Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 45 Mindscape New Function

"Please hold my hand, my lord," The archangel said, extending her hand towards her lord and creator.

Daniel looked up at the archangel before him, who was trying to help him up from the cluttered mess that had nearly buried him.

"Oh, thank you," said Daniel gratefully as he took the archangel's outstretched hand and pulled himself up from the chaotic pile of equipment and gadgets.

As he rose to his feet, the swarm of metal scarabs sprang into action, scurrying about to tidy up the cluttered mess.

Observing their movements with interest, the archangel couldn't help but find the gadgets and artifacts to be quite fascinating, and their appearance was even somewhat cute in her eyes.

"Please, have a seat," Daniel said, gesturing towards the sofa in the midst of the scattered gadgets and equipment. This room, with its TV and various devices, could be called a living room.

"Would you like something to drink? Cola, tea, or coffee, perhaps?" Daniel offered, showing his hospitality to the archangel. She was gazing curiously at the small scarab group, while he opened the refrigerator to reveal the cans.

"No, thank you, my lord. I wouldn't want to trouble you," the archangel politely declined, though her eyes couldn't help but show a hint of interest in the can of cola in Daniel's hand.

"Cola it is then." Daniel decided and grabbed a can from the refrigerator, offering it to the archangel who gazed at it with childlike wonder.

"Thank you, my lord." The archangel accepted the can, popping it open with a hiss.

As she took her first sip, her face puckered in response to the soda's carbonation, but soon a look of pure delight spread across her face as the sweetness of the drink began to take hold. From that point on, she eagerly drank the cola, relishing its flavor with each gulp.

Daniel couldn't help but smile at the thought of Michaela, who was known in his lore as a warrior of few words and preferred to prove her point through action rather than debate or argument.

Wanting to assist her, he took out his smartphone and called Maria, instructing her to bring comfortable clothes for Michaela that would allow for ease of movement. He planned to modify the clothes into artifact armor to enhance her combat abilities.

While waiting for Maria, Daniel decided to turn on the TV for Michaela's entertainment, which quickly caught the archangel's attention. He then retreated to his workshop to create and modify artifact armor and weapons to improve Michaela's prowess.

As he worked, his mind drifted to the mindscape. It had been almost a week since he had acquired the property and used his "Location Conversion" cards to transform the land into a mana generation site, allowing him to draw from its power.

Within his mindscape, Daniel could sense the presence of four additional sources of mana at his disposal, which were as follows:

Sector Alpha: Warehouse & Port: Water x 1

Sector Alpha: Haunted House: Wood/Dark x1

Sector Alpha: Secret Warehouse Near the port: Water x1

Sector Alpha: Illegal Gun Workshop: Fire x 1

Having gained a new property that provided him with a constant source of mana, Daniel discovered a new function in his mindscape: the pre-construct deck. This function allowed him to pre-construct up to five decks, and change them as he wished without delay or cooldown. He had already pre-constructed his decks as follows:

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ 1st deck: Full of Artifacts and Artifacts creatures, to disguise himself as an Artificer or to actualize some artifacts for use.

2nd deck: Full of Quick spells and normal spells for use in combat, in a ratio of 3:1.

3rd deck: Full of Enchantments, to curse or bless someone as needed.

4th deck: Full of Sentient Creatures such as Dracula, Vampire Hunter, and Vatican Crusader.

5th deck: A miscellaneous deck consisting of the remaining cards that he didn't think suited the other four decks.

Daniel carefully deliberated and searched through his collection of artifact cards, even utilizing spell cards to draw new ones, in order to find the most fitting ones for Michaela. Finally, after a few more minutes of scrutiny, he chose two artifacts that he deemed perfect for her.

Card: Clockwork Stiletto

Picture: The dagger was crafted from rare blue steel, emitting a faint blue aura that surrounded it. Its handle was adorned with intricate details and embedded with a small, vintage clockwork mechanism that appeared to be ticking away, imbuing the blade with a mysterious and powerful energy.

Rarity: Epic Rare

Type: Artifact - Equipment

Mana Cost: 4 Non-Element


Equip Creature Get +1/+0

[First Strike]

When Attack, Can Distribute attack power to any target.

When blocked, Can choose to block more than 1 target.

Flavor text: This dagger may not be powerful enough to stop time altogether, but it does possess the ability to control the flow of time in a way that suits the wielder's desires.


Card: Spellguard Buckler

Picture: The silvery-red metal buckler boasts a strikingly intricate design that catches the eye. Two distinct glows emanate from the surface of the shield, one a deep blue and the other a fiery red. The anti-magic insignia emblazoned on the center of the buckler adds an extra layer of protection, rendering it capable of neutralizing low-level spells.

Rarity: Rare

Type: Artifact - Equipment

Mana Cost: 1Fire, 1Water, 1 Non-Element


Equip Creature Get +0/+1

Opponent spells that target it or the equipped creature need to pay 2 more mana or their spell will get canceled.

Flavor text: This buckler is the benchmark tool for the mage to test if they are powerful enough or not.

After choosing the Artifacts for Michaela, Daniel began the process of actualizing them and fine-tuning them using the Grand Artificer table.

As he waited for the table to finish its work, he stepped out of his small workshop to check on the archangel. He found her still engrossed in the TV, drinking colas from the refrigerator like a child who couldn't tear themselves away from the screen.

Daniel noticed several metal scarabs clinking on her head, adding a comical touch to the scene. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of this simple and gluttonous yet endearing archangel.

"Do you like those small artifact creatures?" Daniel asked, attempting to strike up a conversation with the reserved archangel.

Upon hearing her lord's voice, Michaela quickly stood up, causing the small metal scarabs on her head to fly away in surprise. A faint blush colored her cheeks as she felt embarrassed for being caught indulging in her interest. She nodded slowly, acknowledging that she found the cute and small animals endearing, even though others might not see them in the same way as she did.

"If those small artifact creatures are what you like, I might have something for you," Daniel said to Michaela before disappearing into his workshop to retrieve something for her.

As Daniel worked, Michaela returned to watching TV, fully absorbed in the program like a child who couldn't pull themselves away.

Half an hour passed and Maria arrived at the safehouse with four large paper bags filled with women's clothing. Daniel instructed Maria to send the clothing to his workshop first for him to modify it.

Utilizing his skills and the assistance of the swarm of scarabs, the modified clothing was finished within a few minutes of entering Daniel's workshop.

Daniel instructed Maria to take Michaela to the bathroom. The first time Maria saw Michaela, the archangel with three angelic white wings, she was scared witless, thinking the angel had attacked. But after reassurance from Daniel, she knew that Michaela was a servant of the Lord like them.

"Please rest assured, my lord. I'll dress her to the best of my ability and will not let you be embarrassed. Is she yours?" Maria asked, wondering if Michaela was Daniel's love interest so she could prepare suitable clothes for her.

Daniel chuckled at the question. "Oh, she will be my bodyguard. Please choose clothes that are easy for her to move in."

"Please leave it to me, my lord," Maria bowed to Daniel, then brought Michaela, who was still paying attention to the TV, to the bathroom with her.

Daniel then began to actualize one more card, intending to give it to Michaela.

Card: Portal Rabbit

Picture: A cute, red-eyed white rabbit appeared out of the portal instead of a rabbit hole in the ground.

Rarity: Uncommon

Type: Creature - Beast

Mana Cost: 1 Wood, 1 Fire, 1 Non-Element


[Haste] [Quick]

Power: 3

Toughness: 2

Flavor text: These rabbits reside in the space between dimensions and are known for their exceptional speed and agility, making them difficult to catch. It is advised not to provoke them.

After a cute white rabbit appeared before him, Daniel decided to bless it to ensure its safety. He didn't want Michaela to become enraged and go on a warpath if the rabbit were to be killed by a demon from hell or some idiot mage.

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