Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 271 <Spoiler>

Chapter 271 <Spoiler>

— After Sometime —

After covering roughly 200 nautical miles, the water became deep enough to conceal the towering Adamantine Colossus entirely. Daniel commanded the Colossus to release the Leviathan, a creature that had been repeatedly beaten during their journey the moment it showed signs of recovery, only to be sent into unconsciousness again and again.

The listless body of the Leviathan ascended from the underwater depths to the surface, still unconscious from its recent ordeal.

"Bring us down there," Daniel commanded the pilot. Swiftly complying, the pilot maneuvered the VTOL to descend from the sky to just several meters above the Leviathan's head.

Perched on the colossal head, Envy spotted her original body fused with the Leviathan's head by the scales, muscles, and nerve cords. She leaped down from the VTOL to the Leviathan's massive head, walking towards her original form.

Observing the battered state of the Leviathan, Envy could only heave a sigh. The creature was thoroughly beaten, bordering on near-death. She could only imagine the challenges ahead when sealing it to reclaim her body.

Turning towards Daniel, stationed near the open VTOL door, she called, "Daniel." He shifted his attention to her, and she continued.

"Considering the Leviathan's current state, after I have sealed it and reclaimed my body, its injuries also become mine. I might be in a coma for a few days, and at worst, a few weeks. So, please be cautious. Despite Cyrus falling into my trap in the Hightower, he's not to be underestimated. Otherwise, he wouldn't have elevated the Path of Knowledge faction to the most influential in the Hightower." Envy issued a warning.

"Don't worry, I'll handle him thoroughly," Daniel replied.

Envy nodded in acknowledgment before heading towards her original body, now scarcely distinguishable from a lifeless form. She produced a small knife, cutting the skin on her original body to draw a small, delicate magic circle on the chest where her heart was.

Once finished, she began to chant a spell in ancient Egyptian, derived from the Book of the Dead.

Envy stood resolute on the colossal head of the Leviathan, a surreal stage for the reclamation ritual about to unfold. The air carried an otherworldly tension, and with the Leviathan's scales beneath her feet, she began the ancient Egyptian chant, drawing from the mystical depths of the Book of the Dead.

"Anubis, guardian of the underworld, guide my essence through the realms beyond," she called out, her voice resonating against the vast expanse of the Leviathan's head.

The rhythmic beating of the Leviathan's heart seemed to synchronize with her incantation, as if the creature itself acknowledged the ancient power invoked.

"Ra, sun god, as you rise in the east, let my spirit ascend to reclaim its earthly vessel," Envy continued, her arms raised in a gesture reminiscent of supplication.

The wind carried the echo of her words, intertwining with the mystical forces at play. The Leviathan, a creature of the depths, became a conduit for the energies converging upon it.

"Isis, mother of magic, share your wisdom, bind my soul to this rightful form," Envy implored, the weight of the ancient goddess's name adding gravity to her words.

Her closed eyes betrayed the intensity of concentration, and the glow of the magic circle on her chest intensified, reflecting the divine forces at her command.

"Osiris, keeper of the afterlife, grant me the resurrection sought, as a Pharaoh rises anew in his own flesh," she concluded, her voice unwavering in its invocation.

As Envy continued her incantation, the air around her crackled with an escalating energy. Suddenly, her homunculus body, standing nearby, convulsed and collapsed. Her soul, now free, traversed the mystical bridge she had woven and entered her original body.

Simultaneously, the Leviathan, its massive form, began to be drawn towards the intricately inscribed magic circle on Envy's chest. It was as if a cosmic force, like a gravitational pull of a blackhole, compelled the colossal creature towards the swirling depths of the spell.

The very weather responded to the profound magic at play. The skies darkened, clouds swirling in an otherworldly dance as the energies unleashed by the spell echoed through the atmosphere. Thunder rumbled, a herald to the magical climax, and soon raindrops began to fall.

As Envy's soul seamlessly merged with her original body, a sudden downpour enveloped the scene. Rain cascaded in sheets, its intensity matching the magical surge below.

Amidst the tumult of the storm, Daniel, vigilant from the VTOL, observed the unfolding spectacle. Recognizing the urgency, he leaped from the VTOL, defying the rain and wind, and descended towards the sea.

With the assistance of his skilled employees on board, Daniel swiftly reached the floating Envy, her original body, and the collapsed homunculus. He carefully maneuvered them into the safety of the VTOL, the rainstorm intensifying around them.

Inside the aircraft, Daniel swiftly assessed the situation, his concern evident. Carefully, he laid both of Envy's bodies on the infirmary bed within the VTOL. Envy, unconscious but now securely cradled in the safety of the infirmary, prompted Daniel to heave a sigh of relief.

He then entrusted his female employee with Envy's care before leaving the infirmary, making his way towards the officer room of the VTOL to gather more information.

His primary concern was understanding the scale of the aftermath caused by the colossal clash between the giant mech and the monstrous Leviathan. He hoped fervently that the consequences were manageable within his capacity to address.

Within the comfortable confines of the officer room, which now served as both his bedroom and office, Daniel watched the news on the screen perched on the officer's desk. Observing reports from well-known news channels worldwide about the clash between the giant mech and the monstrous Leviathan, he touched his forehead, feeling a headache emerging from the aftermath.

One of the well-known British news channels broadcasted the incident with a sense of urgency, the anchor's voice resonating through living rooms across the country.

"Good evening. We bring you breaking news regarding an unprecedented clash between colossal forces that has sent shockwaves worldwide. Reports are pouring in about a colossal battle between an unknown gigantic mechanical entity and a mysterious sea creature in the open sea south of Dondra, Sri Lanka. The confrontation unfolded approximately 20 nautical miles from the coast."

On the screen, images of the colossal mech and the unidentified creature clashed, the sea turbulent with the force of their encounter. The news channel displayed a split screen, alternating between footage of the colossal clash and a concerned-looking news anchor.

"The aftermath of this clash is causing widespread concern. The Sri Lankan government attempted to track the unknown giant mechanical entity after it dealt with the unidentified sea creature. However, all military aircraft that pursued it experienced electronic interference, causing malfunctions, and the military decided to withdraw. Currently, no organization or country has taken responsibility for creating that unknown giant mechanical robot…" The news was abruptly cut short as Daniel changed the channel to another news source.

"Ughhhh… what a mess," Daniel uttered, his frustration evident.

Daniel continued to flip through the news channels for a few minutes before deciding to switch it off. Shifting his attention toward online forums on social media, he checked for news, particularly those reported by the people and news channels situated in Sector Alpha City. This area concerned him the most as he lived there.

Buffet Lover: Shit… Did you guys see the news? A Giant Monster vs. A Giant robot? Seriously, if I didn't see that this is coming from the news, I would think this is a new movie advertisement campaign.

Handsome_BusinessGenius: True.. I even called a few of my acquaintances to confirm if this is a movie or not.

Wolfy_Biker: Seriously… I think I know who created that giant robot, but I can't tell anybody since my ass is on the line.

Handsome_BusinessGenius: Please, don't boast if you don't know.

Wolfy_Biker: Hey! I'm being serious here!

Achilles_IS_An_A-Hole: Hey… Wolfy_Biker, are you the one whom I think he is? The one person that asked for a vacation to go to Hollywood.

Wolfy_Biker: ….

Achilles_IS_An_A-Hole: After you came back from Germany, we have a lot of shit to clear up between us!

Daniel watched the chat in the forum with a hint of amusement. Wolfy_Biker was usually a troll, but now he was being serious, and no one believed him. It seemed he was now being bullied by none other than his boss.

Unfortunately, Daniel's enjoyment was cut short when he noticed a news update from one of the news channels situated in Sector Alpha City. He quickly tapped on the picture displayed on the news front page and was stunned by what he saw.

The image portrayed a massive demonic horde running amok within the main island of the Tessia Kingdom. The demonic horde was rampaging through the streets and main roads of the Tessia Kingdom, with a clear trajectory leading toward the main long bridge connecting the Tessia Kingdom's main island to Sector Alpha City.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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