put their hearts in him.

A gust of wind suddenly came and stopped beside Mo Dong. An old man who looked so old but strong and healthy in a white robe came with his technique.

"What thing just flew from here? I've never seen it before, and it's quite a speed for a treasure." The Old Ancestor looked at the three disciples. The three of them were looking towards the sky, and he also did the same.

"Sincerely, Ancestor Zhang Zhenya." Mo Dong and Yin Su saluted to their Old Ancestor. "It was Master Aizen and his goddessess. They drove us home after our exploration of the Desolate Prairie."

"Master Aizen, hmm... I'm late then... It would be nice to have tea with him and talk about a few things... I would love to exchange words and knowledge with him, the divine cultivator... Sigh..." Zhang Zhenya sighed somewhat regretfully.

Then, he looked at Mo Dong. "Desolate Prairie? If Master Aizen went there with you... Did the two of you meet the Desolate Beast nesting there? We never heard about that gigantic Spirit Beast in the past twenty years."

"Yes, we met the Desolate Beast. However, it is very unfortunate... The thing that is a mystery is not a mystery, and what is hidden is only not revealed because of worry... The Desolate Beast has died maybe twenty years ago. That gigantic Spirit The beast failed to breakthrought to the divine level" Mo Dong gave his report to the Old Ancestor.

"What? Dead? So, you're saying that Desolate Beasts are already at the peak Ascension Spirit Realm level?" Zhang Zhenya looked surprised.

"With all due respect, that's what master Aizen said. So, it couldn't be wrong. We brought some bones from that Desolate Beast. You can confirm that." Mo Dong nodded. His sentence truly convinced the Old Ancestor with just that.

After that, Mo Dong invited the Old Ancestor to enter his humble abode to discuss some details. He showed the bones from the Ascension Spirit Realm Spirit Beast's peak level and then shared some details regarding the three girls who were still looking at the sky in the courtyard.

After digested some new information, Zhang Zhenya glanced at his sect disciples who had put his heart in Aizen. These three young girls received assurance and recognition from Aizen and his goddesses...

It was only a matter of time until Aizen returned and picked up his concubine. The Old Ancestor couldn't wait for that moment to come.

He only needed to help these three girls and look after them... That way, he could exchange words and knowledge with the divine cultivator in person over several clauses the next time Aizen came back to this world.

Well, the three Heavenly Soul Sect's girls had been marked as Aizen's concubines. That was something the Old Ancestor would consider excellent.

Until Aizen returned to pick up his concubine, he and his sect contributed to prettifying these three girls. For these three girls to be extraordinary and worthy girls to be by Aizen's side and his group. Not only in terms of beauty and grace but also in terms of cultivation and technique.

After making some plans, Zhang Zhenya left Mo Dong's abode to assign some tasks to his son on some matters. The matter for these three girls was a top priority... Feng Zhi, Shen Xiu, and Xiao Ru were guaranteed special privileges while still in their trance...

It wasn't that these three girls would refuse or feel unhappy about it. They would be grateful to find out shortly after that. Feng Zhi's grandfather and grandmother were doing good for Feng Zhi, Shen Xiu, and Xiao Ru.

Thus, these three girls would really have their potential pumped up to become great cultivators. With the Sect Master and Old Ancestor's full support, they could improve themselves more easily to become much better girls to stand with Aizen and his family.

Apart from that, it also meant that their sect recognized their relationship with Aizen and blessed it. That way, when Aizen came to fetch them... They would be able to leave their sect to join the man of their choice without any burden of mind and heart.

After a few moments passed, Feng Zhi wiped her tears and no longer looked at the sky. Her junior sisters immediately came out of their trance as their senior sisters turned and walked into the house. The two of them also went inside.

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