Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 232 The Other Side of Envy

232  The Other Side of Envy

After Envy lost consciousness, Golden Scale swiftly issued orders to his enforcer, instructing them to disperse the crowd that had gathered to witness the intense battle from below. Subsequently, the two Grand Councilors orchestrated the transportation of Envy to a hidden, underground sanctum within the vicinity of the Path of Knowledge faction's imposing structures.

— Cyrus's Hidden Sanctum —

Cyrus's clandestine sanctum, concealed in the subterranean depths beneath the Path of Knowledge faction's imposing edifice, served as a grim testament to his malevolent deeds. This sinister lair was reserved for imprisoning his most unfortunate adversaries and conducting abhorrent experiments.

At the heart of this eerie place lay Cyrus's Sanctum Sanctorum. Here, he had erected a formidable magical fortress imbued with an intricate web of enchantments, traps, and ancient rituals. This mystical stronghold augmented his magical prowess significantly. Within its impenetrable walls, Cyrus was nearly invincible, protected by layers of formidable defenses.

One of the standard features within a mage's Sanctum Sanctorum was a laboratory, often regarded as a reflection of the mage's true nature. Within the confines of this magical fortress, hidden from all but the mage who constructed it, their darkest desires and intentions were laid bare.

Cyrus's laboratory was a grotesque place, where the boundaries of morality and ethics vanished into the shadows. Here, he conducted experiments so cruel and relentless that they horrified even the most ruthless and pragmatic mages. His subjects, often hapless prisoners, endured unspeakable torments in the pursuit of his magical knowledge.

One of his more sinister experiments involved grafting one mage's magical veins onto another, ostensibly to increase their magical power and mana reserves. Yet, this process inflicted excruciating pain and damage to the victims' souls, plunging them into a realm of suffering. It was a level of cruelty that extended beyond the physical, reaching into the very essence of a mage's being, disrupting the delicate balance of the soul's reincarnation cycle.

Cyrus's secret sanctum remained hidden from the watchful eyes of the magical community, representing the darkest depths of his ambition. It was a place steeped in dread and suffering, where the boundary between pragmatism and cruelty dissolved into an unfathomable abyss of darkness.

As Golden Scale beheld the ongoing atrocities within the Sanctum Sanctorum, his demeanor shifted. The tension in the room escalated, and it seemed he had to exert considerable self-control to endure the horrors perpetrated by his fellow Grand Councilor.

"Per our contract, I trust that you will safeguard the knowledge of my Sanctum Sanctorum as a closely guarded secret, taken to the grave," Cyrus taunted, casting a sly glance toward Golden Scale. He was making his way to the ritual chamber where he had instructed his loyal follower to confine Envy.

"For the greater good of the mages, I shall keep your secret," Golden Scale responded without a moment's hesitation.

Cyrus couldn't help but smirk, believing he had outwitted Golden Scale, the Grand Councilor renowned for unwavering adherence to the Hightower's laws. He thought he could escape censure for the forbidden acts committed within his Sanctum Sanctorum.

"However, remember, Lord Cyrus, I am the Golden Scale, and my very purpose is to uphold the Hightower's laws. You may find amnesty for your crimes against the Hightower, but I won't forget what has occurred here. It will undeniably impact your future, one way or another," Golden Scale issued a stern warning.

Cyrus, with his smirk now replaced by concern, questioned, "Are you threatening me, Lord Golden Scale?" He contemplated silencing the Grand Councilor to ensure his secrets remained hidden. However, the binding nature of magical contracts held sway, even over his desires to suppress the truth and maintain his illicit deeds veiled.

"No, Lord Cyrus," Golden Scale responded firmly, reminding Cyrus of the Hightower's fundamental purpose. "The Hightower embodies ideals that shall lead all mages toward a brighter future, free from the fear of what might transpire when our existence becomes common knowledge among the masses."

"It's not a haven for ambitious individuals like you to realize power fantasies. This is the core essence of the Hightower. Please do not misconstrue it to suit your convenience, Lord Cyrus," he warned sternly. Golden Scale wasn't concerned that Cyrus might turn hostile; their contract expressly forbade any harm between them.

Even if Cyrus were to launch an unexpected attack and somehow circumvent the consequences of violating their contract, Golden Scale remained unafraid. In terms of sheer power, he ranked second only to Envy, who had lived for more than a century. Among the three Grand Councilors, Cyrus was the least powerful, yet his influence over the mages under his faction's banner was undeniable due to his clear ambitions and benefits for his followers.

As Golden Scale laid down this warning, the animosity in Cyrus's eyes deepened. He stared directly into the enigmatic, shadowy figure of Golden Scale concealed beneath the hooded white and gold robe. Within the Hightower, nobody knew the true appearance or even the gender of Golden Scale. Even Envy, the oldest of the Grand Councilors, remained unaware. What was certain was that Golden Scale appeared to be a humanoid creature, whether human, vampire, or elf, hidden beneath that hood.

Cyrus regarded Golden Scale for a moment before his expression shifted into what appeared to be a genuinely friendly smile. "Yes, of course, as Lord Golden Scale said. I'll endeavor to mend my ways after all of this is over," Cyrus said with a smile that appeared entirely sincere.

However, Golden Scale was no naive three-year-old who would swallow such a blatant lie. He understood that Cyrus's feigned friendliness likely concealed a grudge and, perhaps, a plan or two to deal with him.

After a brief exchange of differing ideals, the two Grand Councilors proceeded to the deepest section of the laboratory that Cyrus had prepared for this very occasion when Envy would fall into his hands.

In the vast hall at the laboratory's deepest reaches, a circular space was constructed to match the magic circle inscribed on the floor. Envy was bound by chains to a massive pillar adorned with numerous ancient runes in Greek, Norse, and even Sanskrit.

Envy, though chained to the pillar, awoke to the presence of her treacherous colleagues who had ambushed her. Her cold eyes surveyed the two, devoid of warmth and understanding, a stark contrast to her usual demeanor.

"Envy, my dear, there's no need to be so angry. This is for the greater good of the Hightower! Isn't that would be the ideal outcome.


right, Lord Golden Scale?" Cyrus turned to Golden Scale, who stood silently, paying no heed to Cyrus's attempts to assert his dominance in front of Envy.

Golden Scale moved forward, unfazed by Cyrus's posturing, and began to persuade Envy.

"Lady Envy, we don't intend to kill you, but we need your cooperation for our plan to rejuvenate the world's mana. We cannot allow your faction to interfere. I understand the three core factions within the Hightower were established to maintain a balance in the world, safeguarding both us and the common people. But it's time for that balance to shift. Many mages and magical beings have had enough of living in the shadows, perpetually in fear of the common population and their advancing technology," Golden Scale explained their plan to Envy, hoping she might join them voluntarily, which would be the ideal outcome.

Golden Scale outlined the principles of the Hightower three Factions. The Path of Knowledge promoted mage self-improvement and competition, Magic Harmony emphasized responsible resource management and a measured use of the knowledge gained from the Path of Knowledge, and the Golden Scale maintained equilibrium between the two factions under the framework of law.

"Cooperating with you for the greater good of mages? By opening the gates of hell in some remote country and allowing hell's mana to seep into the mortal world, letting those people in that country die as mere collateral damage? I can't permit any of you to proceed with that plan. How can you be certain that the demonic power from hell won't corrupt our world? You might be turning our world into a haven for demons!" Envy retorted, pointing out the glaring flaws in the two Grand Councilors' scheme.

"I won't deny the cruelty and high risks associated with this plan, but all those casualties will be a necessary sacrifice for the betterment of our mage society," Golden Scale responded resolutely before letting out a sigh, realizing the futility of his attempts to persuade Envy.

Hearing this, Envy gazed at both Cyrus and Golden Scale for a moment before continuing.

"Strange... You two should have conducted more experiments to find a way to eliminate the risk of demonic corruption completely. I know you're both heartless pragmatists, but to jeopardize the lives of fellow mages... something must have truly provoked you to advance your plan without ensuring their safety," Envy offered her analysis as she scrutinized the two Grand Councilors.

"Is it because of Daniel?" she inquired, noticing that Cyrus appeared startled when she mentioned Daniel's name.

This statement piqued Golden Scale's interest, and he focused on what Envy was saying. While Envy often acted carefree and displayed a kind-hearted demeanor, one shouldn't be fooled. At her core, Envy was a witch born during the decline of the Roman Empire, a noble at that time. Navigating political upheaval during a turbulent era was practically second nature to her. Sowing discord among those she disliked was something she could do with ease, although she rarely employed this aspect of her abilities. It reminded her of her difficult past, which she preferred not to dwell on.

"Cyrus, you know something about Daniel but haven't shared it with your accomplice, haven't you? Why is that, I wonder... Could it be... You're afraid... afraid that..." Envy was about to continue, but Cyrus abruptly cut her off.

"Everything is ready! Initiate the brainwashing procedure!" Cyrus shouted.


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