Millennium Tension

Chapter 212: Unknown Entity

Chapter 212: Unknown Entity

The mini spaceship immediately took off from the Axel Goddess that was still in invisible mode. Aizen and his girls were on the way to an alien planet they encountered accidentally.

"Nee, Master Aizen. Your hair has become long. Do you want me to cut it neatly into your hairstyle last year?" Axel cutely asked. She lightly touched Aizen's strand of hair.

"Hmm? Who told me that long hair signifies great strength? Oh no, she told me. Yes, the longer hair means more strength, and seventy-five percent of the body is the limit." Aizen rolled his eyes. The one asked him to lengthen his hair, now asked him to cut his hair?

"Hehe... That's me. Then, let me tidy up the front. For the back, just let it stay long. It can also be tied like a tail ~" Axel giggled and then hummed.

She just wanted to tidy up the front and didn't want to make it short like last year's hairstyle. After repeated observation, her Aizen would look more manly with a long hairstyle but not the whole, only the back.

"Well, okay. I'm in your care, Axel." Aizen leaned his body forward a little, so Axel got easy access to take care of his hair.

"With pleasure. Leave it to me." Axel inclined her chest proudly. Then she took out a pair of scissors and a comb from the Space Storage.

"I want to do your hair too!" Ana chirped like a cheerful bird and got up from her seat. She also wanted to participate.

Unfortunately, she was detained by Aizen. He pulled her back to sit in her seat as before. "When it comes to styling, it's best if only one person is working for it."

"Mou..." Ana puffed her cheeks as if to complain, but she complied.

By the time Axel gently groomed Aizen's hair, the mini spaceship had reached the alien planet's orbit, and they were following the planet's rotational gravity.

Everyone just waited for Axel to finish taking care of Aizen's hair. Also, they paid closer attention to the satellites orbiting the planet.

After a few seconds, Axel finally finished styling Aizen's front and side hair. Apart from the back, everything was shortened.

"En, now looks much better. You look much more manly than that divine cultivator's signature long hairstyle." Axel nodded, pleased with the results of her arrangement.

"En, en, you look a little more handsome than before." Ana stroked Aizen's long hair. It now looked like a tail.

"Is that so? Well, if you like that, then that's a good thing." Aizen ruffled his hair a little. Then, he took a hairband with a unique material to tie the tail of his hair.

"Allow me, allow me!" Ana volunteered to tie Aizen's hair in a tail.

"Here." Aizen gave the hairband to the excited girl.

"Hehe..." Ana smiled with a cheerful expression as she received the black hair tie with blue metal ornaments.

It was nothing more than an accessory to them, and the benefits of every artifact they possessed. It was neglected.

Ana tied Aizen's back hair into a tail and let it fall like a real tail. She played with the handful of hair that had become like a tail with a playful expression.

"Now it's finished." Ana proudly announced.

The sentence made the seven fairies so curious, and they went to take a peek from the side. They were seated on the back, and they needed to step closer to the front sofa to see Aizen's new hairstyle.

"Oh my, Master Aizen's new hairstyle. You look even more amazing." Yifei closed her mouth gracefully. She praised what she saw at that time.

"En, this way, your face can be seen clearly. Charming." Lian did not forget to convey what she saw at that time. Aizen did look better with this than his previous hairstyle or last year.

After that, Aizen could only listen to all the nine girls' sweet chirps around him until it was time to land and continue with their original plan.

"Alright, it's time for us to enter the atmosphere of that planet. Sit in your seats, and we will enter the atmosphere." Aizen gave a command for the next thing. The girls quickly sat back, and so did Bella, the little white dragon.

In a short time, the mini spaceship in invisible mode entered the planet's atmosphere's scope and approached the largest and most magnificent city in silence.

The arrival of the mini spaceship in invisible mode was not realized by anyone from the inhabitants of that planet. However, there was one entity that was suspicious of anomalies from near his territory.

That entity was aware quickly and traced it. There was an extraterrestrial object that had just entered the planet's atmosphere. However, it could not detect or see any things coming from outer space.

Meanwhile, the mini spaceship had arrived in the sky right above the sophisticated metropolis. Aizen and his girls took a glimpse of the majestic city between the deserts while deciding where they would land.

"Hmm, where are we going to land? Or do we need to teleport there?" Aizen mumbled lightly to find the opinion of the others.

"Umm... A sophisticated metro city. Maybe Mars will be like that in a few hundred years. We shouldn't just land there, carelessly. We don't know what kind of security system is implemented in that city." Ana put a hand on her chin. She assumed with her opinion about things that could be risky and could not be in their favor.

"Everyone, there are several signal waves from an unknown entity trying to track the entire area around here. It seems like someone has realized that we just entered this planet. Currently, they are exploring deeper in search of extraterrestrial objects that have just invaded the planet." Axel reported while checking things deeper. She adeptly arranged several things and processed them all at the same time.

"However, they couldn't find us." Lian continued the report.

Apart from Aizen, Ana, and Bella, they always examined things more deeply about the things around them right after they entered this planet. This planet was an unfamiliar new place. Being super vigilant wasn't wrong, and it was their habit.

Hearing that, Aizen immediately checked the things that were going on around him. Sure enough, several waves from the city core below them, and several other signal waves from the satellites that seemed to be checking things around here. Their arrival was not unknown to anyone, even though they were in invisible mode.

"This is interesting and unexpected. After we carefully pass the friction as we pass through the atmosphere, and are in invisible mode. There is an unknown entity that realizes our arrival. That entity doesn't seem to have given up looking around by all means available." Aizen muttered in amazement.

He seemed to want to meet that unknown entity or a certain ruler who had full authority in that city to drink tea together.

"No, Brother Aizen. They indeed realized something was coming from outer space, but they didn't notice us. They were just suspicious of something." Ana refuted that statement a bit.

"Ah, okay, then, what are we going to do next? Are we going to let them know we're here?" Yifei asked after processing and checking a few things with the system in mind. She was already so adept at accessing the system and use it for many things.

"No, we'd be stupid if we let them know when we didn't know much about this world. For now, we'll teleport to that city. In a less obvious part of town." Aizen suggested the best they would do.

"And start operations for information, right? Then we will investigate deeper, and only then can we act more impulsively when we have enough data." Ana puffed out her chest proudly. She already knew very well what they would do the first time after arriving in that sophisticated city.

"That, my precious." Aizen stroked the smart girl beside him. It resulted in small giggles from the cheerful Ana.

"In that city, there are only a few humans. Their clothes are also not that different from the clothes we have in our Space Storage arsenal. Well, it's like the inner suit of battle armor" Axel muttered after examining the people and occupants in various places in the corner of the city below them. Especially to humans who possessed the life energy and the robotic units that resembled humans.

"Well, some of them resemble auxiliary units ever built on Earth and Mars. We need to wear nano protective suits with a little light armor, and we will be similar to humans or artificial humans units in that city." Aizen answered Axel's murmurs.

"We'd better act than assume. Change costumes, and we'll go down." After saying that, Aizen stood up from there. Then, he changed the clothes he wore into a nano protective suit shamelessly.

He didn't need to wear clothes in the usual way. By utilizing his deep understanding of teleportation and Space Law, he could change costumes in an instant without needing to take off his clothes and then put on another outfit.

After Aizen, the girls also changed into the nano protective suits without feeling embarrassed.

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