Millennium Tension

Chapter 92: Main Boss

Chapter 92: Main Boss

Hearing the roar and the ground shaking alongside the runes spreading in various directions in the gigantic hall with no way out, the six girls who were looking for any signs or directions immediately gathered near Aizen's group regardless of the oppressive aura of the majestic gate.

"Aizen, what happened?" Feng Zhi was getting nervous and feeling uneasy.

"Hmm... Maybe we will fight the main boss this time. Who knows hehe..." Aizen chuckled as he prepared his battle gear and armor.

"You still have time to joke around, Aizen. My hunch is feeling worse and worse now. I'm sure that's not a good sign." Lin Yu put her hand on her forehead for a moment.

"Then immediately prepare for the worst. Take your positions, it has come." Aizen put on a gloomy face with an inviolable commanding tone.

As soon as Aizen warned of something, a circle of runes widened across the ground. Then twelve pairs of giant snakes close together from the ground looking around for prey.

"What... What kind of monster is that?" Su Xia stuttered feeling weak.

"Can we beat that monsters this time?"

"Mommy... I'm scared."

"That monsters are so big and terrifying. I just hope we can go home safely..."

The four junior sisters began to despair at the sight of a terrifying monster with twelve pairs of snakeheads that suddenly appeared from the center of this gigantic hall.

Lin Yu and Feng Zhi were at a loss for words and immediately came out of their dumbfounded state.

"What are you talking about! Get ready quickly. We have to be sure we can defeat that monster."

"Get into formation as usual. We are nine, remember?"

The two of them managed to get their four junior sisters into position even though they felt insecure too. But considering that Aizen's group was prepared with their full gear as calm as ever, the six of them felt somewhat relieved.

The twelve terrifying black scaly monster snakeheads finally found the nine humans who were gathered near the sacred gate. Twenty-four eyes focused on the group of humans with great wrath.


The monster heads that appeared from the ground hissed loudly with the deafening banshee. Then all the heads stretched out and moved quickly towards the group of humans.

"Move! Prepare for the worst! This monster is much stronger than we have ever fought!" Aizen gave the command before flying away from there and starting to shoot the heads of the rushing monsters.

"Roger." Ana and Axel answered in unison and followed Aizen into their formation.

The three of them became agro at the forefront and began to pay no attention to the six cultivator girls as the monster with twelve pairs of heads in line began to chase after Aizen and his two girls.

"We should also start our attack. Su Xia, Zi Mei combine our techniques again to stop the monster's movement." Lin Yu felt like he could overcome the difficulties this time as long as Aizen's group was still around.

"Yes, Senior Sister!" Su Xia and Zi Mei exclaimed in unison and started channeling their energy together with Lin Yu to combine their ice techniques on such a large scale.

"We need to help Aizen too. Help me suppress that terrible monster, Shen Xiu, Xiao Ru." Feng Zhi didn't want to lose to Lin Yu.

"Yes!" Shen Xiu and Xiao Ru immediately got into their formation and together with Feng Zhi they would launch their large scale attack.

Their current and previous roles were mainly as supports and Aizen's group as the attackers.

"Wow! Isn't that cool? All of our [Rank 7] laser beams were simply reflected without a trace there." Ana exclaimed while still shooting in the air with dozens of mini-laser beams hovering around her body and one long-barreled laser gun in her hand.

"That monster is at the peak of [Rank 8]. One more grade and it is at [Rank 9]." Axel told as if as an analysis report.

"Then, we need to get serious. The monster that is not much different from this monster is only the giant monster on the lake earlier which has a form similar to the leviathan in the legends."

Aizen put on a serious face while avoiding the devastating attacks of the monsters that were chasing him without stopping.

After that, a huge energy fluctuation appeared right above the head of the snake monster that was still embedded in the center of the hall, and the monster had not fully shown its true form yet.


The massive bodies of the twelve snakes that were still swarming after Aizen were pressed to the ground due to white energy pressing the monster hard. Then the ice zone rapidly spread out and froze the monster's body and got stuck in place.

'Axel, use the heavyweight cannon of the [Axel Goddess].' Aizen stopped in his tracks and gave an order.

Lin Yu and Feng Zhi's group were already giving their best and stopped the monster's body for a moment.

*Swish!* *Boom!*

'Roger. Prepare the heavyweight beam cannon. Target locked. Fire!' Axel opened the dimensional gap like she did when killing a giant monster in the lake earlier.

A violent explosion occurred when the laser beam collided with the twelve pairs of monsters trapped in the ice and under intense pressure.

Lin Yu and Feng Zhi's group that had managed to momentarily stop the terrifying monster's body to give Axel time to launch a fierce attack similar to the one at the lake now sighed in relief when they saw a vicious explosion right at the monster's body.

"Did the explosion managed to kill that monster?" Xiao Ru gasped slightly and asked curiously as she watched the after-effects of the explosion still not subside.

"I don't know, but I hope that monster has perished for good." Shen Xiu was shedding cold sweat due to nervousness and the amount of energy that had been channeled into the large scale combined technique earlier.

"Oh! Look at that! Most of the monster's body has been destroyed! We managed to beat it again! Yay! Thanks to Aizen, Axel, and Ana." Su Xia cheered in joy.

"Phew... Thank goodness." Zi Mei let out a sigh of relief that they survived.

Unfortunately, that sense of relief was not experienced by Lin Yu. She still had a serious and tense face but was also nervous and worried about something. Mixed feelings that seemed to say something terrible had yet to happen and were about to arrive.

"What's wrong Lin Yu? You look pale and worried? Isn't that monster dead? Shouldn't you be somewhat relieved and happy?" Feng Zhi frowned as she realized something was wrong with Lin Yu.

"I don't know Sister Feng Zhi. I just feel that it's not as easy as before. This monster is much more terrifying than we imagined. I feel a catastrophe coming to us soon. What should we do..." Lin Yu was afraid of what was perceived by her innate abilities.

Aizen still hovers in the air as he watches the monster whose half body has been crushed and the other part still embedded in the center of the hall begins to repair its body.

'Axel... Looks like the heavyweight beam cannon attacks are ineffective. Look at that monster that's starting to regenerate quickly.' Aizen folded his arms while thinking about the ancient text inscribed on the majestic gate.

'Yes, that is indeed true...' Axel only confirms Aizen's statement.

'Hmm... Now that monster has fully recovered as if it was completely unharmed.' Ana prepared with her weapon beside Axel in the air.


All the recovered monsters roared loudly from their twelve heads then they returned to the hole where they appeared in the center of the hall. Unfortunately, the monsters didn't escape the battle but were about to launch an indiscriminate all-around attack.

They moved swiftly and expanded to envelop the entire giant hall from underground.

Aizen sensed something was amiss. He detected the monster's aim no longer at him or Ana and Axel, but to the whole area, especially the six girls who were still surprised at how quickly this monster recovered.

"Move! Get away from there!" Aizen immediately shouted loudly at the six girls who were still dumbfounded in their place as they hurriedly flew there.

Unfortunately, Aizen won't make it in time. Suddenly the ground under the six girls crumbled.

"Eh?" One of them muttered absently at something that felt odd and missing.

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