Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 314 Yakuza Trouble

Chapter 314 Yakuza Trouble

?— Naha State - Okinawa —

After Pride had arranged everything, she returned to the apartment and shared the details with Daniel. While he accepted her gesture, he didn't outright agree to join them. He nodded, expressing that he was open to negotiation, as he still didn't fully trust the Path of Knowledge Faction.

Now, it was nighttime. The cozy apartment room witnessed Daniel enjoying the grand sushi bento from Gluttony, who was sipping beer alongside him. They engaged in casual conversation about trivial matters like games, movies, and even some juicy gossip Gluttony had heard in the Hightower while watching the evening news.

Surprisingly, despite Japan being off the global communication grid, Okinawa, designated as a special area, was connected to the internet and phone lines, allowing normal use.

The basic infrastructure in Okinawa was comparable to Sector Alpha City before Astral Tech took over from the Tessia Kingdom.

While watching TV, Daniel suddenly asked, "Ms. Pride, can you tell me the true goal of the Path of Knowledge Faction?"

"What? Are you interested in joining us?" Pride asked with excitement.

"I'll give you the answer after I hear what your faction's true goal is. I think it should not be a secret that could not be shared with a potential recruit, right?" Daniel said with a baiting smile.

"Of course, our ultimate goal is to restore the world's mana to the same level as the Era of God. That way, we could delve deeper into the secret of magic and create a great magic civilization! and restore the lost knowledge of the magic of old!" Pride said with pride, as this was the firm belief of the people in the Path of Knowledge.

No matter how much blood they spilled, they all worked toward this goal. It was her belief and her father's belief. While she understood that many in their faction only spoke of this goal without truly believing in it, she remained determined that one day, they could achieve what their goal intended.

Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap

Daniel clapped as he let out a smile, yet not a genuine one. Gluttony and Pride recognized this smile as the expression of someone with many doubts about what they heard but didn't voice them.

"That's an admirable goal. But, I'll be blunt. From my perspective, I thought you guys just wanted to turn Earth into a demon realm vassal state," Daniel said, injecting a bit of humor.

"From your perspective, it might look like that, but I assure you, even if you don't shut the hell gate yourself, the demonic corruption wouldn't expand beyond the controlled area."

"Which happens to be Tessia Kingdom, just outside of my doorstep," Daniel added, then continued with a knowing smile. "I guess that if I can't find a way to shut the hell gate or the corruption doesn't stop at the border of Tessia Kingdom, which is likely from the report that I read, not stopping at the border. Somehow, the Hightower or the Path of Knowledge faction would come to me to offer a way out with a very high price for me to pay for you to contain the corruption. Am I right?" Daniel concluded.

"Well…" Pride was speechless as her faction's secret intent had been exposed by the man in front of her. But she quickly calmed down and continued their conversation as if nothing happened.

"As expected of you, Lord Emberweave. To be able to guess our true intent back then," said Pride.


"Heh… Your plan is exactly the same charade pulled by a lot of Tessia Kingdom police. Their merit is judged by how much they can catch thieves or solve cases each month. This means, if they eradicate all of the crime lords within their area, there will be no steady easy crime for them to solve. And their merit will significantly reduce the following month, leading to their limited merit and the stagnation of their ranks and influence.

This is why a lot of police in my country didn't completely eradicate crime in their area and even nurtured it. This leads to a funny scenario where they catch a lot of criminals and destroy a lot of drugs, but the crime rate doesn't reduce. No, it even increases because those caught by the police are those that the crime lord deems unnecessary or wants to eliminate." What Daniel said was an open secret in Tessia Kingdom that many people knew.

However, if the police were questioned about this matter on screen, they would consistently deny it and, at times, even resort to suing reporters daring enough to inquire.

"After all, who would want pest killer spray if there are no pests, right?" Daniel concluded with a knowing smile, making Pride feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Okay, I think I've grilled you long enough. Sorry if my words are hard to listen to," Daniel apologized, though his tone suggested it was merely a formality, leaving Pride a bit disheartened.

"Damn... you really are a prick, aren't you?" commented Gluttony.

"Yes, I'm a prick, and?" Daniel responded blandly, looking at Gluttony as if to say, 'I'm sorry, do I look like I give a f*ck?'

"Prick..." Gluttony secretly closed her fist, expressing a desire to smack that prickly face.

Daniel didn't care about Pride or Gluttony's thoughts. He was merely waiting for Kato's return, who was already more than two hours late. He had asked Kato to purchase a list of items, providing him with more than enough money.

Additionally, Daniel had given Kato a golden medal from the Syndicate Union, signifying his under Daniel's protection. This medal was recognized by the Syndicate Union, and they assured that it could be used anywhere on Earth, as long as there was at least a sizable gang present.

To be on the safe side, Daniel decided to inquire locally.

"Hey, Gluttony," he called.

"What is it? Prick," Gluttony rudely responded, but Daniel paid no mind.

"Do you know if there's any Syndicate Union here?" Daniel asked.

"Syndicate Union? Why? Are you looking to buy some shady stuff?" Gluttony inquired.

"No, I just want to know if my membership still applies here."

"Certainly, there's one in Naha State. The branch is in the tourist sector. It's the Grand Privilege Hotel," Gluttony answered.

Daniel nodded in acknowledgment, then opened his wrist console to check Kato's current location. To his surprise, Kato's location was somehow inside the building.

He then looked through the camera of the spy metal scarab he had sent to monitor Kato. What he saw made him wish to travel back in time to eliminate whoever created the so-called 'Murphy's Law.'

"Oh, this thing is interesting! It's an artifact, right? It looks like something out of a sci-fi or spy movie!" Gluttony commented as she positioned herself behind Daniel to get a better look.

"Gluttony, tone down your nosiness, please," Pride admonished Gluttony, but she also joined in.

"Heh… You're the one to talk," Gluttony quipped.

— In Daniel's Console Screen –

In the dimly lit warehouse, shadows played on the cold, concrete floor as a solitary figure hung from a steel pillar. Kato, bound by his hands, dangled helplessly in the oppressive stillness. The only sounds were the distant echoes of occasional street noises and the quiet creaking of the swaying chain holding him aloft.

His battered form bore the marks of a merciless beating, evident in the bruised and swollen contours of his face. Tattered shreds of clothing clung to his body, offering little dignity in his vulnerable state.

This warehouse belonged to one of the Yakuza groups that controlled the area. Kato had been ambushed by the Yakuza and beaten before he could even speak.

At this moment, one of the Yakuza walked in and sat on an iron chair in front of Kato, who swayed by the chain.

"Hello, Kato-Sensei. Long time no see. You seem to be lucky lately, even getting a lot of money! And US Dollars at that," the Yakuza said, displaying a thick stack of dollars that Daniel had given to Kato in the morning.

"I wonder… You have this much money, but why didn't you pay our money back? You borrowed the money from us, and it is only right to pay it back!" The Yakuza said with a menacing smile.

"I... I think what I have already paid you back is already ten times the amount I borrowed from you in the first place!" Kato tried to reason.

Hearing that, the Yakuza got angry and punched Kato in his stomach.

"Damn it! You'll pay what I told you to pay! Who told you to borrow from us in the first place!? Don't forget! If you don't pay, we don't guarantee the safety of your wife and child!" The Yakuza roared and continued beating Kato.

Observing this, Daniel reminisces about the period when he was still an ordinary person, unaware of the Curtained World and magic.

Back then, even before he became a game designer, he faced numerous instances of oppression and bullying from large conglomerates and even some gangs. Some of his inventions and ideas were even stolen from him.

Upon gaining power and becoming a mage, he was preoccupied with adapting to this new world and focusing on survival, laying the foundation to avoid being swallowed by those in the Hightower.

However, witnessing Kato in such a state reopened the wounds in his heart that he believed had already healed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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