Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 392 - Catherine Came Back Sad

"You have always been there whenever I needed you. Anytime I felt like the entire universe hated me, you were always there to support me. You were there for me when my family members were nowhere to be found. I don't know whether I will ever be able to repay...,"

"Why are you getting all emotional. Did I perhaps say something wrong without knowing it?" Catherine said as she abruptly pulled out of her embrace.

"You didn't say anything wrong. I just find you too beautiful maybe that is why I got emotional. Silly me," Jasmine said as she embraced Catherine again.

Because she mask her emotions too well Catherine could not tell whether she was serious or not.

Jasmine walked Catherine downstairs to where she parked her car.

"I love you girl. Go amaze your future in-laws," Jasmine standing Outside the car said with smiles as she watched Catherine's car leave.

Her smile fades away in an instance after Catherine's car left.

She went back into the house. Reaching where she kept her phone, she picked up the cell phone and punched the number on the business card in her hand on the phone. She dialled the number.

"I will do as you said but I will only leave after you have done your part of the deal," Jasmine said to the excitement of the lady who has been patiently waiting for her call.

"How am I sure that you will do like you said...,"

"I am not like you," Jasmine said before she disconnected the call. She sat on the couch watching the television to see whether Jane will really carry out her part of the bargain.

An hour later the news she was waiting for finally came on. She turned off the television after listening to the part she was interested in.

In the news, Jane claimed that the leak was due to her negligence. She said she had mistakenly dropped the file about the project on the table when Samantha met her in the company's cafeteria. Samantha saw the file containing all the information about the project. To get back at Jasmine, she must have submitted the same idea to her boyfriend who is Jasmine ex-boyfriend.

"She has done the part of the deal, now it's my turn to do my part," Jasmine said as she stood up from the couch and headed upstairs.

Upstairs Jasmine showered and changed into new sets of outfits. She was downstairs about to leave when Catherine entered the sitting room looking all sad.

From Catherine's expression, Jasmine did not need anyone to tell her that something was seriously wrong with her best friend. She led Catherine upstairs.

Jasmine sitting on the couch with Catherine stare at her friend's face. She could not guess what was wrong with her.

"What happened? Did his parents insult you or did Pretty Boy do something to make you upset?" Jasmine asked in a worried tone. She waited for Catherine's response but Catherine refused to utter a word.

"Say something, girl. You are getting me very worried by acting this way," Jasmine said in a serious tone.

"His mum said I am not good enough for her son," Catherine blurted out.

"She said you are not good enough for Pretty Boy?" Jasmine repeated Catherine's words.

"How could she say such a thing to you? Who does she think her son is to say that my darling best friend is not good enough for her son?" Jasmine asked as though Mrs Darwin was there.

"You are someone's beloved daughter. You are a priceless jewel so how could she make such a comment just because her family is rich?" Jasmine said.

"Is Pretty Boy aware of this...,"

"Of course, I didn't tell him. I knew he would make a scene if he learned about what his mum told me that is why I pretended to be ok," Catherine said turning to focus all her attention on Jasmine.

"You were right when you said he would make a scene if he learned about his mum's words. Although the three best friends personality is very different. If there is one thing they have in common, it is the fact that they would not stand and watch anyone insult their woman," Jasmine said.

Her words made her recall how Jackson shield her from his mum's slap that day in the mall. Until now she did not how she would have reacted if the elderly woman had slapped her that day in the mall.

"Tell me all that happened so that I will know how to deal with the proud woman for you," Jasmine said.


Back in the restaurant, their dinner was going perfectly well. Jeffrey's father unlike his mum was very welcoming. His mum too didn't show any form of dislike towards her but she wasn't so welcoming.

She was so happy that she was accepted by his parents despite her family background. Not until she excused herself to the restroom.

After relieving herself, she was washing her hand in the sink when she saw someone enter the restroom through the huge mirror. She quickly turned to face the mirror when she saw that it was Jeffrey's mum.

"Auntie," Catherine remarked not knowing that dream was about to be shattered by the woman at that moment.

She was surprised that instead of responding the woman went to confirm whether people were in the restrooms. She returned after confirming that it was just the two of them in the restroom.

"Catherine, I will be very honest with you right now unlike the act I put up in there," Mrs Darwin said in a cold voice.

"May I ask what you mean by this," Catherine maintain her politeness despite guessing that what the woman was about to tell her wasn't anything pleasant.

"I have known about you and Jeff's relationship for a long time now. I never intervened because I thought he wasn't serious about you but after he informed us about the dinner introductory meeting I realised my guess was wrong...," Mrs Darwin paused to make sure that Catherine was following what she was saying.


I have just recalled that I don't specifically thank readers who always made it a point of duty to buy privileged chapters every month so I will use that opportunity to do it now.

I just want to say a big thank you to all of my readers out there who always bought my privileged chapters. Thank you for appreciating the extra efforts I put in writing these advanced chapters by buying the privileged chapters. Thank you so much, guys. That you are willing to spend coins to read the advanced chapters means a lot to me.

It means more than the coins to me, I don't know whether you understand what I mean here, nevertheless know that I am and will forever be grateful to all the privileged buyers. I love you all ❤❤❤

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