Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 278 Sector Alpha City First War-03

Chapter 278 Sector Alpha City First War-03

The Grand Paladin looked in the direction Penthesilea pointed, seeing the tank-like demon. Surprise reflected in his eyes, and when he witnessed a faint trace of divinity protecting it, fury displayed on his face. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded.

"It seems the Hightower egghead was at it again," uttered the Grand Paladin. He then turned toward Penthesilea and began to explain, "Those things are demonized humans, born from humans tainted by demonic energy for a long time."

Penthesilea recalled the time they had an operation in the Sector Alpha City sewer, facing demonic entities that seemed to be mutated humans or mutated rats corrupted by demonic energy.

"Then, what's the difference between mutated humans mutated by demonic energy and this thing?" inquired Penthesilea.

Unconcealed disdain appeared within Christopher's eyes as he looked at the direction of the demonized humans.

Christopher explained, "Practically, no, they are not different—neither in physical power, magical power, nor demonic ability. But in principle? It's vastly different. Demonized humans are individuals who willingly turn into demons, either by praying to a demon, making a contract, or experimenting on themselves to gain demonic power.

That's why demonized humans tend to retain their will and are more powerful than those affected by demonic mutation. As for those who got affected by demonic mutation... they are just victims transformed into demons against their own will," he said with a trace of pity and sadness in his eyes.

Currently, the tank-like demon leads the demonic horde to three-quarters of the bridge, significantly increasing the pressure on the defenders. Regardless of the type of bullets and ordnance used, the tank-like demons only sustain injuries and don't seem to succumb easily. Most they do is get heavily injured, and their wounds heal within a few seconds.

"At this rate, if the defenders can't find a way to obliterate that tank demonized human in one go, this battle is not going to end," Christopher commented, noting the resilience of the tank demon.

At this critical moment, a group of fighter planes flew by, executing an impossible sharp turn after passing the bridge. The planes had a futuristic design resembling interceptors, with engines so quiet they emitted only a low hum.

The tank demon stopped momentarily, turning toward the fighter jets. It then rotated a grotesque organ that looked like a turret made of flesh, bone, and nerve cords toward the fighter's direction, various guns protruding out of the tumor-like turret.


Gunfire flared as the tank demon tried to eliminate the fighters, sensing them as a threat, unlike the defenders in front of them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The autocannon bullets easily penetrated the tank demon's armor plate as it attempted to fire at the fighter planes.

"This is our chance! The demon's defense is lower while it tries to attack. Concentrate fire!" Field Commander Sullivan shouted his command again, and the defenders quickly unleashed a hail of bullets toward the tank demon attempting to attack the fighter plane.

The first tank demon trying to attack the fighter plane came under heavy fire for a few seconds before its defense crumbled under various bullets, making a swiss cheese out of it and killing it in the process as the blessed bullets burned them from the inside.

The moment the first tank demon was destroyed, the hail of bullets turned the demon horde behind it into mincemeat, putting an end to their infernal lives.

As for the second tank demon, it was locked onto by the fighter group's missiles.

"Confirm the target. Target locked. Purging fire warhead armed!" A familiar female voice echoed through Penthesilea's earpiece. It was Erina Sun's voice, the best pilot of Atlanteus Base, also under Daniel's employment after he rescued her.

The fighter group released a volley of Purging Fire Warhead missiles, each missile racing towards the second tank demon with deadly precision. The missiles penetrated the demon's thick armor, sticking into its monstrous form before the warheads erupted in a cataclysmic explosion.

A burst of divine flames engulfed the demon from the inside, searing its demonic essence. The holy fire consumed the creature, reducing it to ash as the missiles fulfilled their purging purpose. The once formidable tank demon was obliterated in a spectacular display of divine firepower, leaving nothing but dissipating ashes where it once stood.

The detonation of the Purging Fire Warhead not only annihilated the second tank demon but also unleashed a devastating shockwave of divine flames that engulfed the surrounding demonic horde. The flames spread like a celestial inferno, reaching out with relentless fury.

Demonic entities within the explosion range were caught in the purifying firestorm. Their agonized wails echoed through the air as the holy flames burned away their infernal existence. The once relentless horde, now reduced to a mass of smoldering ashes, marked the triumph of divine retribution against the demonic onslaught.

The defenders, observing the aftermath of the purging explosion, experienced a surge of relief as the immediate threat diminished.

"Holy… I really want that warhead!" Christopher was on the verge of uttering a swear but caught himself in time, his intense interest in the holy weapon against demonic forces clearly displayed.

"Please mind your language, Father Ward," one of the paladins tiredly reminded his leader of the expected priestly conduct.

"Maybe you should speak with our lord after this war is over, Father Ward." Penthesilea chuckling as she suggested at the Grand Paladin.

"Oh, sure! I'll speak with him. He should owe me a huge favor since I came here to help all of you," the Grand Paladin said with a hearty laugh.

'So, that's your true intention in coming here, huh? To get your new toy?' is the unspoken thought among Christopher's subordinates.

After the defenders had destroyed the two lead tank demons, the coordination between ground and air forces became smoother. Fighter jets periodically flew by, unleashing purging missiles onto the demons across the bridge before swiftly returning.

Several VTOLs soared through the sky, showering fire on the demonic horde from above, providing valuable support to the defenders. The flying demons had either been completely eradicated or were too afraid to approach, knowing that the highly accurate anti-air systems posed a significant threat. The fallen corpses of the flying demons plummeted into the sea below, preventing any potential threat from reaching the defenders' side.

As the defenders eliminated any demons attempting to cross the island bridge, the accumulating corpses formed a gruesome barrier. Mortars were employed to launch holy fire, incinerating the cluttered demonic remains and clearing the way for the defenders to target approaching demons.

This cycle repeated multiple times over the next three hours, gradually slowing down the demonic assault. The fierce appearances and savage roars dwindled, and the frenzied look in their eyes subsided. The demons began to retreat towards the direction of the royal capital.

With the demonic horde in retreat and the once-frenetic battlefield now settling into a victorious calm, the defenders erupted in joyous cries of triumph. Cheers and shouts filled the air as a sense of relief washed over the weary but elated defenders. The echoes of gunfire were replaced by the sounds of celebration, creating a stark contrast to the earlier chaos.

Hugging each other, exchanging smiles, and sharing moments of camaraderie, the defenders reveled in the hard-fought victory. The air was thick with emotions—relief, gratitude, and a shared sense of accomplishment. Even those who had lost loved ones found solace in the knowledge that their sacrifice had not been in vain.

Amidst the jubilation, field commander Sullivan stood tall, acknowledging the efforts of his brave team. Penthesilea, overseeing the scene from her vantage point, couldn't help but smile as the defenders, once faced with an overwhelming demonic threat, now stood triumphant.

As the celebration echoed through the city, another scene unfolded—one of compassion and care. Police officers, medics, and dedicated volunteers rushed onto the battlefield to tend to the injured defenders. The medics, equipped with advanced first aid kits, hurriedly worked to stabilize the wounded soldiers in hulking power armor.

The defenders, their armor bearing the scars of the fierce battle, were carefully assisted by the medics. Some of the armor had been damaged to the point of exposing burnt flesh underneath, but the specially trained soldiers endured, showing resilience beyond the ordinary. The implants and training they received allowed them to endure pain and injuries that would incapacitate an average person.

Police officers and volunteers joined the effort, forming a makeshift evacuation team. Stretcher bearers carefully transported the injured defenders to waiting ambulances and medical facilities. The wounded, though battered and bruised, wore expressions of pride and relief, knowing that their sacrifice had played a crucial role in repelling the demonic onslaught.

The city's hospitals, mobilized and ready, welcomed the injured defenders. Medical teams swiftly moved into action, providing immediate care to ensure the well-being of those who had stood firm against the demonic forces. The atmosphere, though solemn, carried an undertone of gratitude for the defenders' bravery and resilience.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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