Millennium Tension

Chapter 221: Exclusive Room

Chapter 221: Exclusive Room

"Oh-ho? So, this is how tier 9 and tier 10 artificial humans are made. It looks a lot different from those in that lab." Aizen commented when he saw a lab full of more sophisticated tubes than the place he visited yesterday.

"En, but why aren't there any artificial humans being created at this time?" Ana muttered as she followed Aizen from the side.

"Who knows, maybe only Eol knows about it. Apart from the scarce resources, perhaps because there is no demand for tier 9 or tier 10 artificial human?" Axel stroked her cheek and made an assumption. She guessed it with several considerations.

"See, even all systems and robots are not activated. This level four area is probably in hibernation period?" Lian pointed down with an astonished expression.

While the others were discussing lightly and making brief comments, Yifei only walked in silently. This was not the first time she saw a place where artificial humans were created.

In the Middle Realm, she once came to a place that made humans called the homunculus. A spiritless, soulless existence born of alchemical arts and knowledge.

"Big sister, why are you silent? Is there something? Can you talk to us about it?" Lian realized her big sister fell into a trance. She asked with concern.

"Ah, nothing, Lian. I just remembered about the homunculus long ago." Yifei shook her head softly.

"Ah, about that crazy alchemist, huh? Well, he made his own army, but I don't like that homunculus way of making it. I much prefer how we make top tier auxiliary units and how the seven fairies are born. The way of making artificial humans in this world is not bad either." Lian responded with a topic that she shifted. She didn't want her big sister to remember that continuously. It wasn't something nice to remember.

"Well then, let's just go to the level five area." Aizen decided on everything and headed straight for the special elevator.

Some time passed for Aizen and his girls to arrive at the level five area. Because they had been waiting for their presence, they didn't go around the area of Eol's main server and only headed to the exclusive room marked by Eol to Aizen's smart-pen.

"Is this an exclusive room? Hmm, well, as expected of an Artificial Intelligence that takes a lot of consideration. Many gifts and surprises have been prepared for various things." Aizen performed a brief scan to find out the overall inside of the room behind the mechanical door.

"En! Like my hunch earlier, Eol isn't that stupid to trust you so much, Brother Aizen-sama, hehe..." Ana chuckled in a teasing tone.

Within that exclusive room were several deadly weapons of destruction and a concentrated energy barrier that was dangerous. Apparently, Eol became wary because of Aizen's message breaking into the network and slightly hacking the system perfectly.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go inside. It doesn't mean much to us." Axel just shrugged her shoulders a little. All of the things that Eol prepared were no threat to them.

Aizen expressed his agreement in silence. He accessed the panel near the mechanical door with the permissions sent by Eol. After that, they entered without having any worries even though they knew what awaited them inside.

"Oh! Like a living room, when it was originally an interrogation room. Thank you for preparing this exclusive and welcoming room for us, Eol-kun. You even presented an emergency escape with self-destruction, this room destruction I meant." Aizen applauded the hologram in the center of the room.

An avatar of a genderless person with medium-long black hair was waiting for them. The one Aizen decided to call this Artificial Intelligence as 'he' because this avatar was more similar to a man than a woman when considering the many things that could be explained.

"Hehe, looks like we are not allowed to leave if he thinks we are dangerous. This is called a threat, right? Eol is planning to harm us, even kill us if needed. How about this... Should we cancel the peace path?" Axel rested her cheek on her hand. She questioned that with a tone of deep consideration, even though she was only playing words.

"Yes! I think the path of peace cannot be continued anymore. We better use the path of destruction and coercion." Ana nodded innocently about that. However, she had an angry expression, though on purpose.

When their three masters triggered Eol, Yifei and Lian just smiled. They didn't need to help because the purpose of all of them here was not to talk nonsense.

Meanwhile, Eol's hologram in the middle of the room started to panic hearing it all, but he was still expressionless. The guests of this dangerous existence were simply too risky, and it was beyond his scope.

Not only did they realize what had been prepared in this room, but they also dared to enter this exclusive room... Even though they already knew from behind the mechanical door.

Weren't they too confident? It was not ignorance, but because of the capabilities that support that sense of belief. The outside world guests were not worried because they knew everything he prepared was useless and not a threat to them.

"I apologize for all that you thought was a possible threat or something dangerous. Even if said roughly, this room is the room you have to go through before going to the blue room. It can be justified about the existence of all these levels of security, including self-destruction systems." Eol quickly apologized, rather than the welcome he would give. He tried to justify what was real to be something like a sheer misunderstanding.

"I see... To calm the atmosphere, right?" Aizen speaks casually and sits on the sofa not far from the hologram with his girls.

"Greetings, Eol from planet Eolseesh. You can call me Azien as by the name on the Intelligence Agency network about me. You know, we were careful to come here in peace and a lot of consideration. We chose Artificial Intelligence's avatar named Eol, who has the highest authority in the world for discussion and agreement on our visit."

After saying that, Aizen snapped his finger and did something to all the security destruction systems around them. He disabled them from Eol's control in an instant.

"See? It's that easy for us to break into your system and hack the networks that exist in this world. However, we do nothing more than seeking information about this world. The one we visit, one of the many worlds in the universe." Aizen gave a knock on the table with his energy manipulation for attention.

"I understand what you mean, Aizen. Thank you for letting me know." Eol nodded in understanding without showing any expression, but in his system, he felt one thing, fear.

Eol was made with the foundation of the human heart and feelings, refined endlessly to this day. Therefore, he was not much different from humans in general...

"Haha, that's nice if you understand. However, take it easy. Our arrival is not to invade or threaten this world. I only have one request, and in exchange, we allow you to make the same thing within the limits that we set." Aizen smirked with an offer that could not be refused. He didn't allow something like refusal.

Eol quickly considered the advantages and disadvantages of this. Even so, he couldn't possibly refuse if he didn't want something like a counterattack from a group like this human. A group of existences that could easily oppose this world's most advanced system.

With just the demonstration from Aizen earlier, he took a turn 180 degrees from his original plan. If they came in peace even with such abilities, then it seemed like they were.

They could have done what they wanted without all this crap, but they didn't. Here, Eol could only take neutral action in the name of world peace and agree. "Alright, continue with your request, Aizen."

"That sounds great. You will receive another message into your network. That is our request. We want all of that, and it is within the scope of one request in one delivery. There are also rules regarding the limits of your requests to us." Aizen didn't need to use his smart-pen to do that anymore. He just did it right away with his mind.

A request was made based on additions from himself, Axel, Ana, Yifei, and Lian. Once it was drafted, it was immediately seamlessly sent to Eol's system.

A secret message entered Eol's main network. He didn't linger any further and immediately opened it.

Eol didn't take more than a few microseconds to digest it all to the implied detail. Unfortunately, he ended in disbelief. It wasn't just a request! But many requests were only described in one message.

No wonder Aizen said that because it was true. Apart from that, a request they could receive was also minimal. However, it was tantalizing about what Eol could make with the highest profit.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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