Mission XX: Seducing The Great Seducer

Chapter 394 - Jasmine Left

"You are right about that. He has already found my behaviour suspicious earlier in the car...,"

"Then I suggest that you go back if you don't want to get him even more suspicious about what happened. Also, he will get very worried if you don't go back tonight," Jasmine tried to use tricky means to get Catherine to leave.

"Why do I feel like you are trying to drive me away?" Catherine asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. I would never do that to you. Don't forget I have to go meet Ice Prince. I don't want to leave you all alone here," Jasmine lied without batting an eyelid.

"Ok, I will leave. I won't delay you from meeting up with your sweetheart. I know how much you have missed him for the last few days so let's go," Catherine said as she stood up from the couch.

If she knew exactly what Jasmine was up to then she would have prevented her from doing something that will leave her heartbroken.

The two best friends went downstairs together. Outside Jasmine watched as Catherine's car drove off. She turned and head towards where she parked her car. Jasmine drove off almost immediately.

Nobody noticed Jasmine's disappearance until the next day when Jackson return home after working hours, expecting to meet his woman in his home.

Thinking she was with Catherine, Jackson called Catherine to confirm whether Jasmine was with him but to his greatest amazement Catherine didn't seem to know about her whereabouts.

"What are you talking about? Isn't Jasmine supposed to be with you?" Catherine asked thinking that maybe Jackson was trying to pull a prank on her.

"What do you mean she is supposed to be with me? Haven't you been the person with her since I was away? What makes you think she is with me when I haven't contacted her for about three days now?" Jackson asked not understanding why Catherine would say that Jasmine was with him when his men watching her has always informed him that Jasmine was mostly seen with Catherine since the day he stopped coming back home.

"What do you mean by you haven't called her for three days? Didn't you call to set up a date with her last night?" Catherine asked subconsciously standing up to her feet.

"Of course not....,"

"Damn it!" Catherine cursed when she learned that Jackson didn't invite Jasmine out for a date just like she said.

"What is going on here? Can you tell me why you thought she was with me?" Jackson patiently waited for Catherine's reply.

Catherine went ahead to tell him all that happened while he was away. Jackson carefully listened to all the details of what Catherine was saying.

"How could she think that I will hate her because of some nonsense pictures or what others says. Doesn't she knows me well enough to know what would trigger my anger?" Jackson asked in annoyance.

"If you weren't angry at her then why didn't you call her once? You didn't send her a text message or even reply to her messages. You didn't even come to see her once so what did you expect her to believe?" Catherine asked sounding upset.

"You don't know how much she blamed herself for what she didn't do. She missed you a lot. Jasmine stayed over at the office just before cause she thought you would drop by to see her. She desperately wanted to talk to you or even see you but you never gave her that opportunity....,"

"Instead of trying to push the blame on each other let's think of how to find her. Who knows whether she was kidnapped again. I can't afford to see her hurt," Jackson said seriously.

"I will call the others to confirm whether Jasmine has contacted them while you try to ask your men watching her where she is now," Catherine suggested in a more composed tone.

"That is a good idea. Let's call each other again afterwards," Jackson readily agreed with Catherine's suggestion.

"Sure," Catherine said before she disconnected the call.

While Jackson and Catherine were busy trying to find Jasmine, somewhere in a restaurant in the heart of Central City two ladies were seen sitting at the opposite side of the table facing each other.

The furious look on one of the ladies faces showed that all was not well.

"Jane, this was not our plan so how dare you push all the blame at me when you are the one who forced me into doing this when I wanted to back out? How could you betray me for your selfish interest?" Samantha, the lady who is now blasted by the public because of the press conference Jane held yelled angrily.

"Betray?" Jane chuckled instead of feeling remorseful for what she did.

"Aren't you the one who betrayed me first by backing out of our previous plan? I wouldn't have scapegoated you if didn't back out of our plan to poison Jasmine. She wouldn't have been alive to cause a nuisance to me....,"

"Betray you? When did I betray you? Didn't I only say I wanted to back out of all your schemes to harm her? And do you think you would have still been sitting here if you had poisoned Mr Avans beloved daughter?" Samantha asked angrily.

"You should be happy I backed out of that plan because instead of sitting down here you would have been in prison for murder right now...,"

"Out plan was full proofed so nothing would have happened. The only thing that would have happened would have been that I would have been the only woman in Jack's life now but you ruined everything," Jane said in annoyance.

"You think you would have been saved after harming Mr Avans daughter? If that's is what you think then you must really be a fool for underestimating Mr Avans," Samantha said coldly. The hate she feels for the lady sitting in front of her couldn't be explained by mere words.

"If you think that you are cold-hearted then let me tell you that you are just learning where Mr Avans is. Mr Avans whom everyone thinks is an angel is a cold-hearted man who would not hesitate to kill if anyone who dare messes with his daughters. He has all of our activities monitored if you don't know," Samantha said in a firm tone.

"With my family background what can that old man possibly do to me...,"

"Harm any of his daughters and you will see what the real Mr Avans is like," Samantha interrupted her coldly.

(MERRY CHRISTMAS, DARLING READERS!!! 🎇🎇🎇🎇.. HAPPY MASS RELEASE!!! 🎉🎉🎉Have a blessed Christmas and don't forget my gifts. The mass release is my gift to you so don't forget my gifts, lovely readers)

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