Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 280 Christopher Vs. Mammon’s Archfiend

Chapter 280 Christopher Vs. Mammon’s Archfiend

As the battle raged on, the scales tipped in favor of the defenders. The first batch of a hundred Mammon's Hell Guard met their demise on the bridge, their once-arrogant advance halted by the united front of paladins and soldiers in hulking power armor. However, the relentless demonic forces showed no signs of yielding, as reinforcements of Hell Guard poured in.

The defenders, though holding their ground with commendable resilience, faced an escalating challenge as more Hell Guard joined the fray. The battlefield became a chaotic tableau of clashing blades, gunfire, and divine energy.

Suddenly, a shift in the atmosphere signaled a new and ominous presence. Mammon's Archfiend emerged on the scene, a towering figure adorned in a golden suit. His wings, red as blood, dripped with opulent gold and jewelry. In his hand, a sword gleamed with the same excessive ornamentation.

Unlike the monstrous features of other demons, Mammon's Archfiend bore an unsettling resemblance to a human. His eyes, however, were not of flesh but crimson jewels that radiated an eerie glow.

The defenders, now faced with this formidable adversary, braced themselves for an even greater challenge. The arrival of Mammon's Archfiend added a layer of complexity to the battle, introducing a foe whose appearance mirrored the sin of greed itself.

Adorned in opulence, the Archfiend surveyed the battlefield with eyes that glowed like crimson jewels. A wicked smile played on his lips as he addressed the Hell Guard.

"Foolish curs! Why aren't you able to kill mere mortals? Crush them underfoot! They are but insects compared to our might!" The Archfiend's voice echoed with sinister authority, urging the Hell Guard to renew their assault on the defenders.

Despite the Archfiend's urging, the Hell Guard found themselves suppressed by the powerful holy auras emanating from the paladins. Additionally, the hulking power armor worn by the soldiers proved to be a formidable barrier against the demonic onslaught. The Hell Guard, driven by their master's command but unable to overcome the protective measures of the defenders, faced a frustrating dilemma.

The paladins, standing resolute in their divine strength, and the soldiers, clad in their advanced power armor, created an impregnable frontline. The Hell Guard, despite their renewed ferocity, found themselves helpless against the coordinated defense of the defenders.

The clash reached a new height, but this time the defenders held a significant advantage, their combined strength pushing back the demonic forces with unwavering determination. The air crackled with the tension of the battle, but the defenders stood firm against the chaos and malevolence, determined to protect their realm from the encroaching darkness.

After Christopher decapitated the heads of several Hell Guard near him, he retreated to a safe position behind the defensive line of soldiers in hulking power armor. His surprise transformed into excitement and bloodlust as if he had encountered his favorite prey.

"Mammon's Archfiend! Seems like my Christmas came early!" Christopher uttered in a bloodlusting and excited manner, adrenaline pumping throughout his body. This was the first opportunity he had to confront and defeat Mammon's Archfiend, making it a coveted challenge.

The anticipation of adding the Archfiend's head as a trophy to adorn the Vatican Secret Exterminator Unit HQ fueled Christopher's determination.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Give me your head!" Christopher laughed like a madman, his legs heavily infused with the power of heaven. In one swift motion, he jumped from the bridge to a height of ten meters, soaring through the air to meet the Archfiend flying at the same elevation.


With a quick movement, the blessed blade in Christopher's hand slashed toward the Archfiend's neck.


The Archfiend used his sword to hastily guard against the surprise attack, causing his posture to slump awkwardly to the side.

Losing the momentum from the jump, Christopher fell back to the bridge but not without throwing several blessed blades toward the Archfiend. The Archfiend swiftly deflected these blades, sensing their potency and realizing they could be lethal if they hit vital parts.

The Archfiend, caught off guard by the unexpected assault, found himself facing a mere human who dared to take the initiative in attacking him. Despite his centuries-long history of bringing pain and corruption with the power of Greed, this was the first time a mere mortal had challenged him so boldly.

Infuriated by the audacity of this human insect, the Archfiend launched a furious counterattack quickly descending from the air.

The bridge became the battleground for an intense melee between the Grand Paladin and the demonic entity. Despite the Archfiend's power and fury, Christopher's prowess as a Grand Paladin allowed him to hold his ground against the abomination.

A blaze of fire and the clanging of blades echoed across the battlefield, leaving behind long scratches and cutting marks on the bridge. The two combatants moved with a power and speed beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

As their clash reached a critical moment, the Archfiend discerned an opening in Christopher's tight defense and swiftly seized the opportunity, thrusting its sword through Christopher's chest.


The sword, adorned with invaluable jewelry, tore through Christopher's chest, blood splattering onto the bridge. However, in that fleeting moment, Christopher executed a swift and precise maneuver, severing the Archfiend's right arm—the one holding the sword.

"Arrrrrgggggggghhhhhh!" The Archfiend howled in agony as the blessed blade sliced through his right arm.

Despite his wounds, Christopher stood resolute as the demon, now missing a crucial limb, retreated into the air, nursing its injuries and reassessing the situation. The bridge bore witness to the intensity of the battle, stained with blood and marked by the scars of the conflict.

In stark contrast to the howling pain of the Archfiend, the Grand Paladin didn't flinch. He pulled the demon's blade from his chest, displaying the indomitable will of a holy warrior.

"You! Madman!!" The Archfiend cursed Christopher for his audacious strategy, using himself as bait and sacrificing his own well-being to sever the demon's right arm.

"Heh… mortal, I admire your courage and your bold strategy, but you are a fool to think that an Archfiend like me will be helpless after you cut off my dominant arm. Besides, your lung was pierced. Your life will end soon. This is the fragility of mortals!" The Archfiend snorted in disdain before using his demonic energy to regenerate his severed limb.

Bone, muscle, and nerves quickly grew out of the Archfiend's right arm, and within a few seconds, a new right arm replaced the old one that was severed. It was as if his right arm had never been cut off in the first place.

Christopher let out a smile before his chest wound that was pierced by the sword closed and healed without leaving any scar as if nothing had happened.

"That's great, I can also regenerate and heal my injury too… Shall we continue with the second round?" Christopher asks with a bloodlusting grin.

Without waiting for the Archfiend to respond, Christopher swiftly threw another set of blessed blades. The Archfiend adeptly avoided them, maneuvering through the air with confidence. Christopher continued his rapid assault, throwing blessed blades, while the Archfiend skillfully dodged, creating a brief but intense dance of blades and evasions.

"Hahahahaha! Foolish human! At this height, your measly weapons will never touch me!" The Archfiend taunted, reveling in his perceived advantage, high above where Christopher couldn't reach with his blades.

Rather than displaying anger or frustration, Christopher wore a mocking smile, sneering at the Archfiend as if he found the situation amusing, akin to observing someone avoiding a kick in the nut but got his face smeared with shit.

At this moment, all the air defense systems across the frontline targeted the Archfiend. Menacing barrels stared directly at him, and the Archfiend, unknowingly ascending to a height that violated the defensive protocol, found himself in the crosshairs of the anti-air defense systems.

"Shit…" The Archfiend uttered a single word before his body was riddled with high-caliber blessed bullets from the anti-air defense systems.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom!

The air was filled with the thunderous roar of gunfire as the blessed bullets converged on their target. The Archfiend, caught in the storm of divine retribution, was pummeled from every direction.

With each impact, the Archfiend's once-regal form convulsed and contorted in agony. Feathers of blood-red demonic energy scattered in the air as the relentless barrage tore through its resilient frame. The Archfiend, unable to withstand the onslaught, descended listlessly, wings limp and body barely clinging to life.

In a graceless descent, the once-proud Archfiend crashed onto the bridge below. The impact sent shockwaves through the demonic forces, who witnessed their mighty leader reduced to a wounded and feeble state. The air, previously filled with the Archfiend's arrogance, now hung heavy with the scent of burnt demonic flesh.

Christopher walked over to the maimed body of the Archfiend, his gaze unwavering as he looked down at the creature. The once-proud being now lay in a state of defeat, with only half of its head remaining, clinging to the fringes of life.

"What a pity... the head is quite damaged, but... it will do," Christopher remarked with a mix of disappointment and satisfaction. In one swift motion, he severed the remaining connection between the Archfiend's head and body, ending its infernal life. Christopher then produced a mysterious liquid, pouring it over the freshly cut head with a practiced motion, preserving it as a trophy of the hard-fought victory.

While the Archfiend's head was carefully preserved, its body met a different fate. Consumed by hellfire, it turned to ashes, a fitting end to its once formidable and malevolent existence.

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