Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 152 - Don't You Find Them Weird?

"Jasmine, you know that I hate meeting your father more than you do. You know that I have always dreaded meeting him since the first time I saw him almost break your legs with the golf stick. I can manage to meet him with you but meeting him alone especially in his home is not an option," The always fearless Catherine said sounding scared.

When she and Jasmine newly became friends Jasmine has always told her how scary her dad was but she thought she exaggerated the facts but the day she saw Mr Avans in action, she got scared of the man. If not for the timely arrival of Jasmine's grandmother she was sure that Mr Avans would have crippled the stubborn Jasmine.

"As if threatening me using you wasn't enough, can you believe that father said he will invite the three guys to his mansion?" Jasmine asked showing no sign of calming down.

"Your father isn't serious or is he?" Catherine asked. The thought of Jeff being questioned by the cold man made her quickly shrugs her shoulders.

"Has Father ever joked about anything?" Jasmine asked as she rested her back against the couch.

"Jasmine, I know that you hate the thought of seeing your dad not to mention meeting him at his home but he left you with no other option, I suggest that you do what he wants. If you disobey him this time, you know that it is I and the guys who will suffer. I can't even imagine what he will do to the guys if they step foot into the Avans main mansion," Catherine said in a calm tone.

"Your mum is there to shield you so I am sure he will not kill you," Catherine tries to comfort Jasmine.

"I really regret answering mum's call. If mum had given me hints that father was with her, I would have hung up the call, I wouldn't have allowed him to threaten me," Jasmine said as she closed her eyes.

"What has happened has happened, there is no need for you to beat yourself over what happened. Be positive, you will be surprised to see that your father will not be so hard on you," Catherine try to somehow comfort her angry best friend. They both knew that Mr Avans couldn't talk without getting furious.

If it was with the cool-headed Elizabeth, Catherine would have said that it was possible for Mr Avans to have a conversation with her without losing his temper but that was different with Jasmine.

Jasmine has always been the outspoken type. If it was when she was underage, even though she disagreed with her father's decision she would just keep quiet and do like he said if it was something within her capability but since the incident that happened when she was 18 years old, Jasmine has not been so obedient. She does whatever she wants and this has been the norm for years now.

"The day my father will treat me without getting mad at me, I will kowtow to him," Jasmine remarked.

"I have this strange feeling that something is gonna happen that will make your dad change the way he treats you so be prepared to kowtow to him, ok?" Catherine said playfully just to ease the tension.

"Talking about people changing, I forgot to tell you that Lizzy and I have made up...,"

"You and Lizzy have made up? How? What happened?" Catherine asked curiously as she sat up to hear the good news of a century.

"We met yesterday afternoon. I was with the guys yesterday when she called. I had thought she wanted to scold me like she usually did but I got the shock of my life when I heard the reason she asked me to meet her. I seriously thought she was dying when she apologised to me," Jasmine said her expression brightening up a little.

"Jasmine, I don't understand what you are saying so go into details. I want to know everything that transpired between the two of you," Catherine said as she sat with her legs folded on the couch while staring at Jasmine.

Jasmine began narrating everything that happened that day to Catherine. At the end of the narration, Catherine was still not convinced about Elizabeth sudden change.

"Jasmine, you really believed that she has changed? What if she is pretending because she has ulterior motives? What if she aims to harm you in the end. You know I can't take risks when it comes to your safety right?" Catherine said in a worried tone.

"Cat, you know that it is hard for someone to fool me when it comes to emotions. I am the queen when it comes to hiding feelings so I don't think anyone would be able to fool me. I mean I have been fooled by someone closest to me before so I don't think I will be that foolish to get played at again," Jasmine said in a serious tone.

"Are you sure about it?" Catherine asked doubtfully.

"Catherine, what can Lizzy do to me by pretending to be cool with me? I mean we are a family right, so she wouldn't possibly kill me for no reason. I know she has provoked me to the extreme so many times and I have gotten back at her each time but that doesn't mean that we aren't family. Despite all our minor fights and misunderstandings, I am sure you know that I never hated her. You of all people know just how much I love her...,"

"Silly you! I wasn't referring to Lizzy. And of course, I am aware of all the sacrifices you have made for her. You didn't mind becoming prey to your dad so many times because you wanted to save Elizabeth. And do you think that I don't know that she is the reason you don't want to work in your family's company? You have done so much for her under my watch and even behind my back so why would I think that you hate her? Nobody in this world will sacrifice so much for another person not to mention doing that for the person he hates," Catherine said seriously.

"If she wasn't the one, then who were you referring to? Who is hiding his feelings or intentions that I don't know of?" Jasmine asked curiously as she paid rapt attention to what Catherine wanted to say.

"The guys," Catherine blurted out.

"The guys? What do you mean?" Jasmine asked looking so confused?

"Don't you find them weird?" Catherine asked curiously.

"I mean after what you did to them especially Jackson, isn't it weird that you all are getting along too well as nothing happened? And also don't you find Jackson's contract weird?" Catherine asked getting Jasmine even more confused.

"Why would a guy like him goes through the trouble of getting the contract you worked so hard to get only for him to ask you to cook for him and also teach him on the proper etiquettes to date a lady? He has the money and influences to employ a world-renowned chef so why does he have to put up with your horrible meal?" Catherine asked rhetorically.

"Sorry that I call your meal horrible. I just said that to lay emphasis...,"

"Continue, I did not take offence with it. I know you did not mean it," Jasmine said. Her tone and expression showed that she wasn't affected by what Catherine said.

"And also what guy in the 21st century will ask a lady he hates to teach him how to date a lady? Social media and Google is there to do the work for him so why would he spend millions just to have you do these two tasks? Don't find this strange?" Catherine asked anxiously as she waited to hear what Jasmine reply will be.

Jasmine began thinking about all Catherine has said. Ahe could not help but admit that what she said was sensible.

The reason she embarked on this mission was to get her contract back. If it wasn't for her contract she wouldn't have gone through the hassle. Only a lunatic will steal a person's property by spending so much money only to ask for such trivia things in exchange. She has spent so much time with him to know that Jackson wasn't a lunatic but she couldn't pinpoint his reason for approaching her. One thing she was certain of was that it was not a coincidence that Jackson stole her contract.

According to her conclusion, something seems fishy but she could not guess what exactly it is.

"Cat, according to you, do you think that they have bad intentions?" Jasmine asked looking so confused.

"No, but one thing I am certain is that they are hiding something from us. I know you have your ways of finding out things so I will leave that task to you," Catherine said.

Silence evolved the room afterwards. From the expression on their faces, it was easy to guess that they were pondering about something.

"Cat, I almost forgot to talk to you about what happened between you and Jeff," Jasmine break off the long silence.

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