Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 295 Oceanos

Chapter 295 Oceanos

— The Sea 20 Nautical Mile outside Sector Alpha City —

Daniel skillfully guided the yacht through the tranquil waters, leaving behind the familiar skyline of Sector Alpha City. The morning sun cast a warm glow upon the sea as the vessel approached the exclusive waters near Daniel's private island. The ocean air carried the invigorating scent, and the rhythmic hum of the yacht's engine resonated in the serene surroundings.

Navigating toward the designated coordinates, the sea around them extended endlessly, devoid of any other vessels. The private island emerged on the horizon, a secluded haven shielded from the prying eyes of the city.

Envy stood beside Daniel, her curiosity stirred by the secretive journey. The only audible sounds were the gentle lapping of waves against the yacht and the distant calls of seabirds.

Approaching the designated spot, Daniel signaled the crew to slow the yacht. The vessel came to a gentle halt, creating a moment of stillness in the vast expanse of the sea. Anchored not far from the small island that Daniel acquired with the Sector Alpha City deal, the yacht bobbed on the water.

Envy, with a mischievous smile, teased Daniel, "What are you trying to show me, Daniel? Bringing me this far from the city—unless you have some other kinky intentions in mind, but I suppose the crew is a deterrent."

Rolling his eyes at her playful remark, Daniel replied, "Enough with the lame jokes, Envy. I brought you here to witness this." He gestured towards the expansive sea, hinting at the spectacle that awaited them.

As Daniel gestured toward the vast sea, a moment of suspense enveloped the tranquil waters. Suddenly, with a majestic swell, the surface of the ocean began to ripple and stir. A low, resonant hum echoed through the air, vibrating from beneath the waves, captivating the attention of both Daniel and Envy.

From the depths emerged the colossal form of the super submarine Oceanos. Its futuristic design, reminiscent of an aquatic titan, manifested with grace and power. The submarine rose from the ocean depths, parting the water with awe-inspiring precision.

Card: Oceanos - The Atlantis Last Hope

Picture: A gigantic submarine at the size of a small island delving within the depth of the ocean amongst the myriad fish and sea creatures. Its large but sleek structure and its black armor plate indicated that it was built for war.

Rarity: Legendary

Type: Unique, Artifact Vehicle

Mana Cost: 8 Non-Element

Description: [Mitigate 5] Power and Toughness of 'Oceanos - The Atlantis Last Hope' is equal to the number of its controller Artifacts. Pay 5 Non Element, Deal damae to any target equal to 'Oceanos - The Atlantis Last Hope' Power.

Drive: 4

Power: X

Toughness: X

Flavor text: The last hope of The Atlantean, Built to last.

Gleaming in the morning sunlight, the Oceanos unveiled its massive structure, half the size of Manhattan, adorned with sleek lines and Atlantean-inspired features that glistened in the daylight.

Envy, witnessing this grand spectacle, stood in stunned silence. The enormity and advanced technology of the Oceanos struck her with awe, a sight beyond her wildest expectations. The submarine's surface was a metallic canvas reflecting the brilliance of the morning sun, and its emergence created a breathtaking tableau against the backdrop of the open sea.

As the Oceanos completed its ascent, it stood as a testament to the marvels of Atlantean artifact technology. The waves settled around the submarine, leaving an aura of majesty and secrecy in the air. Envy, now fully aware of this hidden project, couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur before her—an aquatic titan that had surfaced from the depths, leaving her in a state of wonder and admiration.

"...God, what the... hell?" Envy unintentionally let out a remark as her eyes went wide in disbelief.

She understood that magic operated beyond the confines of science, yet it still adhered to the laws of physics to some extent. However, this submarine raised numerous questions in her mind. How was it built? How could it move?

And, more importantly, where did Daniel find enough Adamantine to construct a submarine hull of this size? Did he plunder another hell to obtain such materials?

"Daniel, tell me the truth. Did you plunder another hell before Mammon?" Envy pointed at the super submarine.

Hearing Envy's question, Daniel grasped the implication and decided to navigate the conversation cautiously, not wanting to reveal the entire truth.

"Something like that. You should know that before Mammon, I fought with Satan in His hell dimension," Daniel admitted, a hint of awkwardness in his tone.

"You're the most bad-ass mage I've ever known, Daniel. What on earth... just... wow," Envy commented, still staring in awe at the colossal size of Oceanos.

"Come, Envy. Let's go inside. I also need your expertise," Daniel said, leading Envy into Oceanos.

As Envy entered the elevator that brought her up, she continued to marvel at the sheer size of the submarine. Even half of Oceanos' height was enough to impress her.

"Welcome to Oceanos." Said Daniel as he led ENvy into this marvel of technology.

As Daniel and Envy stepped into Oceanos, they were greeted by a sight that defied the conventional expectations of a submarine. The interior resembles more of a bustling city than the confined spaces one would associate with underwater vessels.

Vast living quarters sprawled across various levels, complete with well-designed spaces for residents. The atmosphere was surprisingly open, with wide walkways and communal areas that mirrored a metropolitan environment. It was a city beneath the sea, a testament to Atlantean artifact technology.

As they strolled through the living area, they passed by hydroponic farms that provided a sustainable source of fresh produce. Lush greenery thrived in this underwater oasis, illuminated by artificial sunlight to simulate a natural environment.

The heart of Oceanos lay in its colossal reactor, a marvel of engineering that powered the entire underwater city and the submarine itself. The reactor's low hum resonated through the submarine, a constant reminder of the energy that fueled this extraordinary vessel.

Finally, Daniel led Envy to the command bridge, a hive of activity where skilled personnel worked diligently to ensure Oceanos' optimal performance. Screens displayed intricate diagrams of the submarine's systems, and technicians monitored data streams to keep everything in check.

"Envy, Welcome to the command bridge, the nerve center of Oceanos." Daniel explained, gesturing toward the entire bridge that has many electronic screens that monitor the vast data.

Envy observed the coordinated efforts of the crew, her amazement growing as she comprehended the scale and complexity of this hidden underwater metropolis.

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