Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 222 Change in Management

Chapter 222 Change in Management

— A Day later - Sector Alpha City - City Hall —

Amid the grandeur of Sector Alpha City's historic colonial-era City Hall, an extraordinary event was about to unfold. The entire city, along with an array of dignitaries, citizens, and reporters from various news channels, had gathered to witness this momentous occasion.

City Hall's architecture, steeped in colonial history, added an air of solemnity to the proceedings. The white stone columns and intricate facades stood in stark contrast to the bustling modern city that surrounded it. Yet, this fusion of past and present only heightened the significance of the event.

A raised platform had been erected in the courtyard of City Hall. At its center, a long, polished oak table awaited the key players of this historic transaction. On one side of the table, the royal emblem of the Tessia Kingdom hung with regal pride. On the opposite side, the emblem of Astral Tech Corporation gleamed in the dappled sunlight.

Lucian Justius, the Tessia Kingdom's King, arrived at the plaza in a regal procession, accompanied by his retinue of advisors and courtiers. His attire, a blend of tradition and modernity, reflected the gravity of the occasion. With measured steps, he ascended the platform, the eyes of the nation fixed upon him.

On the opposite end of the table, Daniel, the enigmatic founder of Astral Tech Corporation, stood flanked by executives from his company. His demeanor was composed, his expression inscrutable, as he awaited the commencement of the ceremony.

The master of ceremonies, chosen for his impeccable oratory skills, stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of the crowd. Microphones and cameras were poised to capture every word and gesture, transmitting this pivotal moment to viewers around the world.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens of Sector Alpha City, the Tessia Kingdom, and people across the Tessia kingdom," the master of ceremonies declared, his voice resonating through the plaza, "Today, we gather here for an event of unparalleled significance. The transfer of the entire Sector Alpha City Island is about to take place."

A hushed silence fell upon the crowd as they listened with rapt attention. The master of ceremonies continued, "Representing the Tessia Kingdom Royal Family, our sovereign, King Lucian Justius."

Lucian, his expression a mix of gravity and acceptance, stepped forward. The golden pen glinted as he poised it over the transfer document, a symbol of his role in reshaping the destiny of Sector Alpha City.

"On behalf of the Tessia Kingdom and its people, I hereby transfer ownership of the Sector Alpha City Island to Astral Tech Corporation," Lucian announced with a smile, a fake smile in fact, as he clearly needed to wear a mask for this occasion despite his strong desire to strangle Daniel with his bare hands. With a deliberate stroke, he signed his name on the document.

Cameras clicked and flashed, capturing this historic moment for posterity. The crowd watched in profound silence as Lucian completed his part in this monumental transaction.

The master of ceremonies then shifted his attention to the other end of the table. "And representing Astral Tech Corporation, the visionary entrepreneur, Daniel."

Daniel, calm and collected, stepped forward. He too took up the golden pen, ready to fulfill his role in this transformational event. His gaze briefly met Lucian's, a silent acknowledgment, but underneath it, a deep resentment and hatred flashed in both men's eyes, too quick for even the sharpest-eyed reporters to capture.

With steady hands, Daniel signed his name on the document, signifying the acceptance of Sector Alpha City Island into the possession of Astral Tech Corporation. The plaza erupted into applause, and a wave of astonishment and anticipation rippled through the crowd.

The master of ceremonies continued, "As stipulated in the agreement, Astral Tech Corporation will now make the full payment in gold bullion."

The crowd watched with bated breath as a transparent container, holding gleaming gold bullion bars, was brought forward. These bars represented a truckload of gold bullions that Daniel had prepared to be sent to the royal family palace.

The bars were counted meticulously, and their weight was verified before being placed in the secure container. Once the final bar was in place, the container was sealed with a profound thud, marking the completion of the payment. Astral Tech Corporation had fulfilled its commitment in gold bullion.

The master of ceremonies stepped forward once more. "Ladies and gentlemen, history has been made today. Sector Alpha City Island is now under the ownership of Astral Tech Corporation. This moment will be remembered for generations to come."

Applause and cheers filled the plaza as Lucian and Daniel, two figures on opposite sides of a monumental transaction, exchanged a glance. Deep hatred seethed within Lucian's eyes, while Daniel maintained his civil facade and fake reverence for the king.

"I heard that you have a daughter with Wrath. I wonder, is she safe in her surroundings? Are her guardians strong enough to protect her?" Lucian uttered a veiled threat in a low voice, meant for Daniel's ears alone.

"Your Majesty, threatening me with my loved ones is not a wise action. I tend to overreact and become overprotective of my loved ones. You've already lost your magical power. Who knows, in the near future, you might lose the power you so cherish," Daniel retorted with a sarcastic smile, then walked away.

Lucian winced at Daniel's cutting remark. Unwilling to appear helpless, he shot back, "Hmph! Don't underestimate the Hightower. There are many powerful mages in the organization. Sooner or later, someone in the Hightower will undo your seal, and when that time comes, I'll come after you!" He halted Daniel, who was walking away.

"Your Majesty," Daniel called out, then continued, "I never underestimate the Hightower. In fact, it's quite the opposite." With those words, he walked away to his waiting car, his disgust for Lucian now evident. If he remained any longer, he feared he might not be able to restrain himself from putting a curse or two into Lucian or even breaking the contract he had with the Hightower.

Lucian, hearing Daniel's words, let out a scoff.

"Heh… in the end, you're just a rat who dares not defy the Hightower." Lucian deliberately provoked Daniel, testing his reaction and hoping to push him into breaking the contract with the Hightower.

The terms of that contract stipulated that Daniel would never take any action to harm Lucian's personal safety unless Lucian attacked him first. Through this verbal exchange, Lucian sought to reinforce his belief that no one held more power than the Hightower in his eyes.

In his perspective, the Hightower's influence extended deeply into the world's politics and its direction, making them a force to be reckoned with. He didn't believe anyone could stand above them.

— A Week Pass —

With the city now under the ownership of Astral Tech Corporation, Daniel took great care in communicating with the city's citizens. He wanted to assure them that while Astral Tech had acquired the island itself, the property owned by individuals within the city remained untouched. In essence, Astral Tech had purchased governance rights and government-owned properties on the island, leaving individual and non-governmental properties unaffected.

Despite this assurance, many residents of Sector Alpha City initially felt uncertain about their future. Some contacted Astral Tech to sell their properties, a move Daniel readily accepted, paying market prices for their holdings. This resulted in Astral Tech acquiring more properties, expanding its assets.

However, as a week passed without any signs of Astral Tech using its new governance rights to seize private properties, the residents began to regain confidence. There was no indication that Astral Tech was employing the usual Tessia Kingdom protocol of claiming properties at a 25% discount. People started to trust that Astral Tech would honor its word and continue to allow them to live as before.

Government organizations responsible for maintaining order and essential services within the city, such as the police, firefighters, water department, and sanitation department, continued to function as usual. Daniel simply changed their source of funding from the government to Astral Tech Corporation, even raising their salaries by 20%. This decision quickly won over those who had initially been hesitant, and they embraced the new management.

For many common citizens, as long as their daily lives remained relatively unaffected, they didn't delve too deeply into the situation. However, this gave rise to a growing concern among those who thought critically: would Astral Tech eventually exploit them, much like the mega-corporations in dystopian sci-fi movies? Some doubted that Astral Tech would genuinely work for their betterment, especially since it now held governmental powers and controlled both the police and emergency services.

To address this concern, Daniel held a press conference at City Hall. He announced that Astral Tech would only govern for a period of 10 years, after which they would transition to a democratic system where citizens could elect their leaders. This declaration brought a sigh of relief to those who had been unsure. While a decade was a significant span of time, it was bearable for most, knowing that a more democratic future awaited.

Despite these uncertainties, individuals who had no other options and those whose lives were deeply tied to the city chose to take a chance with Astral Tech.

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